分享经济,sharing economy
1)sharing economy分享经济
1.In the 1980s,in order to solve the problems of deficient motivity in economic development,both Chinese and western economists happened to come up with the thought of sharing economy almost simultaneously,which proved a new system for benefit sharing to eliminate the benefit conflicts in traditional systems.为解决经济发展动力不足的问题,20世纪80年代,中西经济学家不约而同地提出建立起一种新的利益共享制度来消除传统体制中的利益矛盾,即分享经济的思想。
2.The theory of sharing economy includes approximately two forms,namely the western theory of sharing economy and the Chinese theory sharing economy based on public-owned system.分享经济理论大致包括西方分享经济理论和中国公有制分享经济理论两种形态。
3.Compared with wage economy, sharing economy has its own advantages: a large number of empty jobs; stronger tendency to go back for equilibrium when the economy lost balance and natural mechanism against inflation.与支薪经济相比,分享经济具有三个优点始终存在大量的就业空缺、偏离均衡时具有更强的返回均衡的倾向、具有反通货膨胀的天然机制。

1.From Benefit Monopolization to Participation:On Sharing Economic Theories in China and the West;从利益独占到利益分享——中西分享经济理论述评
2.The View of the Participation Economy of the Public-owned System: a New Thought about the Reform of Economy System in China;公有制分享经济观:中国经济体制改革新思维
3.Illustration of Welfare Economics for the Farmer Sharing the Economic Development Achievement for Balance福利经济学对农民均衡分享经济发展成果诠释
4.References to Socialist Sharing Economic Theory with Chinese Characteristics中国特色社会主义分享经济理论述要
5.Increasing Labor Income Can Let Laborers Share the Result of Economic and Social Development;提高劳动收入使劳动者分享经济社会发展成果
6.Development and Enlightment of Practical form about Sharing Economic from Reform and Opening-up改革开放以来分享经济实践形式的发展及启示
7.Using Chinese-characteristic Sharing Economic Mechanism to Stimulate Consumption Demand运用中国特色分享经济机制刺激消费需求
8.The Development of Sharing the Practice Forms of Economy in Thirty-year Economic Reform and Its Enlightenment经济改革三十年来分享经济实践形式的发展及其启示
9.Development of Practical Forms of Shared Economy and its Enlightenment in the 30-year Economic Reform经济改革30年来分享经济实践形式的发展及其启示
10.Economic Analysis of Electronic Goverment Affairs Information Resource Sharing;电子政务信息资源共享的经济学分析
11.The Economic Analysis of Human Capital Owner Sharing the Enterprise Ownership;人力资本所有者分享企业所有权的经济学分析
12.Analysis of the Regions Economic Optional Growth on the Basis of Sharing Investment;分享投资条件下的区域最优经济增长分析(英文)
13.Economic Analysis about Property Right Deployment and Benefit Allotment of Genetic Resources基因资源产权归属与利益分享的经济分析
14.The economic analyses on the enterprise surplus which the laborers enjoy to have;劳动者合理享有企业剩余的经济学分析
15.The Measurement of Contribution of Off-Farm Workers to Economic Growth and the Fruits of Economic Growth They Shared;农民工对经济增长贡献及成果分享的定量测量
16.The Cross-border Production Sharing and It's Conductive Mechanism on International Business Cycle跨境生产分享与国际经济周期传导机制研究
17.Research on the Benefit Evaluation and Share Mechanism of Energy Conservation Project in ESCoESCo节能项目的经济效益评价及分享机制研究
18.Economic Analysis of the Share of Sports Facility Between Schools and Communities学校体育设施资源与社区共享的经济学分析

Right to Share Economic Benefit经济分享权
3)the sharing of economic sovereignty经济主权分享
1.Because in reality the sharing of economic sovereignty is not equal in different countries,it generally profits more a kind of economy that is from foreign countries and brings unsafe trend as far as the country that is ente.经济主权分享是经济全球化进程中的普遍现象 ,具有相互性的特点 ,在形式上表现为一国经济主权空间和权能的分让 ,在实质上则是经济权益的互相共享。
4)The Share Economy Theory分享经济理论
5)On Sharing Economy略论分享经济
6)sharing economic system分享经济制度

对称、分享上限、回廊及其他对称、分享上限、回廊及其他  率。如果市场利率低于起动利率,期权作废。这两种类型的障碍期权都可以在期权费上有所节省。一般可适用于利率走势较少波动比较稳定的情形。因此,市场利率上升超过起动利率,向上溢价的障碍期权生效,其保值功能发挥作用。反之,当市场利率跌至向下损价起动利率水平时,障碍期权作废,自然不具有保值功能。 迟付或自筹金上限(户犷一lal比r orse拼一几哑山飞c月冲)。这一金融工具有一个很明显的好处即它不需要预付期权费。这种期权的价格总是以分期付款来标价的。在各个分期付款期内,只有当期权为溢价上限期权时才支付期权费。如果到时不需要保值,那么迟付期权就是免费的。一般说来,迟付期权的价格要比标准期权的人格贵许多,就平价期权看,大约要贵一倍左右。因此,借款方在考虑采用迟付期权上限时必须确信市场利率的上涨不是徘徊在上限期权水平附近,而是大大地高出上限期权水平,只有这样才值得用这一金融品种进行保值。中来。表格5中所列示的是分享上限的分享比率,分享期权的执行利率均高于例子中所采用4.75%的五年期互换利率。如果比率远期在执行利率4.5%的水平上,那么配套比率是1.6倍,在利率走势与远期利率一致的条件下,保值效果要比4.67%的市场借款利率好。当期权的执行利率下跌到3 .5%的时候,实际借款利率进一步降至4.解%,显然要比市场上通行的互换利率低51个基点。不过在这种情形下,配套比也相应地上升到令人吃惊的刀.9倍,这种结果无论是借款方还是银行都不会愿意接受。 此外,利用我们在以前所介绍过的一些奇异的期权类型还可以组成一些新型的金融工具。虽然这些非同寻常的金融创新品种尚未被推向市场作为利率风险的管理手段,但这仅仅是一个时间问题,因为有些这方面的金融产品(以奇异期权为基础的)已开始出现在金融市场上,可以相信随着时间的推移,它们会逐步在金融市场上流行。 下面我们再来举几个有关这方面的例子。 平均利率上限,(Ave姆罗毗caP),又叫基准利率上限(l拍Se ratecaP)。这是指当借款方采用浮动利率方法来为自己筹资,为抵御利率变动风险给借款方带来损失,就可以采用平均利率上限来达到保值目的。一个比较典型的例子是,客户借人一笔资金,其利率与银行的基准利率挂钩或者与银行的优惠利率挂钩。