消费道德,consumption ethics
1)consumption ethics消费道德
1.On the education of college students consumption ethics;试论当代大学生的消费道德教育
2.As a special consumer group,the conception of college students consumption ethics is to be highly regarded.作为一个特殊的消费群体,大学生的消费道德现状亟待关注。
3.The state of university students consumption ethics reflects their outlook, values and mores, as well as the level of their ideological progress.大学生消费道德状况从一个侧面反映了他们的人生观、价值观和道德观,也体现着当代青年的精神文明程度。

1.An Analysis of the Consumption Moral Education of University Students of Consumer Period;论消费主义时代的大学生消费道德教育
2.Causes of the Formation of Bad Consumptive Morality and Countermeasures to Cultivate Consumptive Morality of Higher Vocational College Students;影响高职大学生消费道德的成因及对策
3.Research on the Moral Problems and Countermeasures of Cosumption of Contemporary University Students现阶段大学生消费道德存在的问题及对策探析
4.On Ethic Education of College Student's Consumption in a Harmonious Campus Perspective和谐校园视阈下的大学生消费道德教育
5.On the Infringing Rights Consumption and An Analysis of Its Moral and Legal Regulation;消费者侵权消费行为分析——道德与法制约束视角
6.Consumption activities closely relate to the state of social ethic.消费活动与社会道德状况密切相关。
7.Consumerism Tide and Moral Building for Youth and Adolescents;消费主义思潮与青少年思想道德建设
8.Rationally Pondering the Moral Crisis in Perspective of Modern Consumption;现代消费视阈中道德危机的理性思考
9.Ideological Trend of Consumption and Construction on College Students’ Ideology and Morality;消费主义思潮与大学生思想道德建设
10.Gullible shoppers are easily duped by unscrupulous advertisers.不坚定的消费者很容易被不道德的广告商蒙骗。
11.Long-standing Mistaken Ideas of College Students as Consumers;大学生消费误区的法律道德思考及其对策
12.Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对
13.Impacts of Western Consumerism Thought on Our Moral Education西方消费主义思潮对我国思想道德建设的影响
14.An Empirical Study of Consumer Ethical Belief in Maoming City基于茂名市的消费者道德信念实证研究
15.Consumer perception and ethical and ethical and moral issues will need public debate and input as well.另外,消费者的认识,伦理,道德问题也增加了公众争论的激烈程度。
16.Study of the Operational Mechanism of International Fair Trade from the Perspective of Ethical Consumption Theory道德消费理论视角下的国际公平贸易运行机理研究
17.The making of consumer idols by media in consumer culture消费时代的明星报道:消费偶像的塑造
18.Consumer Culture and Fashion Consumption--From the "Consumer Society" by Jean Baudrillard;消费文化与时尚消费——从让·波德里亚的《消费社会》说起

consumptive morality消费道德
1.Investigating its reason,it is related to the high consumption in the society,the publicity of the consumption culture in the Medium,the policy of enlarging inside requirements,the shortage of the research and education to consumptive morality in the school,and the vanity of the higher vocational college students.究其原因,与社会上高消费示范、媒体对消费文化的宣传、扩大内需的政策、学校对消费道德的研究、教育不足、高职生的虚荣心有关。
3)ethical consumption道德消费
1.In the future,in order to narrow the ethical purchasing gap and improve fair trade,the following are helpful suggestions: to further stress the functions of ethical consumption,to enhance the function of non-ethical elements,to set up a good brand image for both fair trade and participators as well as to strengthen the professional management of the supply train of fair trade.在未来,诸如继续强化道德消费的作用、增强非道德购买因素的作用、树立公平贸易及参与者的品牌形象及加强公平贸易供应链的专业化管理等是弥补道德购买缺口、增进公平贸易的有益建议。
4)consumption ethic消费道德规范
5)consumer moral education消费道德教育
1.To study the consumer moral education of university students in 21st century and summarize the theory not only can establish the enforcement frame about the consumer moral education but also help them to perfect their personality and form right ideological concept and value orientation, thus it can promote the economy development and society advancement.研究新世纪大学生消费道德教育,对有关大学生消费道德教育的理论观点进行系统性总结和回顾,有助于从教育目标、内容和方法等方面建构起当代中国大学生消费道德教育的实施框架,有助于引导大学生形成正确的人生观、价值观,对于促进经济发展和社会进步有着十分重要的意义。
6)customer ethical beliefs消费者道德信念

生产性消费和非生产性消费生产性和非生产性的区别不仅适用于劳动,而且也适用于消费。虽然并非所有社会成员都是生产者,但所有社会成员却都是消费者,而消费或是非生产性的或是生产性的。谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。只有生产性劳动者才是生产性消费者,所谓生产性劳动,当然既包括执行的劳动,也包括指挥的劳动。但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。他们在保持或改善健康、体力和工作能力,或抚养下一代生产性劳动者方面的消费,乃是生产性消费。但是娱乐或奢侈方面的消费,不论是懒惰者所为,还是勤劳者所为,因为生产既不是其目的,也不会因此而有任何进步,所以必须看作是非生产性的。不过,也许一定数量的享乐可以认为是必需的,因为缺了它,会使劳动达不到最高效率。只有用于保持和提高社会生产力的消费,才是生产性消费,而社会生产力或蕴藏在土壤、原料、生产工具的数量和效率中,或蕴藏在人民中。 有很多产品,可以说除作非生产性消费外别无他用。每年在金线带、菠萝形装饰品,或香槟酒方面的消费必须看作是非生产性的,因为这些东西既对生产毫无帮助,又不是用于维持生命或体力,而可以用便宜得多的东西来替代。因此可以说,用于制造这些东西的劳动,不应当看作是政治经济学家所说的生产性劳动。我承认,为非生产性消费者生产物品所耗费的劳动,无助于社会的持久富裕。为非生产人员做上衣的裁缝是生产性劳动者;但几周或几个月后,衣服破损了,而穿上衣的人并未生产任何东西代替它。社会财富没有因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,其结果和用这笔钱到歌剧院去看戏一样。不过,在上衣未被穿坏以前,社会财富却因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,也就是说,在该劳动产品被某一非生产性社会成员拿去消费以前财富有所增加。金线带或菠萝形装饰品的情形与此没有什么不同,只不过同上衣相比,它们距离必需品更远。这些东西在被消费掉以前也是财富。