复杂劳动,complex labor
1)complex labor复杂劳动
1.Complex labor and simple labor are symmetric, and complex labor is a labor process in which human thinking process prevails.由于大脑自身结构的超复杂性和人们对大脑信息处理机制与过程认识的局限性 ,复杂劳动计量长期以来未能得到有效解决。
2.In this dissertation, a engineering complex labor process and the characteristics of its three main factors are systematically studied, and then it is presented that a complex labor process is a process in which a brain s neural system process fuzzy information in a nonlinear, parallel, from chaos to search the memorized states.研究复杂劳动复杂劳动过程的三要素特性 ,提出复杂劳动是大脑神经网络以非线性、并行的方式进行模糊信息处理的过程 ,是从混沌搜索已知记忆状态的过程。
3.The debates on the issue of conversion between complex labor and simplex labor lasted for more than a century.关于复杂劳动与简单劳动换算的辩争持续了一个多世纪。

1.simple labour and complex labour简单劳动与复杂劳动
2.Deepening the Understanding of Simple labor,Complex Labor and Innovative Labor;深化对简单劳动、复杂劳动和创新劳动的认识
3.Dilemma and Outlet of Conversion between Complex Labor and Simplex Labor;复杂劳动与简单劳动换算的困境与出路
4.A Rediscussion on Cooperation between Complication Labor and Simplicity Labor--To Talk It from Marx s Cooperation Theory;再论复杂劳动与简单劳动的协同——从马克思的协作理论说起
5.On the Theory of Measuring the Value of Human Resources --A problem of restoring simple labor from complex one;论人力资源价值计量的原理——复杂劳动还原为简单劳动的问题
6.Research on Complex Labor Metrology Based on Knowledge and Fuzzy Neural Networks;知识-模糊神经网络在复杂劳动计量中的应用
7.It was productive and complex labor, and it could create more value.科技劳动是生产性的劳动,是复杂劳动,在生产中能够创造较大的价值量。
8.On Complex Labor and Simple Labor Creating Value in Coordination--A General Reflection on the Modernization of Marx s Labor Value Theory;论复杂劳动与简单劳动协同创造价值——关于马克思主义劳动价值论现代化的一般思考
9.The management of entrepreneur is complex labor, which not only can create value, but also can create high value.企业家的管理活动作为复杂劳动,不断能创造价值,而且能创造高价值。
10.Manpower capital and complicated labor have some accommodations with each other, both of which contain the factors of time and technique.人力资本和复杂劳动之间有互相通融的地方,它们都含有时间和技术的因素。
11.This is a complex operation requiring considerable division of labour.这是一项复杂的活动,需要进行周密的劳动分工。
12.a Brief Analysis of Editing Labor Complexity from the Angle of its Three Essential Factors;编辑劳动的复杂性——从编辑劳动三要素视角中分析
13.Had the labor of varying complicate degree created the value?--on the mature and the affect of labor of science and technology;复杂程度不同的劳动是创造价值的劳动吗?——兼论科技劳动的性质和作用
14.The fatigue and psychological exhaustion in sports is a complicated stress reacting process.运动中的疲劳和心理耗竭是复杂的应激反应过程。
15.In the production of literature and art, which involves complex mental labour, it is essential that writers and artists follow their own creative spirit.文艺这种复杂的精神劳动,非常需要文艺家发挥个人的创造精神。
16.On the Evolvement of Labor Complexity and the Change of the Formation Tendency of Average Profitability;劳动复杂程度的演变与平均利润率形成趋势的变化研究
17.Rabotnitsa i sjaljanka《劳动农村妇女》杂志
18.Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.家务劳动通常是繁杂的。

complex labour复杂劳动
3)complicated labor复杂劳动
4)complicated labor force复杂劳动力
5)complex labor and innovative labor复杂劳动和创新劳动
6)simple labour and complex labour简单劳动与复杂劳动
