假文凭,fake diploma
1)fake diploma假文凭
1.Role played by higher educational schools in cracking down on fake diplomas;论高校在打击假文凭中的作用
2.However,in recent years a large amount of fake diplomas and academic qualifications are unchecked in large scale.大量的假文凭,假学历日益猖獗。

1.Analysis on Counterfeit Diploma--On Countermeasures to Control Counterfeit Diploma in Record Departments;透视文凭造假现象及成因——谈档案部门治理假文凭的对策
2.Problem of "a Forgded Diploma "in Buiding a Harmonious Society;和谐社会建设中的高学历“假文凭”问题
3.Forged diplomas are flooding China; some cadres on the job are also holding forged diploma中国假文凭泛滥成灾 在职干部很多被验出持假证
4.US schools, especially elite ones, are extremely mindful of their reputation and sensitive to any faking of diplomas;美国大学,尤其是那些名牌大学,特别在意自己的声誉,对那些假文凭的事极为敏感.
5.Fang mulled it over for a while, suspecting that the Irishman was undoubtedly up to tricks.If he bought a bogus diploma and went back to dupe other people with it, wouldn't he himself be a fraud?方鸿渐盘算一下,想爱尔兰人无疑在捣鬼,自己买张假文凭回去哄人,岂非也成了骗子?
6."Why should he care whether Han Hsǚeh-yǚ's diploma was fake or not?" he thought.In any case Han and he were good friends, and that was all that mattered.他想韩学愈的文凭假不假,管它干么,反正这人跟自己要好就是了。
7.The investigation is only into diploma mills, not outright ré sumé falsification.该项调查只针对“文凭作坊”,并不直接针对简历造假。
8.Doc(s) [documents]凭证、单据、文件[
9.One who is released on parole.获假释者,假释犯,凭誓获释者获假释的人或凭宣誓而获释的人
10.if They ever Tell and Rot.若有半点私心假意泄密,任凭处罚。
11.He boasted that he had crashed the United States with a phony passport.他曾夸口说,他曾凭假护照闯进美国。
12.There is nothing in it; the whole story is an absolute invention.全是假话,整个故事是凭空捏造出来的。
13.Professional Diploma in Diagnostic Radiography放射诊断学专业文凭
14.Diploma of Community Child Health [DCCH]社区儿科卫生学文凭
15.Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [DTM&H]热带病及卫生学文凭
16.Advanced Diploma in Prosthodontics [AdvDipPros]牙科修复学高级文凭
17.diploma in management studies学习管理的毕业文凭
18.Special Commission on Certificated Masters文凭教师研究委员会

counterfeit diploma文凭造假
1.But in recent years,there is an overflow of counterfeit diploma on the market,which has become a public hazard.本文揭示了文凭造假现象的现状和成因,提出建立健全规范的人事档案工作以治理文凭造假,维护文凭信用,确保人事档案的真实性。
3)A Talk on Eliminating Fake Diplomas试谈治理假文凭
1.Diploma Exchanging with Social Resource: Sociological Analysis;文凭与社会资源交换的社会学分析
2.The exchangeable value of diploma is analyzed in social exchange theory terms.从社会交换的角度分析文凭的交换价值。
3.There are some irreplaceable advantages in self-study examination of higher education with higher gold content in its diploma and its open,flexible teaching.高等教育自学考试有不可替代的优势:文凭有着较高的含金量,教学开放、灵活等。
5)diploma programs文凭授予
6)water-injection diploma注水文凭
1.This paper introduces the concept and substance of water-injection diploma,reveals the reasons of the generation of water-injection diploma,and probes into the countermeasures for solving the problem of water-injection diploma.介绍了"注水文凭"的概念及实质,剖析了"注水文凭"的产生原因,探讨了解决"注水文凭"的对策。
