社会历史性,social historicity
1)social historicity社会历史性
1.In this paper,the concepts of rationality and progression are analysed and the trial explanation of the question is given out from the diversity of rationality and the model of social historicity of rogression.本文通过澄清科学合理性和科学进步的概念 ,从合理性的多元性、科学进步合理性模式的社会历史性和不完备性等方面对此作出了试探性的阐释 ,并指明只有用科学知识社会学来补充科学哲学以及把科学哲学与科学社会学、科学知识社会学的研究结合起来 ,才有可能“令人满意”地解读科学是何以合理的和进步的。
2)social and historic difference社会-历史差异性
3)law of social and historical development社会历史规律性
4)socialhistorical conditioning社会历史制约性
5)the reason of society and history社会历史理性
1.For judgment of moral responsibility,realistic consequence is an actual foundation;causal relationship is a logical foundation;the reason of society and history is the final value foundation.实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据。
6)social history社会历史
1.The House of the Seven Gables:a romantic interpretation of social history;《七个尖角阁的房子》:对社会历史的传奇式解读
2.A Perspective of Marxism to Theory of Traditional Chinese Social History;马克思主义视野下的中国传统社会历史理论
3.A reasonable understanding of technological essence should be based on the social history, .从根本上说,技术是一种特殊的社会历史现象,技术本质的认识应遵循社会历史的解释原则,技术的本质只能在历史生存论的基础上予以合理地解读。

1.Man, Society and its History --A Bridf Logical Analysis of Social History;人、社会及其历史——社会历史的逻辑简析
2.Social Work as a Discipline: an Analysis of its social and historical conditions;社会工作专业化的社会历史条件论析
3.On Social Stability and the Motive Power System of Social and Historical Development;社会稳定与社会历史发展的动力系统
4.The View of History of Knowledge: A New Methodology of Social History;知识史观:一种新的社会历史方法论
5.On the Socio-Historic Law and its Traits;论社会历史规律及其特点——兼驳波普对社会历史规律的否定
6.A Brief Discussion on the Social & Historical Conditions for Forming Strategic Thought of "Harmonious Society";简论和谐社会战略思想形成的社会历史条件
7.Social science is nothing but history.社会科学无非是历史。
8.A Revolution in Regional Social History--Review of The ‘histories’ and ‘History’ by Zhao Shiyu;区域社会史的革命——评赵世瑜著《小历史与大历史》
9.General History and Special History;一般的历史与特殊的历史──—论侯外庐《中国古代社会史论》的历史地位
10.Relation between Historical Location,Social Contradiction and Harmonious Society;历史方位、社会矛盾与和谐社会的构建
11.History, Contradiction and Mediation: On the Socialist Harmonious Society;历史、矛盾与求解:论社会主义和谐社会
12.The Research of Social History in History Teaching of Senior School;社会史在高中历史教学中的应用研究
13.From Social History to Regional Social History--The Examination of 20 Years Academic Experiences;从社会史到区域社会史——20年学术经历之检讨
14.The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.至今一切社会的历史都是阶级斗争的历史。
15.In brief the historicist claims that sociology is theoretical history.简言之,历史决定论者认为,社会学是理论历史学。
16.The Historical Heritage and Historical Mission of the Contemporary Social Development;当代社会主义发展的历史遗产与历史任务
17.Recording the History or Influcing the History--Analysis on the Social Role of the Reporter记录历史还是影响历史?——论记者的社会角色
18.The Historical Evolvement of Christian University for Women in Chinese Society教会女子大学在中国社会的历史演变

social and historic difference社会-历史差异性
3)law of social and historical development社会历史规律性
4)socialhistorical conditioning社会历史制约性
5)the reason of society and history社会历史理性
1.For judgment of moral responsibility,realistic consequence is an actual foundation;causal relationship is a logical foundation;the reason of society and history is the final value foundation.实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据。
6)social history社会历史
1.The House of the Seven Gables:a romantic interpretation of social history;《七个尖角阁的房子》:对社会历史的传奇式解读
2.A Perspective of Marxism to Theory of Traditional Chinese Social History;马克思主义视野下的中国传统社会历史理论
3.A reasonable understanding of technological essence should be based on the social history, .从根本上说,技术是一种特殊的社会历史现象,技术本质的认识应遵循社会历史的解释原则,技术的本质只能在历史生存论的基础上予以合理地解读。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决