社会博弈,social game
1)social game社会博弈
1.Based on Hobbesian and Lockean theoretic frame,this paper discusses the role and action of government in social game,and elucidates social connotation of selective strategies that government and citizen are facing in social game.文章基于霍布斯和洛克的理论框架,讨论了政府在社会博弈中的角色和作用,并且阐发了社会博弈中政府与公民所面临的策略选择及均衡结果的社会意义,尤其对于社会契约关系中退出机制的安排和由此引发的重新谈判问题进行了深入的思考,为进一步研究关于社会契约的治理及其结构性安排等问题奠定了基础。
2.The transition of incentive mechanisms is the logical starting point,and the drive of social games reflects the influence of motive force and resistance power in China s reform.激励机制的转型是中国改革的逻辑起点,社会博弈的推进反映了中国改革的动力和阻力的较量。
2)social welfare game社会福利博弈
3)social game structure社会博弈结构
4)opportunity loss of game博弈机会损失
1.Based on the comparison of Nash-Equilibrium,general equilibrium and Pareto optimum,opportunity loss of game is defined from the view of payment function,according to the difference between cooperation game and non-cooperation game.在对博弈中的纳什均衡、经济中的一般均衡和帕累托最优的概念进行比较之后,从博弈支付函数的角度利用合作博弈与非合作博弈之间的区别,提出了博弈机会损失的概念,以博弈机会损失与为消除博弈机会损失而采取的措施的成本之间的权衡作为是否采取措施的判据。
5)Game theory and Accounting博弈论与会计
6)Game Theory博弈
1.Using the game theory to analyze the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprise’s optimal choice between innovation and imitation in China;我国中小医药企业的创新与仿制的博弈分析
2.Driver's response behavior analysis with game theory;基于驾驶员反应行为的诱导博弈分析
3.Non-bottom tender and offering game theory model study of project bidding;工程招投标中无标底投标报价博弈模型研究

1.search game AND/OR tree搜索博弈“与或”树
2.Interest Game and Value Game in Policy Formulation in China论政策过程中的利益博弈与价值博弈
3.Geopolitics of Central Asia:"Great Game" and "Small Game"中亚的地缘政治:“大博弈”与“小博弈
4.backed-up value倒推值 -博弈树中的
5.China s Political Game from 1966 to 1976;1966——1976中国的政治博弈
6.Analysis of Horizontal Merger Based on Stackelberg Competition;Stackelberg横向兼并博弈的分析
7.We prove that there is a unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the dynamic game.证明了该动态博弈存在唯一的子博弈精炼均衡。
8.Summarization of Game Theory s Developments and Functional Analysis Applications in Game Theory;博弈论发展综述与泛函分析在博弈论中的应用
9.The Game in the Microeconomic Analysis--Probe into the Risk and Game;微观经济分析中的博弈——风险与博弈论初探
10.Market entry game in supply chain based on evolutionary game;基于进化博弈的供应链市场进入博弈分析
11.The Insurance Fraud Game and Insurance Contract Based on Optimal Game Strategies;保险欺诈博弈与基于最优博弈策略的保险契约
12.Method of identification for game of human-water harmony and calculation on game force人水和谐的博弈辨识方法及博弈力计算
13.Game equilibrum Strategy is discussed and equilibrium result is deduced.分别讨论了一次博弈和重复博弈的均衡战略;在设计的行为规则下,推导了博弈均衡结果。
14.The game is the dynamic game of incomplete information.政府与农民之间的博弈属于不完全信息动态博弈
16.A Hybrid Game Tree Algorithm and Its Application Research in Chinese Chess Man-machine Game;一种混合博弈树算法在中国象棋人机博弈中的应用研究
17.The Correlated Strategy and Game With Contract and Equilibria in the Games of Finitely Strategic Form;有限策略型博弈中的相关策略与具有合约的博弈及其均衡
18.Chess playing research of China stock market s participating main body--relation between personal investor and structure investor;中国证券市场参与主体的博弈研究——个人投资者、机构投资者的博弈

social welfare game社会福利博弈
3)social game structure社会博弈结构
4)opportunity loss of game博弈机会损失
1.Based on the comparison of Nash-Equilibrium,general equilibrium and Pareto optimum,opportunity loss of game is defined from the view of payment function,according to the difference between cooperation game and non-cooperation game.在对博弈中的纳什均衡、经济中的一般均衡和帕累托最优的概念进行比较之后,从博弈支付函数的角度利用合作博弈与非合作博弈之间的区别,提出了博弈机会损失的概念,以博弈机会损失与为消除博弈机会损失而采取的措施的成本之间的权衡作为是否采取措施的判据。
5)Game theory and Accounting博弈论与会计
6)Game Theory博弈
1.Using the game theory to analyze the small and medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprise’s optimal choice between innovation and imitation in China;我国中小医药企业的创新与仿制的博弈分析
2.Driver's response behavior analysis with game theory;基于驾驶员反应行为的诱导博弈分析
3.Non-bottom tender and offering game theory model study of project bidding;工程招投标中无标底投标报价博弈模型研究

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决