国民经济体系,national economic system
1)national economic system国民经济体系
1.It is the utmost potential of national economic system when mobilized.国民经济动员潜力是国民经济体系被动员时的属性。

1.Economic Commission for Africa Expert Group Meeting on the System of National Accounts非洲经济委员会国民经济体系专家组会议
2.The National System of Political Economy政治经济学的国民体系
3.Talk on China National Economic Accounting System 2002;谈《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》
4.On China s System of National Accounts(2002);《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》刍议
5.A Comparative Study of MPS and SNA Accounting Systems;完善适应市场经济发展的国民经济核算体系
6.System of Statistical Balance of the National Economy国民经济统计平衡表体系
7.Basic Principles of the System of Balances of the National Economy国民经济平衡表体系的基本原则
8.On the Establishment of Financial Service System of Private Economy in Our Country;论我国民营经济金融服务体系的构建
9.Research on Relation between Social Economic Development and National Physical Fitness;社会经济发展与国民体质关系的研究
10.A Discussion on Improving the Theoretical System of the Study of National Economy Management;完善国民经济管理学理论体系的探讨
11.GDP-Core Index in System of National Accounts国民经济核算体系核心指标GDP研究
12.Comparisons of the System of National Accounts and the Balances of the National Economy: Part One,Conceptual Relationships国民帐户体系和国民经济平衡体系的比较:第一部分,概念上的关系
13.On the Establishment and Improvement of the Statistical Index System of National Economy Monitoring and Forecast;我国国民经济预警监测指标体系的建立与完善
14.Study on the Framework of China s System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting;我国绿色国民经济核算体系的框架及其评价
15.Research on the Construction of Integrated System ofEnvironmental Economic Accounting in China;中国绿色国民经济核算体系的构建研究
16.Some Opinions about the Designing of National Accounts of China;对我国国民经济核算体系设计方案的一些认识
17.Reviewing and Thinking about the Reform of the System of National Accounts of China;中国国民经济核算体系的改革的回顾与思考
18.Amendment to China s National Accounting System (Trial Scheme);关于《中国国民经济核算体系(试行方案)》的修订

China's System of National Accounts中国国民经济核算体系
3)System of national account国民经济帐户体系
4)chinese system of national accounts新国民经济核算体系
5)System of National Accounts国民经济核算体系
1.The edition of System of National Accounts issued in 1993 developed the study of the system of national accounts to a second new high level, which is the highest level beyond the memory of men.93年SNA(System of National Accounts)的颁布,将国民经济核算体系的研究与发展推到一个新的高度。
6)green national accounting system绿色国民经济核算体系
1.Based on related research on economics of environment and resources, this paper analyses systematically the definition and evaluation methods of ecologic capital and green national accounting system,and points out some existing problems such as unclear dimension and confused application of evaluation methods.在对大量环境资源相关文献研究的基础上,对生态资本的界定、价值评估方法、绿色国民经济核算体系等进行系统的分析和综述,认为研究中存在评估方法应用范围不明确、使用混乱等不足,需要在建立生态资本价值评估指标体系、完善评估理论与技术以及生态资本积累方式等方面做进一步的研究。

中国国民经济核算体系中国国民经济核算体系 【中国国民经济核算体系】在马克思主义理论指导下,借鉴国际国民经济核算的科学方法,联系中国实际情况制订的新核算体系。1卯2年正式在全国试行。由社会再生产核算表和经济循环账户两部分组成。社会再生产核算表分基本表和补充表:基本表包括国内生产总值及使用表、投人产出表、资金流量表、国际收支表和资产负债表;补充表是根据统计核算系统完整的要求而对基本表核算的补充,最初设8张表,目前根据需要作了一些调整,未来发展可能还将变化。经济循环账户采用账户体系的反映方法,包括国民经济账户、机构部门账户、产业部门账户和经济循环矩阵。