工业经济增长,industrial economic growth
1)industrial economic growth工业经济增长
1.This paper induces the characteristics of perodic fluctuation of industrial economic growth in Hebei province from 1953 to 1995,and essentially analyses the influence on periodic fluctuation by the change of inner and outer factors,by the analytical method of peridic fluctuation.本文利用周期波动分析方法,对河北省1953—1995年工业经济增长的周期波动特点进行了归纳,并重点分析了内、外因素的变化对周期波动的影响,为深入研究河北省工业经济的发展规律提供参考。
2.Hence,analyzing the relationship between energy consumption and industrial economic growth and handling it well are very important to China and even to all its regions.因此分析能源消费和工业经济增长的关系并进而正确处理这种关系,对于中国乃至各区域的可持续发展都非常重要。

1.Research on the Economic Growth Based on the Industry Clusters of the Bohai Delta;环渤海地区产业集聚与工业经济增长研究
2.Regional Characteristics in the Tra nsition of Industrial Growth Pattern工业经济增长方式转变程度的区域性特征
3.Econometric Research on the Major Factors of Economic Growth of Guangdong Industry;广东工业经济增长主要影响因素的计量研究
4.Coordination Analysis on Chinese Financial Development & Industrial Economy;我国金融发展与工业经济增长的协调性分析
5.The Spill-Over Effect of FDI to Jilin Industry;FDI对吉林省工业经济增长外溢效应的实证分析
6.The industrial economy is developing with a high speed.工业经济持续高速增长。
7.zero growthin industrial output, the economy, population工业生产、 经济、 人口毫无增长.
8.The industrial production remained to be the key driving force to China's economic growth.工业生产仍是经济增长的主要推动力。
9.Tianjin industrial sectors registered a remarkable increase in economic returns this year今年天津工业系统经济效益有较增长
10.2. Industries growing at a high speed, efficiency increasing significantly.二是工业快速增长,经济效益明显改善。
11.The economy in the rust belt is slowing down.美国北部工业区的经济增长正在减慢。
12.A Positive Analysis of Ningxia Economic Growth and the Industry Pollution;宁夏经济增长与工业污染的实证分析
13.Institution Arrangement on Industrialization,High Speed Economic Growth and Labor Division Coordination;工业化、高速经济增长与协调分工的制度安排
14.Researching for the Non-coherent Mechanism between the Employment Growth and the Economic Growth of the Northeast Old Industrial Base;东北老工业基地就业增长与经济增长非一致性机理研究
15.Research on the Economic Growth Pole of Shaanxi Province Based Light Industry;基于轻工业的陕西经济产业增长极研究
16.Study on the Comprehensive Appraisement Index System about the Quality of Economic Growth of Industrial Enterprise;工业企业经济增长质量的综合评价体系研究
17.2. Improving the quality of industrial operation and fostering new points for economic growth.(二)提高工业运行质量,积极培育新的经济增长点
18.The Analysis and Countermeasures Research on Wenzhou Industrial Investment Promoting Economic Growth;温州市工业投资拉动经济增长分析及对策研究

agricultural economy growth农业经济增长
1.In Anhui Province from 1985 to 2004,by using the C-D production function,the author reaches obtaining the conclusion that the progress of science and technology is the crucial factor to promote the agricultural economy growths.以安徽省为例,利用C-D生产函数,对安徽省1985~2004年间农业科技进步贡献率进行测算,得出科技进步是推动农业经济增长的关键性因素这一结论,进而指出要促进农业经济的增长,不能再以劳动力、耕地和农田水利设施等传统农业投入作为农业增收的主要源泉,而应该充分认识到农业科技进步和农业物质投入等现代农业投入对农业经济的增长起到了决定性的作用。
2.So in order to promote regional agricultural economy growth,we should further enlarge the scale of local fiscal expenditure for agriculture and improve the capital using efficiency,which is especially important to central areas where economy downfalls and fiscal agricultural expenditure weaken.本文从财政农业支出规模、力度与结构等方面分析了我国地方财政农业支出的区域差异,在此基础上,运用面板数据模型实证检验了1995-2006年间地方财政农业支出对区域农业经济增长的影响。
3)Agricultural economic growth农业经济增长
1.The quantitative analysis of the contribution of the regulation of agricultural structure to the agricultural economic growth;农业结构变化对农业经济增长贡献的计量分析
2.The empirical analysis on the relationship between fiscal expenditure on agriculture and agricultural economic growth of Shaanxi Province陕西省财政支农支出与农业经济增长关系的实证分析——从总量与结构角度
3.Effects of aquatic product export on agricultural economic growth中国水产品出口对农业经济增长的效应分析——基于1978~2007年数据的时间序列分析
4)forestry economic growth林业经济增长
1.Based on the development of China s forestry and making good use of the data of forest calamities and the growth of forestry economy from 1952 to 2001, the paper analyses the impact of forest calamity on forestry economic growth in China, trying to explore, theoretically, the inherent correlation between the two factors.该文紧密联系我国林业的发展情况 ,利用全国 195 2—2 0 0 1年森林灾害、林业经济增长的数据 ,分析了森林灾害对我国林业经济增长的影响模式 ,从理论上探讨了森林灾害与林业经济增长的内在相关性。
5)Economic Growth and Employment经济增长与就业
1.The Influence of Local Government Investment on Economic Growth and Employment during the Economy Transition Period of China;转型期中国地方政府投资行为对经济增长与就业的影响
6)Fisheries economic growth渔业经济增长
1.The study made the cointegration analysis of the output and three input factors about fisheries economic growth in Shandong province from 1971~2006 based on the C-D production function and cointegration theory methods.本文根据C-D生产函数和协整理论方法,对1971~2006年山东省渔业经济增长的产出与三种投入要素进行了协整分析,模拟估计了山东省渔业C-D生产函数模型,并建立误差修正模型,将短期波动和长期均衡结合在一个模型中,体现出了长期均衡对短期波动"负反馈"的调整机制,并分析了资本、技术、劳动对渔业产出的贡献,综合反映了山东省渔业生产特征,对于发展山东渔业经济、促进渔业经济增长具有现实指导意义。

工业增长速度工业增长速度  工业增长速度在一定时期内工业的增长率。工业增长速度的指标是依据工业总产值来计算的,一般用百分数表示。在物质产品平衡表体系(MPS)中,一般用工业总产值和工业净产值来计算;在国民核算体系(SNA)中,则用工业增加值来计算。为避免价格因素的影响,计算时应采用不变价格。在市场经济下,影响工业增长速度的主要因素是市场对工业品的需求和工业部门的要素投入。工业增长速度与工业经济效益有着密切关系,二者互相联系,互相影响。没有一定的工业增长速度,就没有好的工业经济效益;反之,没有良好的工业经济效益,工业增长速度不仅上不去,而且即使增长速度高也是无益的,甚至严重影响国民经济的健康发展。建立在良好经济效益基础上的工业增长率才是可靠的、有益的。