理性假设,rational hypothesis
1)rational hypothesis理性假设
1.This paper holds that western economics based on the individual economic behavior makes the economic rational hypothesis full of axiom significance.西方经济学理论对经济个体行为的依赖使经济理性假设具有了公理性的意义。

1.An Analysis of "Cheap Grain Harms the Peasants" in Limited Rational Hypothesis;有限理性假设下的“谷贱伤农”分析
2.Humanity Assumption and Theoretical Innovation in Higher Education Management“人性假设”与高等教育管理理论创新
3.Rational Person Hypothesis Based on Economic Theory and Benefit Field;基于经济理论的理性人假设和利益场
4.The Rationary and Theory Boundary of Economic Man Supposition;论经济人假设的合理性及其理论界限
5.Basic Philosophy of Human Recourse Management: Humanity Assumption;人力资源管理的理念基础──人性假设
6.Significance of Different Humanity Hypotheses on Management不同人性假设对提高管理绩效的意义
7.Family Rationality: A New Assumption for the Study of Family Enterprises家族理性——家族企业研究的新假设
8.§2 The cognitive assumption of the relevance-theoretic communication view--relevance§2 关联理论交际观的认知假设——关联性
10."The Rational People":A Context Assumption in a Game;“理性人”:博弈中的广告语境假设
11.Analysing the Five Dimensions of the Hypothesis of Rational Homo-economics Man;解析“理性经济人”假设的五个维度
12.Enterprise s Human Resources Managing System under the Hypothesis of Human Nature;人性假设下的企业人力资源管理制度
13.On the Rationality of Economic Man s Hypothesis in the Economic Research;论经济人假设在经济研究中的合理性
14.Newly Investigate Bureaucracy: Rational Hypothesis and Practical Dilemma;重审官僚制:理性化假设与实践困境
15.On the irrationality of Whorf′s hypothesis from "yao"and "will";从动词“要”和“will”看沃尔夫假设的不合理性
16.The Appeal of Justical Value About Humanistic Supposition and Institutional Ethic;人性假设与制度伦理的正义价值诉求
17.Value in Management of the Hypothesis of Human Nature of "Ecological Man;“生态人”的人性假设在管理学中的价值
18.Media Effects:Theoretical Testifying of the Concept of Media;传播效果:假设性效果观的理论确证

presumptive reasoning假设性推理
1.Being an informal logician,Walton not only has studied the presumptive reasoning thoroughly,but also has prompted the presumptive reasoning to the equal status to the deductive and inductive logic as the third type reasoning form.非形式逻辑学家沃尔顿对假设性推理进行了深入的研究,并且将假设性推理升为和演绎与归纳相并列的第三类推理形式,从而在理论和实践上解决了许多长期困扰人们的逻辑问题,为论证和谬误理论研究提供了一个新的逻辑基础,是对非形式逻辑合法性的极好辩护,也对建立面向生活世界的语用逻辑提供了更为合适的标准。
3)the rational person supposition理性人假设
4)axiomatic hypothesis公理性假设
1.The experimental method,sorting from the axiomatic hypothesis and preference-existed hypothesis,conducts a literature survey on the experimental application on risk preference,and it has an expansive research space in this field.风险偏好实验方法从经典理论的公理性假设与偏好存在假设两个角度出发,分别对经典理论提出了质疑、理论替代与理论修正,实验方法在该领域有着广阔的研究空间。
5)the assumption of rationality农民理性假设
6)hypothesis of economic rationality经济理性假设
