个体主体,individual subject
1)individual subject个体主体
1.The author holds that the defect of traditional development view does not lie in the dimension of individual subject, but in the mistaken regarding of this dimension as the sole, supreme, and ultimate yardstick, and in the absence of the human subject dimension.近代发展观的缺陷不在于"个体主体"维度,而在于将"个体主体"尺度当作唯一的、至上的、终极的尺度,在于"类主体"的缺位。
2.The study of the development of differentiation of the individual subject can objectively help to learn the changing needs of the society and groups, whereas the study of the individual subject and the object stresses the creativity and success of the subjects because only they have this kind of characteristics.研究个体主体的发展分化,能更客观地认识社会和群体的需要变化。
3.Restriction, regularity and repetition are the expression of objectivity of individual subject s activities.个体主体性集中体现为自觉能动性。

1.Development from Individual Subjectivity to Mankind Subjectivity;从个体主体性到类主体性——当代主体性形态转换研究
2.From Subjectivity of Mankind to Subjectivity of Individual:the Notion of Subjectivity in Li Zehou s Practice Aesthetics;从人类主体性到个体主体性——论李泽厚实践美学的主体性观念
3.Earlier Confucian Consciousness of Individual Self;试论早期儒家思想中的个体主体意识
4.Study on the Subjective Obstacles of Individuals in the Enterprise Knowledge Sharing and Counter Measures;企业知识共享中个体主体主观障碍及对策研究
5.On the Creation Mechanism of Individual Subjectivity Based on Practical Materialism;个体主体性生成机制的实践唯物主义探讨
6.From Individual Body to Class Body--People in Transition and Reform of Philosophical Education;从个体主体到类主体——人的转型与哲学教育的变革
7.Virtue means moral elements that have come into a person's quality.德性是主体化为个体品质的道德单元。
8.Dual Subject Dimensions of Sustainable Development: Individual and Human;可持续发展的双重主体维度:个体和类
9.On the Relation Between“Individualism”and “Collective”in“New Collectivism”;“新集体主义”对“个人”与“集体”关系的诠释
10.S Dimensions-the Individual and Collective of Cross-cultural Management;S维度论—跨文化管理中的个体主义与集体主义
11.Individualism vs. Collectivism:A Cultural Study on Chinese,American and Japanese Management;个体主义与集体主义:中美日管理的文化研究
12.On Collectivism and Individualism Orientations from the Perspective of Chinese and Western Literary Theories;从中西文论史透视集体主义和个体主义取向
13.On the Surpassing of the Inter-subjected Education over the Individual-subjected Education;主体间性教育对个人主体性教育的超越
14.Reflection on the Individual-subjected Education and Construction Human-subjected Education;个人主体教育的反思与类主体教育的建构
15.Cross-cultural Psychology Studies Comment of Individualism and Collectivism个体主义和集体主义的跨文化心理学研究述评
16.Individualism --Subjective Cultural Spirit the Iliad个人主义是《伊利亚特》的主体文化精神
17.Adopting student-oriented approach, promoting individualized autonomous learning;以学生为主体,促进个性化自主学习
18.Probing into Some Problems in Constructing Dominant-mail Part Teaching Model;“主导——主体”模式建构中几个问题的探讨

3)Autonomous characters自主个体
1.Individualism in the Course of China s Social Transition;中国社会变革过程中的个体主义倾向
2.Individualism vs. Collectivism:A Cultural Study on Chinese,American and Japanese Management;个体主义与集体主义:中美日管理的文化研究
3.A Cross-Cultural Study in the Attitude Changes of Chinese and U.S. Students Toward Individualism and Collectivism;对中美大学生在个体主义与集体主义方面态度变化的跨文化研究
5)four interest groups四个主体
1.Study on EU s anti-dumping against China and contradictory relationship among four interest groups;欧盟对华反倾销与四个主体矛盾关系的研究
6)three main bodies三个主体
1.In the congress,Chen Yun proposed the concept of "three main bodies and three supplementaries".中共八大召开前党和国家领导人对我国社会主义经济体制问题的探索,是"三个主体、三个补充"提出的前提。
