知识合作,Knowledge Cooperation
1)Knowledge Cooperation知识合作
1.Analysis on Knowledge Cooperation Construct Innovation Cluster;企业知识合作形成创新群分析
2.Factors Influencing Inter-firm Knowledge Cooperation on Supply Chain供应链企业间知识合作影响因素分析

1.On Principles of Knowledge Co-operation and Its Means of Implementation among Knowledge Networks知识网络中的知识合作原理及其实现途径
2.Residual Interest in Knowledge Cooperation:Mechanism of Enterprise Cooperative Knowledge Innovation;知识合作剩余:合作知识创新创造企业竞争优势的机理分析
3.Research on the Knowledge Synergy of Knowledge Chain s Inter-firm Cooperation;知识链组织之间合作的知识协同研究
4.ASEAN Framework on Intellectual Property Cooperation东盟知识产权合作框架
5.Knowledge supply chain:a new mode of enterprise cooperative knowledge innovation;知识供应链:企业合作知识创新的新方式
6.Study on Drives of Inter-Organizational Cooperative Knowledge Creation in Knowledge-Chain and Their Function Mechanism知识链组织间合作知识创造的动因及机理研究
7.The Intellectual Property Department will continue to work closely with the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Society and other intellectual property organisations to promote intellectual property protection.知识产权署会继续与香港知识产权会及其他知识产权机构紧密合作,加强保护知识产权。
8.An Empirical Study on Knowledge Expropriation with Knowledge Protection: The Moderating Effects of Trust;联盟合作中的知识流失风险与知识保护:信任的调节作用研究
9.On the Relationship of Knowledge Sharing and Cooperation Performance between R&D Cooperative Enterprises;研发合作企业间知识共享与合作绩效的关系
10.The factories, the co-operatives and the shops are the real sources of knowledge.真正出知识的地方是工厂、合作社、商店。
11.Research on Knowledge Alliance s Cooperation Innovation Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的知识联盟合作创新研究
12.Research on Knowledge-based Supply Chain Partnership;基于知识的供应链合作伙伴关系研究
13.The Key Factors Analysis of the Cooperative R&D Based Knowledge Creation Management;合作研发知识创新管理关键因素分析
14.Study on Management of Intellectual Property Right in the International Science and Technology Cooperation;国际科技合作中的知识产权管理研究
15.The Cooperative Innovation System of Industry,University and Research I nstitute and Independent Intellectual Property;产学研合作创新体系与自主知识产权
16.Analysis of Influencing Mechanism Base on the Cooperation of Organizational Member Impact on Knowledge Sharing;成员合作对知识共享的影响机制分析
17.Research on Relation Ties of Knowledge Chain s Inter-firm Cooperation;知识链组织之间合作的关系强度研究
18.The E-commerce cooperates colleague s knowledge shares the mechanism research;电子商务合作伙伴知识共享机制研究

knowledge collaborative production知识合作生产
3)collaborative knowledge creation合作知识创新
1.The conditions on which the trans-organizational resources can be shared with collaboration kept on in collaborative knowledge creation is explored taking the game theory as a framework,the collaboration for knowledge creation is separately modeled as a Stackelberg leader-follower game,i.研究了合作知识创新中的跨组织资源共享及合作维系的条件。
2.The sharing of resources in inter-organizational collaborative knowledge creation was explored.探讨了合作知识创新中的跨组织资源共享,采用博弈论方法,分别用主从博弈决策模型和协同合作决策模型方法,研究了一个领导组织和一个从属组织之间的合作情况,求出了知识创新投入的均衡值、领导组织的参与率、跟随者的参与率、各自期望收益以及创新的总体期望收益,并比较了两种博弈形式下各组织的收益和整体收益。
4)residual interest in knowledge cooperation知识合作剩余
1.Mechanism of residual interest in knowledge cooperation create competitive advantage;企业竞争优势的知识合作剩余创造机理
2.Causation of Creation of Residual Interest in Knowledge Cooperation in International Joint Venture;跨国合资企业形成知识合作剩余的创造动因分析
3.The paper puts forward the concept of residual interest in knowledge cooperation and explains the connotation of cooperative knowledge innovation to create enterprise s competitive advantage.从合作剩余的含义着手,提出了知识合作剩余的概念,解释了合作知识创新创造企业竞争优势的内涵,为企业采取与外部单位合作知识创新战略来发展核心力提供了依据和思路。
5)cooperation in the field of knowledge property right知识产权合作
1.The cooperation in the field of knowledge property right is an important part in the China-ASEAN free trade zone, and an inevitable outcome of the trend of history.知识产权合作是中国—东盟自由贸易区非常重要的内容,双方知识产权合作是历史的应然。
6)Knowledge Exchange and Cooperation知识交流和合作

法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团  【法国储蓄合作杜和信贷合作社集团】集团中有:(l)向所有公寓住宅建筑商以及取得住宅者提供必需的信贷援助的专门机构—住宅信贷组织。(2)从事研究和为促进旅游和社会业余娱乐事业提供资金的业余娱乐装备合作同盟。(3)为各类职业合作社提供担保基金,以便进行风险上的互助的职业装备合作社。