知识商品,knowledge commodity
1)knowledge commodity知识商品
1.The knowledge commodity markets in digital libraries are the places to realize knowledge commodity business.数字图书馆知识商品市场是实现知识商品交易的场所。
2.In knowledge age, production, management, consumption of knowledge commodity will be become a mainstream of social economy development.知识经济是商品市场经济的高级阶段,在知识经济时代,知识商品的生产、经营、消费将成为社会经济发展的主流。

1.Establishing Major of Knowledge Commodity Management and Training Professional Talents of Knowledge Management;建立知识商品经营专业 培养知识经营职业人才
2.The Running Mechanism of Knowledge Commodity Markets of Digital Libraries;论数字图书馆和知识商品市场运行机制
3.Study on the Dealing Price of Intellectual Commodity in the Process of Informationization;信息化进程中知识商品交易价格问题研究
4.The Correlation Between the Commercialization of Knowledge and Higher Education in Post-modern Point of View后现代视野中知识商品化与高等教育的相关性研究
5.New Thoughts on the Value of Commldity;商品价值新探——兼论知识对商品价值生产的作用
6.Thus, professionalism is the core value of Paragon Investment Manager Inc.「知识的力量来自于商品化的能力!」
7.Research on the Protection for Intellectual Property Rights of Customs Exports;海关出口商品知识产权保护问题研究
8.Commercial Bank s Custom Knowledge Management and Products Innovation;商业银行的客户知识管理与产品创新
9.Knowledge and Education as International Commodities: The Collapse of the Common Good;作为国际商品的知识与教育:公共产品的消解
10.The Particularity of Commodity Value Creation in the Knowledge-Based Economy;知识经济条件下商品价值创造的特殊性
11.Study on Customs Protection of Intellectual Property of Export Commodities in China;我国海关出口商品知识产权保护制度研究
12.The Effects of the Supplier Knowledge Integration on the Performance of the New Product Development;供应商知识整合的新产品开发绩效实证
14.The Tide of Merchandise of Pysical Education Culture in Times of Knowledge lndustry;知识经济时代的学校体育文化的商品化趋势
15.A Summaries of the Factors that Influence the Evaluation of Intellectual Property Value;知识产权商品价值评估中影响因素综述
16.A consumer shall strive to master all of the necessary information and the ability to use a commodity or service, shall use commodities properly and shall increase awareness of self protection.消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,正确使用商品,提高自我保护意识。
17.Knowledge-based Commerce Architecture with Convergence of E-commerce and Knowledge Management--K-commerce;基于电子商务与知识管理收敛的商务结构知识——知识商务
18.The Commercialization of Knowledge in the Informalized Society--A Perspective of Lyotard s Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge;信息化社会中知识的商品化——透视利奥塔的《后现代状态:关于知识的报告》

knowledge commercialized知识商品化
3)intellectual property commodity知识产权商品
1.The production of intellectual commodity is an open system, labor is the internal factor which affects the value of intellectual property commodity; exchange is the external factor which affects the intellectual commodity value.影响知识产权商品价值评估的因素是多种多样的。
4)On Merchandization of Intellect论知识商品化
5)major of knowledge commodity management知识商品经营专业
1.Studying and establishment major of knowledge commodity management and training professional talents of knowledge management will play great role to promote social economy development with high speed.研究、建立知识商品经营专业,培养知识经营职业技能人才,对促进社会经济高速发展将发挥重大作用。
6)business knowledge商务知识
1.Economic globalization presents a new requirement to the talents that they should know not only their specialties but also English,and business knowledge and intercultural communication as well.经济全球化对人才提出了新的要求:他们要既懂专业知识又精通英语,还要通晓商务知识,善于跨文化交流。
2.Finally,the author argues that BEI should be treated from new perspectives:the primary focus should be given to business knowledge while language learning ranks second.本文从语言与商务知识关系的角度对商务英语的教学内容及所存在的问题进行探讨并提出对策。

中药材商品知识中药材商品知识  中药著作。潘纲撰。全书分总论、各论两部分。总论述中药起源及简史、中药材命名、采集加工、鉴别、加工炮制、贮藏和保管、中药人员柜台配方知识、汤剂的煎煮等。各论录常用中草药665种(751味),按根及根茎、藤木、皮壳、全草、叶、花、果仁、种子、树脂、菌藻、动物、矿石、其他等类排列。每药之下分述来源、别名、产地、采收加工、药材鉴别、炮制、炮制作用、性味、功能主治、用法与用量、处方应付、保管贮藏、注意事项等。1981年由江苏科学技术出版社出版。