平等与效率,equality and efficiency
1)equality and efficiency平等与效率
1.This paper tries to clarify some mis- understandings and prejudice against liberalism by analyzing the concepts of justice, liberty, equality and efficiency.通过对公正、自由、平等与效率等概念的辨析,试图澄清对自由主义的误解与偏见。
2.Okun makes value analysis and judgement on the problems of relation and tradeoff between equality and efficiency by a visual angle of overstepping economic field, and thus forms the unique tradeoff theory: taking “the unity of pluralism as its foundation, “giving priority to efficiency and promoting equality” as its method, “proper intervention measures of government” as its mechanism.阿瑟·奥肯的《平等与效率》一书以超越经济领域的视角对平等与效率的关系及抉择问题进行价值分析和判断,从而形成了其颇具特色的抉择理论:“以多元取向相统一”为抉择的出发点,以“效率优先,增进平等”为抉择方法,以“恰当的政府干预措施”为抉择的机制。

1.From the Unity of Equality and Efficiency to "Giving Priority to Efficiency And Concurrently Giving Consideration to Equality;从平等与效率的完美统一到“效率优先、兼顾平等”
2.Conversations on the “Cognition of the Realistic Socialism”;平等与效率:社会主义的两大价值目标
4.Discuss Relation and Tradeoff between Equality and Efficiency Again再论平等与效率的关系及抉择——读阿瑟·奥肯的《平等与效率》札记及引发的思考
5.On the Establishment of a Legal System for Promoting the Harmonious Development of Both Equality and Efficiency;论建立促进平等与效率协调发展的法律机制
6.Equity Versus Efficiency: Reconsidering China's Rural Land Contract System平等与效率:对我国农地承包制度的考察
7.Reflect on the Equality and the Efficiency in Higher Education of China;反思我国高等教育公平与效率的关系
8.The Philosophical Thinking about Equity and Efficiency in Higher Education;关于高等教育公平与效率的哲学思考
9.Equity and Efficiency: the Countermeasures to Higher Education of China;公平与效率:我国高等教育的对策取向
10.“Equity or Efficiency”--A Dilemma of Higher Education;“公平与效率”——高等教育面临的两难抉择
11.Efficiency and Property Right Based on the Rule of equal Right--on property right of Marxism equal and efficiency;权利平等规则的产权与效率——马克思主义公平效率观的产权分析
12.On the Property Right and Efficiency of the Rule of Opportunity Equal--Property Right Analysis of Equal Efficiency Outlook by the Liberal Criticism;机会平等规则的产权与效率——自由主义学派公平效率观的产权分析
13.The prerequisite for the unity of equity and efficiency: The equality between individuals and government;公平和效率统一的前提:个人与政府之间的平等
14.Best Balance of Fairness and Efficiency of Higher Education探寻高等教育公平与效率的最佳平衡点
15.Review and forecast of the research on the issue of efficiency and equity in higher education;高等教育效率与公平问题研究的回顾与展望
16.Equity and Efficiency: The Value Criterions of the Reform of Higher Education;公平与效率:高等教育改革与发展的价值尺度
17.The Property and Efficiency of Equal Income Regulation--A Property Analysis of Keynesian Equal and Efficiency;收入均等规则的产权与效率——凯恩斯主义公平效率观的产权分析
18.On the Equity and Efficiency of High Educational Finance;我国高等教育财政公平与效率问题探析

Fairness,Equality and Efficiency公平、平等与效率
3)fairness and efficiency公平与效率
1.The Research of fairness and efficiency of the balancing mechanism in Chinese Medical Insurance System我国医疗保障中公平与效率的平衡机制研究
2.The district economy policy and district economy development have experienced three times switch of fairness and efficiency.我国区域经济政策和区域经济发展,经历了"三次"公平与效率转换变化。
3.Therefore,to realize the fairness and efficiency of rural land system management,it is necessary to begin with the reform of property allocation so as to solve the notable contradiction of nominal land ownership through the realization of collective land ownership,to protect farmers interests through the legislation .所以,实现农村土地制度安排的公平与效率也必须从产权分配改革入手,从土地集体所有权的实现形式上解决土地所有权虚置的突出矛盾,从承包经营权的物权性立法上保护农民的利益,从土地规模经营和土地流转上实现农业生产的效率。
4)efficiency and fairness效率与公平
1.A Philosophical Ponder on the Relationship between Efficiency and Fairness;关于效率与公平关系的哲学思考
2.The efficiency and fairness are always research area in many fields,and also focus of sports for all.在回顾我国群众体育发展历史基础上,从效率与公平的视角对群众体育现状进行了考察,并在管理体制、体育人口、健身路径等方面进行了分析。
3.The right relationship between efficiency and fairness in initial distribution is a key link in building a socialist harmonious society.正确把握初次分配领域中效率与公平的关系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键环节。
5)justice and efficiency公平与效率
1.The first is the relation between theory and policy;the second is about the relation between strategy and countermeasures;the third relation is between ends and means;the forth point is the relation between macro-control and allocation of market resource;the last one lies in the relation between justice and efficiency.之五,公平与效率的关系。
2.In the course of constructing socialist market economic system it is imperative that we regard justice as the essential feature and core value,and thus place emphasis on the rich connotation of justice and the link between justice and efficiency.在当前我国建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中,应当把公平与公正当作社会主义的本质特征和核心价值,强调公平含义的丰富性和公平与效率之间的统一性,要更加注重社会公平,既坚持生产力的首要性这一唯物史观的基本观点,又要强调以人为本、实现人的全面发展这一社会主义的根本目标。
3.We can see finance ethics have not only involved the action of microcosmic individual but also directly related to the core problems of the securities market,ie justice and efficiency from the present situation of conflict.从证券市场金融伦理冲突与矛盾的现状,我们可以得出金融伦理已经不仅仅涉及到微观个体的行为是否合情合理,而且还直接关系证券市场的核心问题即公平与效率,忽视其存在,将会导致市场的公信力下降,最终影响金融资源的最佳配置和证券市场的高效运行。
6)efficiency and equity效率与公平
1.Since a long time ago,there have been different viewpoints on the relationship between efficiency and equity,But they all keep the relationship between efficiency and equity ossified.对效率与公平关系的争论由来已久,但争论有一个共同点,即把对效率与公平优先次序问题的认识绝对化和僵化。
2.The education cause,which plays a decisive function in promoting social efficiency,also shoulders the glorious mission to advance social justice,which makes the efficiency and equity in public education resource supply a focused view.作为对促进社会效率有效提高具有决定性作用的教育事业,同时肩负着促进社会公平公正的光荣使命,教育资源尤其是公共教育资源供给中的效率与公平问题已成为人们广泛关注的焦点之一。
3.This paper analyses China\'s minority education from the aspects of efficiency and equity、supply and demand、cost and profit,so as to develop minority education better.本文从经济学中的效率与公平、供给与需求、成本与效益三个方面理论来分析我国的少数民族教育,从而更好地发展少数民族教育。
