山寨经济,village economy
1)village economy山寨经济
1.In the paper, the author points out the following three problems existihng in the development of village economy in the XiangEYuQian Regions:the first is the faint market idea;the second is the backward technology of production; the third is the poor productive economic conditions.山寨经济是少数民族边远山区民族经济发展的重要途径。
2.During the village development,the unique village economy has formed.山寨处于我国山区的9种地域形态之中,山寨居民居住分散,具有独特的政治经济文化特性,在历史发展过程中,形成了独特的山寨经济形态。

1.Formation and Development of Village Economy:From the Natural,Social and Historical Perspective;山寨经济的形成与发展:自然和社会及其历史分析
2.Development of Village Economy of XiangEYuQian Regions Where Minority Nationalities Live in Compact Communities;湘鄂渝黔边少数民族聚居区山寨经济发展的思考
3.The Study on Interactive Model of Ecology System and Economy System in Dazhai Village of Shanxi Province;山西大寨村生态与经济互动发展模式研究
4.Impact on Economic Growth of Zhuang Nationality in the West of Guangxi by Trade Fair in Hengshan Village in Song Dynasty;横山寨博易场对宋代桂西壮族经济发展的影响
5.Impacts of Economic Conditions on the Tourism Behavior of the Peasants in the Western Region of Mountains--The case of comparison between villages of Guanzai and Yangjiazai of Guizhou province;经济条件对西部山区农民旅游行为的影响——以贵州省官寨村与杨家寨村比较为例
6.Study on Pattern of Sustainable Eco-economic Development and Alleviation of Poverty in Jinzhai County of Anhui Province;皖西贫困山区生态经济可持续发展模式研究——以安徽省金寨县为例
7.The Restriction Factors to Economic Development of Depressed Villages in Xishuangbanna Mountainous Area and Escaping Poverty Approaches西双版纳山区贫困村寨经济发展的制约因素及致富途径初探
8.The Development of Ethnic-village Tourism in the Context of Cultural-economic Era;文化经济背景下的民族村寨旅游开发
9.The Characteristics and the Dynamics of the Economic Transition of the Ethnic Villages;中国民族村寨经济转型的特征与动力
10.I have had wonderful visits to Tai Shan, Huang Shan, Jiu Zhai Gou, Guilin, and Hainan.我曾经在泰山、华山、九寨沟、桂林和海南有过令人愉悦的旅游经历。
11.Changes in the Economic Position of Cambodian Ethnic Chinese since the Late 1980s1980年代末以来柬埔寨华人经济地位的发展变化
12.Jiuzhaigou Nature Protection Area Forest Self-control Water Source Economic Value Research;九寨沟自然保护区森林涵养水源经济价值研究
13.A study on the sustainable development of the ecology and Economy in the Buyei Ethnic of the Luoping;罗平布依族村寨生态环境与经济协调发展探析
14.On the Economic Status and Development Measures of the Minority Villages of Yunnan;云南少数民族村寨经济现状及发展对策
15.Structural Features of Economic Development in Minority Nationality Residing Villages of Yunnan Province;云南少数民族村寨经济发展的结构特征
16.Mathematical-Economic Model of Manjiazhai Tin-zinc Polymetallic Deposit and Its Application曼家寨锡锌多金属矿床数学经济模型的应用
17.A Tentative Study on the Translation of "Shanzhai Cell Phone"and the Other "Shanzhai xx"Words试论“山寨手机”及“山寨xx”的英译
18.Farm System Change Induced by Social-Economy Development at the Village Level;人口增长、社会经济发展与农业系统变化——以西双版纳大卡老寨、巴卡小寨为例

Study on Economic Development of Mountain Fastness山寨经济发展研究
3)mountain fastness山寨
1.At last,it analyzes the syntactic form and semantic relations between \'SHANZHAI\'and \'SHANZHAI×\'.本文运用描写与解释相结合的方法,从语言学与术语学等相关背景出发,初步探讨了"山寨"新义产生的原因和途径,并分析了"山寨"及"山寨×"的句法形式和语义关系,旨在更好地了解"山寨"旧词新义的演变过程,透视语言和社会的关系。
1.Analysis of the New Meaning,Motivation and Usage of SHANZHAI山寨新义及其理据、用法分析
2.On Causes for the Rising of "Shanzhai Culture"“山寨文化”兴起原因探析
3.On the Semantic Extension and Generalization of Shanzhai“山寨”——流行语的语义衍生与泛化
6)Shanxi's economy山西经济

避暑山寨坐落在风景秀丽的金秀大瑶山县城内,山寨四周林木葱绿,鸟鸣啾啾,是避暑的旅游圣地,能为您提供—份远离都市喧嚣,回归大自然的恬静。 山寨是县文明单位,提供吃、住、玩等一条龙服务,有豪华包厢,可同时容纳180多人就餐,在这里您可以品尝野生菌莱系、森林野菜、花卉与昆虫菜式等被评为21世纪的绿色食品,山寨有中小型会议室,可接纳70-80人会议团体,有五座园林式的客房,共42套(间)客房、98张客床;有卡拉ok厅、民族风俗表演及民间绝技表演;还有具有民间特色的瑶族民间药浴,可以为您消除旅途中的疲劳。避暑山寨优质的一条龙服务,在区内外享有较高的知名度和美誉,独特的餐饮文化和瑶族敬酒服务,将让您在绿树青葱的大自燃环境中获得超值的享受。