李约瑟之谜,Needham puzzle
1)Needham puzzle李约瑟之谜
1.In order to get a better understanding of Chinese ancient managements from technology perspective,an answer to Needham puzzle is proved.为了从技术的视角更好地认识中国古代的管理思想,给出了“李约瑟之谜”的一种解释,亦求从科学与技术本身的内涵来理解中国古代管理思想的发展脉络。
2.In order to explain Needham Puzzlewhy the industrial revolution did not originate in China,this paper suggests a model with increasing return to scale.本文建立了一个规模报酬递增的增长模型,用以解释李约瑟之谜,即“为什么工业革命没有发生在中国,而是发生在西欧”。
3.The Needham puzzle" raises the issue why the industrial revolution fails to happen in China.“李约瑟之谜”提出了工业革命为什么没有在中国发生的问题 ,新制度经济学的解释是由于没有建立有效的产权及其保护制度。

1.New Joseph Needham s Mystery, Education Investment and Industrialization of Education;新李约瑟之谜,教育投资与教育产业化
2.Joseph Lee s Knot" in the Ancient Chinese History of Management Thoughts;中国古代管理思想史上的“李约瑟之谜
3.Confucianism and Modern Science儒家文化与近代科学——“李约瑟之谜”再思考
4.Exploration on the Needham Puzzle: An Explanation of Dynamic system李约瑟之谜的思考和探讨——系统动力学的解释
5.The Needham Mystery and the transition on Chinese Intellectual Property System-from the Perspective of Path Dependence;李约瑟之谜对我国知识产权法制建设的启示
6.The Growth Model with Increasing Return to Scale;规模报酬递增的增长模型——李约瑟之谜解释
7.Land Repay,Overseas Exchange,Value Outlook and the Needham Paradox;土地回报、海外贸易、价值观与李约瑟之谜
8.The Needham Puzzle:Should Economists Accept Old Hypotheses or New Ones?李约瑟之谜:经济学家应接受旧解还是新解?
9.Needham Puzzle, Weber Question and China s Miracle:Long Term Performance since the Song Dynasty;李约瑟之谜、韦伯疑问和中国的奇迹——自宋以来的长期经济发展
10."Joseph Needham s Enigma" and Construction of Chinese Legal System on S&T--An analytic approach of Jurisprudence and its enlightenment;“李约瑟之谜”与中国科技法制建设——法理学的分析进路及启示
11.Legality of Intellectual Property and Explanation of "Joseph Needham s Enigma"--An analytic framework of property theory;知识产权法制与“李约瑟之谜”的破解——一个产权理论的分析框架
12.Neoinstitutional Economics Analysis of "Needham Puzzle;“李约瑟之谜”的新制度经济学解析——兼谈西部大开发的产权制度建设
13.Explanations of the Needham Puzzle:Where Do We Stand?--Discussion with Wen Guanzhong,Zhang Yuyan,and Edwards Ronald李约瑟之谜的解释:我们到底站在哪里?——与文贯中、张宇燕、艾德荣等商榷
14.Changes in China s Territory and Its Impulse to Come out of the Agrarian Trap:An Economic Geography Approach to the Needham Puzzle;中国的疆域变化与走出农本社会的冲动——李约瑟之谜的经济地理学解析
15.Succeeding Joseph Needham and Ho Peng Yoke, in 2003 Christopher Cullen became Director of the Needham Research Institute.继李约瑟、何丙郁之后,古克礼于2003年就任剑桥李约瑟研究所所长。
16.Reinterpreting Joseph Lee s Baffling Problem by Comparing Cognitive Paradigms in China and the West;从中西认识论传统之比较重新解读“李约瑟难题”
17.A Further Discussion of "Needham Puzzle"--Simultaneously Commenting on "Further Reflectionon the Query of Needham s Puzzle";再论“李约瑟难题”——兼评《对‘李约瑟难题’质疑的再反思》
18.Dr. Joseph Needham and His Researches on the Chinese Ancient Ship Culture;李约瑟及其中国古船文化研究——纪念李约瑟博士诞辰100周年

New Joseph Needham's Mystery新李约瑟之谜
3)Needham difficult problems I see李约瑟难题之我见
4)Joseph Needham李约瑟
1.Zheng Xiaocang:Scientific Poetry,Joseph Needham and Other Things;郑晓沧:科学诗、李约瑟及其他
2.Sino-British Scientific Cooperation in Late World War II:A Perspective Based on Correspondence between Li Shu-hua and Joseph Needham;从李书华与李约瑟的通信看战时中英科学合作
3.From "Bringing Charcoal When it is Snowing" To "Building a Bridge":Joseph Needham in Chu Ko-chen ’s 1940s Diary;从“雪中送炭”到“架设桥梁”——竺可桢20世纪40年代日记中的李约瑟
5)riddle of Li Shimin李世民之谜
1.From a "murderer" to a "great emperor" Psychological analysis of "riddle of Li Shimin";从“悖逆凶徒”到“千古一帝”——“李世民之谜”的心理分析
6)Joseph Needham Problem李约瑟难题
1.On Solution to “Joseph Needham Problem” from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Mode of Thinking;试从中国传统思维方式角度解“李约瑟难题”
2.Solving Joseph Needham Problem;试解“李约瑟难题”——从中国传统思维方式的角度思考
