体制变迁,institutional change
1)institutional change体制变迁
1.This paper discusses the dynamic development trend of policy banking under the background of economic growth, structural adjustment and institutional change with the rural financial reform.本文以整个农村金融体制改革为背景 ,讨论经济发展与产业结构调整进程中政策性金融的动态体制变迁

1.System Changing Agricultural Increase and the Change of Relation between Agriculture and Industry;体制变迁、农业增长与农工关系变化
2.The Study on the Transition and System Innovation of City-Governing-County System in China;中国市管县体制变迁与制度创新研究
3.An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Institutional Change to the Difference of China s Regional Economic Growth;制度变迁对区域经济增长影响的实证分析——以经济体制变迁和产权制度变迁为例
4.The Change of Family System in the Industrial Revolution of England英国工业革命时期的家庭体制变迁
5.The Study on the Changes of the Financial Supervising and Managing System during the National Government Time;国民政府时期金融监管体制变迁研究
6.Research on China s Rural Investment & Finance Institutional Transition and Institutional Initiation;中国农村投融资体制变迁与创新研究
7.The Study on the Change of Chinese Rural Public Goods Supply System;我国农村公共产品供给体制变迁研究
8.Grades and Classes:the Change of System of Official Dresses in Han and Tang Dynastyies;分等分类视角中的汉、唐冠服体制变迁
9.Analysis on Changing of the Compulsory Educational Investment System in China;我国义务教育投资体制变迁轨迹分析
10.Institutional Changes in China s Oil Industry:A Game-Theory Analysis;中国石油工业体制变迁的博弈论分析
11.On the Income Gap During the Transference of Economic Systems;经济体制变迁中的收入差距问题研究
12.The Study on Changes of the Financial Management System of the People's Republic of China (1949-1958)新中国财政管理体制变迁研究(1949-1958)
13.A Study on Performance Trend of Transitional Science and Technology System in China;我国科技体制变迁中的绩效变化趋势分析
14.The Effects of Fiscal System Transitions on Alterations in Local Government Financial Resources财政体制变迁对地方政府财力变动的影响
15.On the Changes in the P.E.Institution of China's Ordinary Institutes of Higher Education of Modern Times;论中国现代普通高校体育制度的变迁
16.The Change of Chinese Government System in the Economic Globalization;论经济全球化下我国政府体制的变迁
17.A Tentativ Discussion of Influence of the Change of System on the all-in-one Process of the East Asian Economies;试论制度变迁对东亚经济一体化影响
18.The Study on Collective Forestland Tenure Issues in China--Institutional Arrangements,Changes and Performances;集体林产权制度分析——安排、变迁与绩效

system changes体制变迁
1.Policy adjustment and the restrictions of structure disequilibrium and system changes on demand;结构失衡与体制变迁对需求的制约及其政策调整
3)institutional transition体制变迁
1.The dissertation focuses primarily upon the theories and empirical test of institutional transition and initiation of China s rural investment & finance.本论文是关于中国农村投融资体制变迁与创新问题的理论与实证研究。
4)system vicissitude体制变迁
1.Countryside Public Finance: New domain of Public Financial Research——Concept,system vicissitude and structure characteristic;农村公共财政:公共财政研究的新领域——概念、体制变迁及结构特征
5)Institutional Changes of Investment System资体制变迁
6)the main body of institutional change制度变迁主体

《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》    《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》  Preliminary Study on Climate Change over last 5000 years in China  zhongguo iin wuqiannian lai qihou bianqian de ehubu丫Onl!U(中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》(而l俪-朋叮及议砂ona口7““e品口矛枯,,;如t万侧涅又产。rsin以如以)中国竺可祯研究中国近5《xx〕年来气候变迁的论著。竺氏根据丰富的中国历史文献,收集研究了中国5(Xx)年中考古时期、物候时期、方志时期、仪器观测时期的气候记载,证明近5以】)年中,最初2《X城)年的年平均温度比现在高2℃左右,其后年平均温度有2~3℃的摆动。寒冷时期出现在公元前101)年、公元4《】)年、12(X)年和17(X)年。汉唐两代是比较温暖的时代。这种气候变迁是世界性的。气候变冷时先从太平洋西岸开始,由日本、中国东部逐渐向西移到西欧,温度回升则由西向东行。本论著对充分认识历史上气候的变迁情况并掌握其规律,以及气候的长期预报等具有极为重要的意义。