市场经济理论,market economy theory
1)market economy theory市场经济理论
1.This paper will take for theory basis of the new stage regional development plan for socialism modern times market economy theory large coordinate holographic economic move theory and labour district division of labor theory, to analyze the three large.本文将社会主义现代市场经济理论、大协调全息经济运行论和劳动地域分工理论作为新时期区域发展规划的理论基础,并分析了三大理论对区域发展规划的指导作用。
2.Deng Xiao-ping′s socialist market economy theory and his thinking on rule of law, the major parts of Deng Xiaoping Theory , acted in unison and pushed each other forward, which embodied his view of the socialism nature. 邓小平社会主义市场经济理论与法治思想是邓小平理论的重要内容,二者在形成和发展中统一互动,体现了邓小平的社会主义本质观。
3.The thesis analyzes Chandler s market economy theory.文章对钱德勒的市场经济理论进行了分析,钱德勒认为,现代市场经济是看得见的手管理协调下的市场经济,看得见的手不仅指政府管理协调,而且还包括现代企业特别是大企业的管理协调。

1.Discuss on the Reform of Medical Market by Theory of Market Economy;运用市场经济理论 浅析医疗市场改革
2.The Marxism and the Theory of Socialist Market Economy;马克思主义与社会主义市场经济理论
3.The formation and development of socialism market economy theories;社会主义市场经济理论的形成和发展
4.The Key in the Construction of The Theory of the Marxist Market Economy;建设马克思主义市场经济理论的关键
5.Interpretation of Deng Xiaoping s Socialist Market Economy;"邓小平社会主义市场经济理论"解读
6.A Review of Market Economy Theory of the Western Neo-liberalism;西方新自由主义的市场经济理论述评
7.A Theory of Non-market Failure and China s Process of Market Economy;非市场失灵理论与中国市场经济实践
8.The Theory Reseach of Second-hand Market under the Socialist Market Economy;市场经济条件下旧货市场的理论研究
9.Das Kapital: Theoretical Classics of Market Economy《资本论》:市场经济的理论经典
10.On the Management of Modern University in Market Economy;试论市场经济下现代大学的经营理念
11.Again on Two Theoretical Issues of the Generality of Market Economy再论市场经济一般的两个理论问题
12.Research on new institutional economics and the innovation of the theory of marketing;论新制度经济学与市场营销理论创新
13.On the Theoretical Foundation of Chinese Socialist Market Economy论中国社会主义市场经济的理论基础
14.The Theoretiocal Proof that China is One of Market Economy Countries--On China s Nascent Market Economy Stage;中国已属于市场经济国家的理论证明——论中国已处于初期市场经济
15.On management by law of map market in market economy;论市场经济条件下地图市场的依法管理
16.Theoretically speaking, the nature of market economy is just to be the exchange economy.从理论上讲 ,市场经济的实质就是交换经济。
17.The Theoretical Discussion about "Social Economic Person" under the Socialism Market Economy;社会主义市场经济中“社会经济人”的理论探讨
18.Theoretical Deliberation Over Public-Ownership Economy in Market Economy;市场经济条件下发展公有制经济的理论思考

Market economic theory市场经济理论
1.An idea that we should apply the market economic theory to the higher vocational education circles is investigated and studied in the pape本文对把市场经济理论运用于高等职业教育领域进行了尝试和探
3)the theory of the socialist market economy市场经济论
4)theory of socialist market economy社会主义市场经济理论
1.Deng Xiao-ping raised and formed his theory of socialist market economy during the process of leading China to conduct opening and reforming policy on the basis of learning from the experience and lessons of international and interior socialist construction.列宁在领导苏维埃俄国恢复国民经济的过程中,根据俄国当时所面临的国内外实际提出并实行了新经济政策;邓小平在领导和指导中国改革开放的过程中,总结国内外社会主义建设的经验教训,提出并形成了社会主义市场经济理论
5)DENG Xiao-ping's theory about market economy邓小平市场经济理论
6)socialist market economy theory社会主义市场经济理论
1.Deng Xiaoping’s theory achieves innovation in Marxism’s basic theory by accepting socialist market economy theory through applying dialectical materialism and forms a new theory paradigm.邓小平理论重新匡正了唯物辩证法在马克思主义中的灵魂地位,并运用这一方法实现了以社会主义市场经济理论为标志的马克思主义基本理论创新,形成一个新的理论范式。
2.guided by both practice character of dealing with concrete matters relating to work and by innovating character of exploring courageously, socialist market economy theory has improved gradually.实践品格和创新品格是邓小平理论蕴涵的两大品格 ,正是在邓小平求真务实的实践品格和大胆探索的创新品格的指导下 ,社会主义市场经济理论从无到有逐渐形成并完善起来 ,使马克思主义理论得到重大发展。
