价格刚性,price rigidity
1)price rigidity价格刚性
1.Contrast to the previous related research of China\'s fuel oil futures market and the selected data in this paper,it is caused by the spot price rigidity when there is a sharp drop in the futures price.由此可知,在期货价格连续剧烈下跌时,我国燃料油期货市场是弱市有效的市场;产生这种现象是因为现货市场具有价格刚性

1.Economists call this nominal price rigidity.经济学家将这称为名义价格刚性
2.A Study on the New Residential Buildings Price Rigidity of Major Cities in China;我国城市新建商品住房价格刚性研究
3.Land Price in Real Estate Market--Discussion on the Rising of Land Price Rigidity;房地产市场中土地价格刚性上涨探讨
4.Price Rigidities and Unemployment Factor Fluctuations in the Adjustment Process: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach;调整过程中的价格刚性与失业要素波动:一个动态一般均衡角度的分析
5.Output Persistence In China--Dynamic Analysis Based On Sticky Price And Sticky Wage Models中国的产出持续性——基于刚性价格和刚性工资模型的动态分析
6.Prices for synthetic bristles haven't changed much all these years.价格为综合性的刚毛没有整这些数年多改变。
7.A Dynamic Macroeconomic Model under the Assumption of Price Rigidity;在价格单向刚性下的宏观经济动态模型框架
8.Woodford, M. "Optimizing Models with Nominal Rigidities. Inflation Dynamics with Staggered Price Setting." Chapter 3-2.《含名义刚性的最优化模式。一个基本粘性价格模型》第三章第2节。
9.He is of a resolute and steadfast disposition.他的性格非常刚毅。
10.His nature is a combination of strength and kindness.他的性格柔中寓刚。
11.Strategic Behaviors of Members on the SC with Production Inflexibility and Stochastic Price;一类生产刚性且价格随机的供应链上主体行为策略研究
12.The diamond sawing blade manufactured by this method can process marble and granite with high efficiency and low cost.研究表明,该方法制备的新型金刚石刀头锋利耐用并具有良好的性能价格比。
13.Her crurage and good humour see her through the bad times她有志气、 性格刚强, 有助於她渡过难关
14.She wasn't what you call a woman of spirit.她不是你找的所谓性格刚强的人物。
15.Her courage and good humour see her through the bad times.她有志气、性格刚强,有助於她渡过难关。
16.Her courage and good humour saw her through the bad times.她有志气、 性格刚强, 有助於她渡过难关.
17.A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。
18.His character is a combination of strength and kindness.他的性格是刚与柔的结合。

New Residential Buildings Price Rigidity住房价格刚性
3)stickiness(rigidity) of prices(price level)价格(水平)粘性(刚性)
4)rigidity personality刚性人格
1.From Zhang s four personality characters as independence volition, criticizing inspirit, misery consciousness and religion faith, it posts that he always gave his whole attention to the creation of rigidity personality at any time and in any period of his life.论文试从张承志散文中呈现出的独立意志、批判精神、忧患意识和宗教信仰四方面人格特质为起点,来揭示他无论处于哪个人生阶段与创作时期,都始终关注着刚性人格的塑造,与此同时,其散文也呈现出一种刚性之美。
5)strong character刚烈性格
1.It is attributed to his personal charm which is reflected by the aspects like his heroic mettle,his lofty quality,his affectionate chivalrous spirit,his unfortunate love and his strong character.他的人格魅力主要表现在五个方面:拔山盖世的英雄气概;光明磊落的率直品格;重情重义的侠义精神;生死与共的凄美爱情;悲壮豪迈的刚烈性格。
6)house price rigidity房价刚性

价格刚性价格刚性 【价格刚性】价格一旦被提高后就难以下跌的特性,即价格具有易涨不易跌的特点。 价格刚性通常用于解释结构型通货膨胀。在整个社会总供给等于总需求的情况下,有些部门的商品因供不应求而出现价格上涨,而另一些部门虽然供过于求,但因价格刚性而出现价格不下跌的情况,从而使社会在总需求没有过度的情况下,仍然产生物价水平的持续上涨。价格刚性的实质,就是经营不善的供过于求部门力图保持价格不变来把它们遭受的损失或增加的成本转嫁给买者。