自然生产力,natural productivity
1)natural productivity自然生产力
1.The paper suggests that the goal of improving and utilizing the slope land is to increase its natural productivity.指出坡地改良利用的目标是使坡地自然生产力提高 ;在坡地改良利用中 ,生态持续性是前提 ,经济持续性是目的 ,两者相辅相成 ,缺一不可 ;各项开发利用的对策、措施都要以提高坡地自然生产力为中心 ,使坡地的生态和经济效益协调地持续发
2.Productivity is the unity of a natural productivity and the social productive forces.生产力是自然生产力与社会生产力的统一。

1.Thinking about Problems of Natural Productive forces and Social Productive forces;关于自然生产力与社会生产力问题的几点思考
2.The Thought of Marxist Natural Productive Forces in the Ecology Sight Field生态视域中的马克思自然生产力思想
3.not produced by natural forces.不是自然力量产生的。
4.harness natural forces and resources.利用自然力和资源力产生动力。
5.happening or arising without apparent external cause.自然产生的不是由显然的外力诱发或产生的。
6.The Relationship Between the Developments of Natural Science and Productivity as Viewed from the Development of History;从自然科学的发展看自然科学与生产力的关系
7.Something produced by human or mechanical effort or by a natural process.产品由人力或机械力或由自然过程生产的东西
8.A Study on Agricultural Land Natural Productive Potential Based on GIS;基于GIS的农用地自然生产潜力研究
9.Analysis on Productive Potential of Agricultural Natural Resource in Hami Region;哈密地区农业自然资源生产潜力分析
10.Harmonious Between Person And Nature: Ecology Productive Forces Development Point of Application;人与自然和谐:生态生产力发展的着力点
11.On Marx's Proposition of "All Productive Forces Boil Down to Natural Forces"马克思论“一切生产力都归结为自然力”命题分析
12.Spontaneous abortion at earlier stages of pregnancy is called miscarriage.流产可自然发生,称自然流产。
14.A Comparative Study on the Production Potential of the Agricultural Natural Resources across Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡两岸农业自然资源生产潜力比较研究
15.Agricultural land use natural production potential trendency in HLJ basin;黑龙江区域农用地自然生产潜力趋势面分析
16.Evaluation system of wheat natural potential productivity at county scale based on GIS基于GIS的县域小麦自然生产潜力评价系统
17.a feeling of spontaneous good spirits.一种自然产生的好心情。
18.contrived by art rather than nature.人工生产而非自然的。

Natural productive force自然生产力
1.In this system,natural productive force is its prerequisite and foundation,social productive force mainbody and core.生产力系统是由自然生产力和社会生产力构成的有机整体。
3)nature productivity自然生产力
1.On the nature productivity;关于自然生产力问题的探讨
4)Grassland productive potential牧草自然生产力
5)natural soil productivity of forest land林地自然生产力
6)Nature resource productivity自然资源生产力

愿力自然【愿力自然】 (术语)众生往生,非由行者之思惟分别,乃依阿弥陀佛之本愿力,自然即得往生也。