社会主义经济制度,socialist economic system
1)socialist economic system社会主义经济制度
1.The base of socialist economic system is socialist public ownership,not private ownership.“社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度”与“社会主义经济制度”是既相联系又有区别的概念。
2.Taking these explorations in the three periods as the clue,this paper is to analyze the role and status of planed economy thought in the structuring of socialist economic system from the perspective of economic thought.十月革命后,俄国成为世界上第一个社会主义国家,俄国共产党人第一次面临社会主义经济制度构建的问题。
3.Although the difference in their research subjects leads to difference in their focus,it is found that the two theories should be fused in epistemology and research foundations when studying socialist economic system.实际上,尽管他们研究主题的差异决定二者的侧重点不同,但是从社会主义经济制度研究视野出发,可以发现二者在方法论和研究基础上存在着融通的必要性。

1.The justice of the socialist economic system abandonment of the justice of capitalist economic system.社会主义经济制度正义是对资本主义经济制度正义的扬弃。
2.Public Ownership is the Fundamental of Soeialist Economic Institution;论公有制是社会主义经济制度的基础
3.Advancing with Times: the Theory of Economic System of Socialism;论社会主义经济制度理论的与时俱进
4.Research on Chinese Special Socialist Economic System怎样研究中国特色社会主义经济制度
5.The Economic System and Economic Development of A Harmonious Socialist Society;社会主义和谐社会的经济制度与经济发展
6.Economic System Foundation for Eco-Economy and a Harmonious Socialist Society经济生态与社会主义和谐社会的经济制度基础
7.The Basic Economic System:the Motive Force of Ownership for Socialist Economic Development;基本经济制度:社会主义经济发展的所有制动力
8.On Business Partnership System;社会主义市场经济下的商事合伙制度
9.Theory about Honest and Credit System Construction of Socialism Market Economy;社会主义市场经济诚信制度建构刍议
10.The Research on Relation between the Socialist System and Market Ecnonmy试论社会主义制度与市场经济的关系
11.Laissez-faire Is the Nucleus of Establishing Socialist Market Economy System经济自由是构造社会主义市场经济制度的核心
12.Comment on the Construction of Social Guarantee System under the Socialist Market Economy;论社会主义市场经济的社会保障制度建设
13.The Research Scope for the Economic Institutional Basis of Socialist Harmonious Society社会主义和谐社会经济制度基础的研究视域
14.Economic Foundation Major in Socialistic Public Ownership;公有制为主体的经济是社会主义制度的基础
15.The social and economic system has been changed; individual economy has been transformed into collective economy, and capitalist private ownership is being transformed into socialist public ownership.社会经济制度变化了,个体经济变为集体经济,资本主义私有制正在变为社会主义公有制。
16.The accumulation of Chinese socialist original capital is the economic foundation of the socialist system.中国社会主义原始资本的积累,是社会主义制度建立的经济基础。
17.Socialist Market Economy and People s Congress System;社会主义市场经济与人民代表大会制度
18.Old-Age-Insurance System and Socialist Market Economic System;养老保障制度与社会主义市场经济体制

socialism basic economic system社会主义基本经济制度
3)economic system of socialist society社会主义社会的经济制度
4)speed of economic development in socialist country社会主义经济发展速度
5)socialist market economic system社会主义市场经济体制
1.By institutionalizing consciousness of justice,arousing consciousness of morality of self-examination and nurturing the justice consciousness of people in mutually linking to economic benefits,the socialist market economic system can promote people reach justice consensus.社会主义市场经济体制把"公正之心"制度化,唤醒人的道德内省意识,能够在对于公民的经济利益的关联中培育公民的"公正之心",促进社会达成正义共识。
2.Civil law and socialist market economic system are two kinds of essential regulating mechanism of law, the legislation and practice of which should be reinforced and perfected.民法和经济法是社会主义市场经济体制不可缺少的两种法律调节机制 ,应加强和完善这两个部门法的立法和实施工作 ;民法和经济法也必须互相配合 ,才能保障我国社会主义市场经济的健康运行。
3.Remarkable progress has been made in China s economic system reform and the framework of a socialist market economic system has been initially established in the 10 years or so since 1992.1992年至今的10年间,我国从明确提出到初步建立社会主义市场经济体制,经济体制改革取得重大进展。
6)socialist market economy system社会主义市场经济体制
1.On the Inevitability of Establishing Socialist Market Economy System in Our Country;论我国建立社会主义市场经济体制的必然性
2.This paper explores the shift to the market economy system in the special process at present China,new accountant standards issued is the inner request to set up the quite perfect socialist market economy system,which quality characteristic is decided by the essence of the market economy.论述了当前中国向市场经济体制转轨的特殊过程中,新会计准则的发布是建设比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制的内在要求。
3.The meaning of the Weber pattern lies in that it has not only provided a theoretical basis for the socialist market economy system.“韦伯模式”的意义在于既为社会主义市场经济体制提供了理论依据,又为今天的中国深化改革、完善社会主义市场经济体制提供了启示。
