技术外包,technology outsourcing
1)technology outsourcing技术外包
1.This article first describes the concept of technology outsourcing,then analyzes the necessities and advantages for Chinese panel manufacturers to apply technology outsourcing.从技术外包的概念入手,分析企业实施技术外包的必要性和优势,为人造板企业进行技术外包提供可供参考的模式和方法。
2.Then analysis technology outsourcing, the new trend of technological innovation network, and points out the reason of R&D internationalization.之后分析了现代创新网络联系的新特点———技术外包 ,并指出 ,这种趋势决定了研究开发全球化的发展走向。
3.Supposing risk preferences of technology alliance members are risk neutral or risk adverse,this paper differentiates four states of combination of risk attitudes between technology outsourcing buyer and supplier,and establishes an principal-agent model.本文假定在技术外包过程中联盟成员具有风险中性、风险规避等不同的风险偏好,在此基础上区分了技术外包方与技术提供方的4类风险偏好组合,建立了委托-代理模型,考察了联盟成员的不同风险态度对技术提供方的提成比例、努力水平及技术外包方收益结果的影响,并给出了在联盟成员不同风险偏好组合下的最优激励合同。

1.Service outsourcing includes two modes, information technology outsourcing (ITO) and business process outsourcing (BPO).服务外包包括信息技术外包和商务流程外包两种业务模式。
2.Conditions and Objectives of IT Outsourcing企业信息技术外包的条件及外包对象的选择
3.Analysis on the Cause of Formation of Information Technology Outsourcing;信息技术外包的成因分析——信息技术外包服务商的视角
4.Application of Technology Outsourcing Mode in Agricultural Technology Extension;技术外包模式在农业技术推广中的应用研究
5.Study on Outsourcing Decision-Making and Contractor Selection in Information Technology Outsourcing;信息技术外包决策及承包商选择问题研究
6.Comprehensive Evaluation and Selection for Information Technology Outsourcing Vendors of Enterprises;企业信息技术外包中承包商的综合评价与选择
8.Partnership Relationship:The Trends of IT Outsourcing;伙伴关系——信息技术外包的演变趋势
9.Risk Management and Control of Banking Information Technology Outsourcing银行信息技术外包的风险管理与控制
10.Study on Management Model of IT Outsourcing关于信息技术外包资源管理模式的研究
11.International Services Outsourcing,Technology Spillover and the Receiving Country s Technical Progress;国际服务外包、技术外溢与承接国的技术进步
12.Foreign investment include cash, machinery and equipment, and technical know - how, etc .外国投资包括现金,机器设备和技术等。
13.Current Situation and Prospect of the Foreign Economic and Technical Cooperation in Baotou Steel;包钢对外经济技术合作的现状和前景
14.Analyses of the Reasons and Risks in IT Outsourcing;信息技术资源外包的动因与风险分析
15.IT Outsourcing in Enterprises and Its Risk Analysis;企业信息技术资源外包及其风险分析
16.On Application of Strengthening Technique with External Steel in Structure Reinforcement;外包钢加固技术在结构补强中的应用
17.Analysis on Outsourcing Risk in the Extension Process of Agricultural Technology农业技术推广过程中外包的风险分析
18.Technology Spillover Effects by Undertaking International Software Outsourcing in China;承接国际软件外包的技术外溢效应研究

Information Technology outsourcing(IT outsourcing)信息技术外包(IT外包)
3)IT outsourcing信息技术外包
1.IT outsourcing risk and control research in small and medium-sized enterprises;中小企业信息技术外包风险与控制
2.Study on the factor influencing enterprises decision of IT outsourcing;影响企业信息技术外包决策的因素研究
3.The Research of IT Outsourcing in Enterprise Informatisation;企业信息化中的信息技术外包研究
4)technological innovation outsourcing技术创新外包
5)Technology outsourcing mode技术外包模式
6)information technology outsourcing信息技术外包
1.The Development Mode and Strategy Research on Information Technology Outsourcing Industry Based on the Control of Information Flow;基于信息流控制的信息技术外包产业发展模式与战略研究
2.The information technology outsourcing is a new management method and it will be an effective way for all middle and small scale enterprises to realize informationization.信息技术外包作为一种新的经营管理方式,它将是我国中小企业实现信息化的有效途径。
3.This article is mainly a package of management conducts the research to the Information Technology Outsourcing(ITO).本文主要是对中国信息技术外包管理进行研究。
