礼教,feudal ethical code
1)feudal ethical code礼教
1.Madman s Diary by Luxun has long been considered a story exposing the cruel feudal ethical code.《狂人日记》长期以来被定论为揭露礼教吃人,但从鲁迅的一贯思想和小说发表时鲁迅的自述可以断定,其原初的核心的动机是表现人吃人,是揭露存在于中国的食人蛮性,它通过对被吃的恐惧感传达出鲁迅对民族摆脱野蛮状态的热望以及对人的肌体和生命的强烈关注。
2.In the beginning of prosperity of feudal ethical code, the women in Han Dynasty received the education of "women s morals" and "women s achievements", in a.在礼教初兴的时代背景下,汉代妇女除了接受"女德"、"妇功"教育外,还能够学习一些儒家经典。
3.The popular critical belief in the cause of her death is that it results from four chains of the feudal ethical code.对祥林嫂悲剧的内涵作出重新的解释 ,指出祥林嫂之死的原因 :其一是礼教各条律之间的内在矛盾 ,是族权与夫权之间的相悖 ;其二是愚昧大众们“看客”的凶眼 ,通过“心理暗示”的作用使祥林嫂产生犯罪感 ,自我心灵折磨以致跨入地狱之门。

1.A Study on The Structure of Xunzi s Philosophy;礼道·礼教·礼治:荀子哲学建构新探
2.The Theory of Social Morals in Confucionism;儒家礼教论——论"仁"、"人性"、"文"和"礼"的关系
3.European Baptist Federation欧洲浸礼教会联合会
4.European Baptist Mission欧洲浸礼教徒传道会
5.a place of worship, ie a church礼拜的场所(教堂)
6.hold chapel(教皇等)参加礼拜
7.the Christian [ first, given ] name教名, 名字, 洗礼名
8.a Protestant church, minister, service新教教会、 牧师、 礼拜式.
9.the Baptist (Church)(基督教新教)浸礼会
10.The Christian sacrament of baptizing and naming an infant.洗礼命名基督教中给婴儿洗礼和命名的圣礼
11.One of the Christian sacraments, especially the Eucharist.圣餐礼基督教的圣礼之一,尤指圣餐
12.Significance of Confucianism as a Religion:the Case of ZHU Xi;儒礼之宗教意涵——以朱子《家礼》为中心
13.A church is a place of worship.教堂是礼拜的地方。
14.He's a regular church-goer.他按时到教堂做礼拜.
15.go to church, school上教堂去做礼拜、 上学
16.anointing of the sick(天主教的)临终涂油礼
17.Traditional weddings take place in a church.传统的婚礼在教堂举行。
18.He never went to church.他从未去教堂做过礼拜。

1.In the pre-Qin ethics,there were several factors of harmony in dealing with the relationship between the male and the female.先秦礼教对男女性别关系的规定包含若干和谐思想,主要表现在男女言行的和谐、男女受教育内容的和谐、夫妻关系的和谐、子女与父母关系的和谐和尊老养老中的和谐等。
2.In the Han Dynasty,the concept of instruction to the females in the ethics was different from that in the real life.在汉代,礼教中的女子教育观与现实生活中女子接受教育的情况有所不同。
1.Although Confucianism was attacked violently in the movement of anti-confucianism in the period of May Fourth,the critique is not enough to accomplish the task of Enlightenment in China,because Confucianism is not the whole of Chinese traditional culture.儒家思想并不是中国传统文化的全部,对中国人的实际行动产生影响的许多更深层的观念都超出了儒家礼教的范围,启蒙思想家在批判儒家思想时忽视了这一点。
2.In such a society,the theoretical pattern for formulating divorce policies an d laws is based on Confucianism while its principle lies on gender inequality and constraints on divorce and its objective on reservation o f the feudal patriarchy and family solida.在中国传统社会,制定离婚政策与法律的理论形态是儒学;其原则是限制离婚和性别不平等;目标旨在维护封建父权制及家庭团结;伦理道德与礼教共同调整离婚及两性关系,法律只起到次要和辅助的作用;这种离婚政策带来的直接后果是女性低下的地位以及很低的社会离婚率。
1.Confucianism was developed rapidly in the West Han Dynasty, and the status of the women was connected closely with the ethical principals advocated by Confucianism.然而随着儒学在社会的传播,礼教的逐渐形成以及朝廷对女性贞节的重视,西汉中后期之后女性地位开始下降。
5)Feudal Ethics礼教
1.The Feudal Ethics during the Zhou Dynasty and the Occurrence of The Poems of Love in the Book Of Songs;周代礼教与《诗经》爱情诗的生发
2.From the point of human desire,this book criticizes the idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties which represented the feudal ethics of old China and constrained greatly the normal human desire of Chinese People.《牡丹亭》以高唐神女为原型塑造主人公杜丽娘 ,在中国视“淫”为万恶之首的“无性文化”传统中 ,复活了性爱女神的形象 ,它以人欲的思考为切入口 ,批判宋明理学为代表的封建礼教对人类正常情欲的压抑 ,从而肯定和歌颂了人欲 ,代表了在几千年封建礼教束缚下的性爱文明意识的觉醒。
6)ritual education礼教教育
