消费者价值观,consumer values
1)consumer values消费者价值观
1.The means-end chain model can be viewed as providing a research paradigm to understand the relationships between consumer values and the product characteristics in a psychological perspective.手段目标链模型是从心理学的角度来解释消费者价值观与产品特性关系的一种研究范式。

1.The Influence of Consumers' Values and Marketing Strategies on Consumers' Brand Loyalty Intention消费者价值观与企业营销策略对消费者品牌忠诚度的影响研究
2.Quantitative Analysis on Marketing Segmentation based on Customer Value;基于消费者价值观的市场细分实证研究
3.Research on Chinese Post 1978 Consumers Consumption Behavior from the Perspective of Values;基于二维价值观的78后消费者消费行为研究
4.The Study on Consumer s Consumer Decision Making Style and Personal Value of Old Consumer;老年消费者决策风格与价值观的研究
5.Values and Lifestyles: Research of New Consumers in 2003;价值观与生活形态:2003年新消费者研究
6.The Influences of Chinese Traditional Values and Customer Perceived Values on Chinese Consumer Behavior中国传统价值观与顾客感知价值对中国消费者消费行为的影响
7.Critical of Consumerism--Promote Green Consumption消费主义价值观批判——提倡绿色消费观
8.Research of Consumer Behavior in Green Consumption: Clustering Analysis Base on Dichotomy Values;基于二维价值观分群视角的消费者绿色消费行为研究
9.The Research on How the Human Values Influence Consumer s Preference of Green Products;价值观如何影响消费者对绿色产品偏好的研究
10.A Comparative Study of Sino-Western Cultural Value on the Impacts of Consumer Purchasing Behavior;消费者购买行为的中西价值观动因比较研究
12.Analysis of specific consumption values among youth consumers青年消费群体的特殊消费价值观解析
13.Correlation of Middle School Students Consumption Value and Basic Life Value;中学生消费价值观的特点及其与价值观的关系
14.A Contrastive Study on Consumption Values and Leisure Values of Chinese Citizens;中国公民消费价值观与闲暇价值观比较分析
15.On Consumerist Values and Sustainable Consumptive Mode;消费主义价值观与可持续消费方式的建构
16.The Research on the Relationship between Chinese Aesthetic Perception on Products and Traditional Cultural Values;中国消费者的产品审美与传统文化价值观念之关系的研究
17.A Empirical Research of the Sense of Traditional Values and the Preference of Consumer Buying Luxury Good传统价值观对消费者购买奢侈品偏好影响的实证研究
18.Chinese Consumer Purchasing Behavior Research--From the Perspective of Confucian Values and Lifestyles中国消费者购买行为研究——基于儒家价值观与生活方式的视角

consumption values消费价值观
1.Establishing the green consumption values to adapt the saving society;构建适应节约型社会的绿色消费价值观
2.Analysis of specific consumption values among youth consumers青年消费群体的特殊消费价值观解析
3.This investigation was focused on consumption values of Chinese citizens(32504) in 31 Provinces and Cities in China.本项研究对教育部重大攻关项目(2003-2006)年“中国公民人文素质调查与对策研究”中有关中国大陆31个省市不同社会群体(共计32504人)的消费价值观的数据进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)中国公民的消费价值观存在一致性,大部分人注重物质消费或投资,而忽视了精神消费;(2)不同的群体体现出不同的消费价值取向。
3)consumers valuation of goods消费者价值评价
4)consumer surplus value消费者剩余价值
5)customer perceived value消费者感知价值
1.On brand loyalty of customer perceived value;基于消费者感知价值的品牌忠诚研究
6)value of consumer assets消费者资产价值

观者之喜观者之喜  蒙医著作。吉格木德·丹金扎木苏撰于20世纪初。本书主要介绍蒙医诊断知识、药物性能及临床各科疾病常用验方。1974年内蒙古巴盟临河县人民医院蒙医科编译,将书名改为《蒙医传统验方》。建国后,内蒙古人民出版社出版排印本。