本质力量,essential power
1)essential power本质力量
1.People in quality harmony are good at digging up the essential power.这些人最善于挖掘主体的本质力量,能以非凡的气度、宽阔的胸襟、无比的化力容纳、吸收对立因素。
2.His idea on meeting the people s demand,respecting the essential power of the people and cultivating new human for the socialist China had been the main content and feature.满足人的需要、尊重人的本质力量和塑造中国特色社会主义的时代新人构成其人学理念的主要内容和鲜明特色。
3.a newnon-logical character of objectivity thinking, the essential power of perceptual activity and inter-subjectivity in Marx s ontology in the critical context of the logic of traditional philosophy in contemporary philosophical existentialism(M.本文在当代哲学存在论(主要是海德格尔的哲学)对传统哲学逻辑的对象性思维的批判语境中 ,考察了马克思存在论新的非逻辑的、关于感性活动的、交互主体性本质力量的对象性思维特征 ;描述了其基于自身性而与自我性的交互性超越结构 ,及其是如何达到存在之社会本质的理解和确证的 ;指出了马克思的存在论思维仍是在当代具有巨大创新和批判意义的思想资

1.The Beauty of Article is the Embodiment of People s Essential Strength Target;文章美是人的本质力量对象化的体现
2.On"Beauty is the Objectifcation of Human being s Essential Capability;如何认识“美是人的本质力量的对象化”
3.Productivity is the essential public display of the human--On the nature of the development of contemporary China;生产力是人的本质力量的公开展示——试论当代中国发展的本质
4.The Essential Power of Human Consist in Aesthetic Judgement;人的本质力量在于审美——重读朱光潜《谈美书简》
5.Challenging "Beauty is the Objectization of the Strength of Human Nature" in Contemporary Context;对当代语境中“美是人的本质力量的对象化”的质疑
6.Quantum mechanics is basically statistical in nature.量子力学本质上基本是统计性的。
7.Striving to Improve the Teaching Quality and Build the Qualified Four-year College;努力提高教学质量 建设合格本科院校
8.Strengthening the quality cost management to improving the competing power of enterprises;加强质量成本管理 提高企业竞争能力
9.This artical approaches the dynamics of relative motion of a system with variable mass.本文研究变质量质点系的相对运动动力学。
10.The Lyric Intrinsic Power --The Artistic Characteristics of Monk s Poem;自然而本质的抒情力量——芒克诗歌的艺术特质
11.The Quality Assurance System and Market Forces in Japanese Higher Education;日本高等教育中的质量保障体制和市场力量
12.Exploit Human Capital,Improve Rural Human Resources Quality;开发人力资本 提高我国农村人力资源质量
13.The Stock of Human Capital and Physical Capital in China: An Estimate Based on the Total Capital Framework中国人力资本和物质资本存量:基于总资本框架的估算
14.Enhancing the Quality of Rural Human Resources,Fastening the Building of a New Countryside in Hebei Province;提高农村人力资本质量 加快河北省新农村建设
15.Estimating Hidden Quality Cost of Conforming Products with Process Capability Index;运用过程能力指数估算合格品隐性质量成本
16.An Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Human Capital to Economic Growth of Qingdao;青岛市人力资本与经济增长质量的实证分析
17.Strengthening Teaching Management to Improve the Quality of Graduates Diploma Design;加强教学管理 努力提高本科毕业设计质量
18.Discussion on the Relation Model Between Quality Cost and Sigma Capability;质量成本与西格玛能力之关系模型探讨

objectivity of Man's essential power本质力量对象化
3)human essential power人的本质力量
4)subjective essential powers主体本质力量
5)the object of human essential power本质力量的对象化
6)an object of essential art人的本质力量的对象化

本质映射本质映射essential mappng  本质映射[.皮刘间..月,甩;ey叫eeTaea一oe oTo6一a-狱e朋el 把拓扑空间x映成闭单形r”的连续映射f,使得在集合f一’(于·\尹)的所有点上和f相同的任何连续映射关:x~于”都是映成整个于·的映射.例如,把于”映成自身的恒等映射是本质映射.【补注】本质映射用来刻画正规空间的夜盖维数(见维数(山庄猫沁n)).正规空间(nom词sPa以治)的概盖维数)n的充要条件是:存在一个把该空间映成”维闭单形尹的本质映射.