边际收益递增,increasing marginal revenue
1)increasing marginal revenue边际收益递增
1.A method to resolve DEA model with increasing marginal revenue;具有边际收益递增特性的DEA模型求解方法

1.On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy;论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长
2.Increasing marginal revenue in input-output analysis on scientific research in universities;高校科研投入产出关系中的边际收益递增现象
3.In essence, the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self-accumulation is the actual reason.其本质却是网络效应引发的边际收益递增和知识自我积累。
4.The theory of increasing marginal benefit is an innovation of economic growth theory.边际效益递增理论是经济增长理论的创新。
5.The Restudy of Economic Growth--The Successful Theory of the Progressive Increasing of Marginal Benefit;经济增长研究之研究——边际效益递增理论之胜出
6.Proving the Rule About the Law of Boundary Benefit Increases Progressive Increasing Theory of Marginal Utility under Network Economy;网络经济环境中的边际效益递增规律探讨
7.The Progressive Decrease Law of Marginal Income and the Optimal Arrangement of Employees;边际收益递减规律与企业人员的优化配置
8.Inspiration for China to Participate into International Division of Labor from Increasing Scale Profits;规模收益递增对我国参与国际分工的启示
9.Yet this simple arithmetic ignores an offsetting effect: diminishing marginal returns.然而,这种简单的算法忽略了一种抵消效应:边际收益递减。
10.On Marginal Profit of Endogenic Increase Elements of Enterprises in Systematical Changes;制度变迁中企业内生增长要素边际收益探讨
11.marginal cost [profits, utility]【经济】边际费用 [收益,效用]
12.Regular Pattern of the Prgressive Return Increase in the Age of the Knowledge Economy浅析知识经济时代的收益递增规律
13.Increasing Return,Development Strategy and Regional Economic Segmentation;收益递增、发展战略与区域经济的分割
14.Ten Propositions of the Theory of Marginal Progressive Benefit Increase;边际效益递增理论十大立论命题——新飞电器有限公司发展奇迹佐证经济学猜想
15.Law of Great Number and Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility in Statistic Activity;统计活动中的大数定律和边际效益递减律
16.(2) On the effect boundary, risk is return's rigid monotony increase by degrees convex function , return is risk's rigid monotony increase by degrees concave function.(2)在有效前沿上,风险是收益的严格单调递增凸函数,收益是风险的严格单调递增凹函数。
17.As a result, they are subject to rapidly diminishing returns to increased labor inputs.结果,增加劳动投入,反而使其收益迅速递减。
18.Limits of Applying the Increasing Returns Thoery to Online Information Services;收益递增理论解释ICP企业赢利模式的局限性

progressive increasing of marginal utility边际效益递增
3)decreasing marginal revenue边际收益递减
1.Through setting up a new-classical model of the supply and demand of the public goods, Author prove that as a kind of resources, the policy of favorable tax also has a decreasing marginal revenue.通过建立一个关于公共物品供求的新古典模型,证明了税收优惠政策作为一种资源同样受边际收益递减规律的支配,减税虽然在一定时期内可以吸引投资,但是,这种税收流失也会导致政府无力改善投资环境,最终丧失掉投资吸引力。
4)increasing returns收益递增
1.Through reviewing on increasing returns theory, this article divides the online information services provided by ICP into two classes: the ways information goes through are website-customer and customer-website-customer respectively.通过对收益递增理论的回顾,将ICP企业提供的在线信息服务分为两类,其信息流动方式分别为网站-网民,和网民-网站-网民。
2.In terms of compatative advantage and increasing returns,international trade theory explains the causes for the ocurrence of export trade.国际贸易理论分别从比较优势和收益递增两个方面对出口贸易发生的原因进行了合理的解释。
3.The study shows that the product quality under decreasing returns is lower than that under increasing returns without network externality; but with network externality the quality of high_quality product .然后对产品的规模收益递增和递减两种情况作了比较分析并得出相应的结论。
5)increasing returns递增收益
6)increasing return收益递增
1.Increasing Return,Development Strategy and Regional Economic Segmentation;收益递增、发展战略与区域经济的分割
2.Factors such as development resource, cost structure, learning effect, cooperation effect and deep customer groove in determine that the mechanics of increasing return play an important role in the development of information industry.发展资源、成本结构、学习效应、合作效应以及深度的用户适应等因素,决定了收益递增机制在信息产业的发展中的重要作用,市场则呈现出典型的垄断结果、路径依赖、锁定等特征。
