1.Recently,with the development of science,platinum is used wider and wider,and supply for platinum increases continuously.近年来由于科学的飞速发展 ,铂的用途越来越广泛 ,供应量和需求量持续增长 。
2.With the help of game theory,and the use of supply and price as variable of policy decision,the paper studies the energy substitution issue by a two-stage dynamic game model.以博弈论为研究工具,以供应量和价格为决策变量,通过两阶段动态博弈模型,对能源之间的替代问题进行了研究。
3.This review will focus on the manipulation of AA supply to the ruminants from defaunation,supplemental protein and amino acid.本文从改变微生物区系、添加过瘤胃蛋白质和氨基酸三个方面论述反刍动物小肠氨基酸供应量的调控。

1.Is the water supply adequate?水的供应量足够吗?
2.Appropriate growth was seen in money supply.货币供应量适度增长。
3.Money supply registered rapid increase.货币供应量增长加快。
4.9. Money supply increased rapidly.九、货币供应量增长加快。
5.Money supply : The total amount of money in an economy.货币供应量:某一经济中的全部货币量。
6.Qualify suppliers by accessing and evaluating supplier quality system.通过评审供应商质量体系认证供应商。
7.Study on Supplier Quality Control in SCM;供应链环境下的供应商质量管理研究
8.liquid supply reciprocating piston meter液体供应往复式计量表
9.dynamometer-type electricity supply meter电动式电力供应计量计
10.Food was provided in varying amounts .食物供应数量不等。
11.production or supply liquid meter液体生产或供应计量仪
12.liquid supply inferential meter液体供应独立计量仪
13.liquid supply diaphragm meter液体供应膜片计量仪
14.We have large quantity of.in stock.我方可大量供应...现货。
15.rotating bell (gas supply)meter摆钟式(气体供应)流量计
16.Rationing water during the drought.在干旱时期定量供应水
17.Sugar was rationed before.以前,糖是定量供应的。
18.water rationing, shortages自来水定量供应、 短缺.

Supply quantity供应量
3)energy supply能量供应
1.This article has made a research for the characteristics of energy supply of wrestler,method of weight control and the countermeasures of meals supplyment.着重从摔跤运动员能量供应特点、控制体重的方法及补充措施几方面进行分析研究。
2.ATP-CP system is the main energy supply of the fast-strength eventgroup sports based on stamina.体能主导类快速力量性项群运动能量供应主要以磷酸原系统供能为主,根据这一特点选择适合该项目运动员的营养补充,为此项目运动员成绩的提高与机体的有效恢复提供依据。
3.The results indicate that the statistics rule that in a 400-meter race, from athletes starting, acceleration, then gradually deceleration after reaching the maximum speed virtually reflects the mutation process of the energy supply mode from the ATP-CP system, th.研究结果表明 4 0 0m跑从起跑加速 ,达到最大速度后又逐渐降低的统计学规律实质上反映了能量供应方式从磷酸原系统、糖酵解系统到动用有氧氧化系统的转变过程。
4)energy supplying能量供应
1.This artice systematically studies the energy supplying,the nutrition string and supplying in middle and long distance running by summarizing the document and adopting exercise biochemistry theory.主要采用文献综述法,运用运动生化的理论,对中长跑运动的能量供应、营养储备和供给进行了科学的研究,阐述了中长跑运动能量供应的规律及生化营养基础以及针对生化供能特点进行营养补给的原则和方法,旨在为提高中长跑运动员的供能能力和机体能力提供训练理论参考。
5)energy supplement能量供应
1.Using the principle of energy continual entity, this paper simple analyzed the character of energy supplement of tennis players in competition.利用能量连续统一体原理简单分析网球比赛中运动员的能量供应特点,并以此提出网球运动员比赛期间饮食营养原则和措施。
2.Methords Besids receiving normal therapy,30 patients with mild acute pancreatitis were adminisrated 5% levulose parenteral solution 500mL ivgtt per day as energy supplement.目的观察5%果糖注射液用于轻型急性胰腺炎患者能量供应时血糖耐受的疗效和安全性。

货币供应量 货币供应量——  货币供应量是单位和居民个人在银行的各项存款和手持现金之和,其变化反映着中央银行货币政策的变化,对企业生产经营、金融市场,尤其是证券市场的运行和居民个人的投资行为有重大的影响。我国现行货币统计制度将货币供应量划分为三个层次:(1)流通中现金(用符合M0表示),是指银行体系以外各个单位的库存现金和居民的手持现金之和;(2)狭义货币供应量(用符号M1表示),是指M0加上企业、机关、团体、部队、学校等单位在银行的活期存款;(3)广义货币供应量(用符号M2表示),是指M1加上企业、机关、团体、部队、学校等单位在银行的定期存款和城乡居民个人在银行的各项储蓄存款。其中,M2与M1的差额,即单位的定期存款和个人的储蓄存款之和,通常称为准货币。