科技商品,S&T commodity
1)S&T commodity科技商品
1.It makes an analysis of similarities and differences between S&T commodity and ni- S&T commodity from characteristics,purchaser and price fixing of research project outcome.文章从研究项目成果的特点、研究项目成果的购买者以及研究项目成果的定价出发,分析了科技商品和拟科技商品的异同。

1.Study on the Fetishism of Science-technological Commodity in theModern Society of Commodity Economy;现代商品经济社会中的科技商品拜物教研究
2.The fetishism of science-technological commodity essentially is the relation between people and people concealed by the science-technological commodity qua "things".科技商品拜物教在实质上是科技商品作为"物"所掩盖着的人与人的关系;
3.The Contextualism of the Modern Economic Society of Science-technological Commodities--View on the Context of Modern Economic Society from the Angle of Commodities;现代科技商品经济社会之与境论——从商品视域看现代经济社会之与境
4.International Association for Commodity Science and Technology国际商品科学和技术协会
5.Accelerate the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements加速科技成果商品化、产业化进程
6.Good products should show a comBination of style, quality and high technology.好的商品应该是风格、质量和高科技的结合。
7.This will strengthen our scientific and technological base, and will facilitate the commercialisation of medicinal products.这会有助巩固我们的科技基础,促进中药商品化。
8.Commodity Features and Self-perfection Ability of the Sci-tech Journal;科技期刊商品性特征及其自我完善能力初探
9.Analysis of the Comparative Advantages of China and Japan’s High-tech Commodities Trade;中日高科技密集商品贸易的比较优势分析
10.The Role Science and Technology Play in the Production of Commodity and the Development of Human Society;科学技术在商品生产和人类社会发展中的作用
11.E-commerce Model of Hi-tech Products Three-period Marketing Segmentation;高科技产品的三阶段细分营销电子商务模型
12.Research on JianDao Technology Company Management of Fast-moving Consumer Goods Distributors健道科技公司快速消费品经销商管理研究
13.Evaluation and Monitoring Methods of Science and Technology Investment in Commercial Enterprises商品流通企业科技投入的评价与监督方法
14.Biotech World serves four constituencies in China including manufacturers of biotech products, scientists, suppliers of biotech equipment and investors.《生物技术世界》主要面向四类读者,生物制品制造商、科学家、生物制品供应商、投资者。
15.Nonetheless, to date, we have not fallen behind in converting scientific and technological breakthroughs into viable commercial products.不过,在将科技突破转化为有效商品方面,我们尚未落后。
16.Considering Heilongjiang Enterprises Involved in the Eoconomic,Trade and Technical Co operation wtih Russians in Terms of the Import-export Goods Structure;从进出口商品结构看黑龙江省企业参与对俄经贸科技合作问题
17.The Legal Protection of the Conversion of the Scientific and Technological Achievements;试论科技成果商品化、产业化与国际化的法律保护
18.Innovation and Technology Commission [ITC] [Commerce and Industry Bureau]创新科技署〔工商局〕

ni-S&T commodity拟科技商品
1.It makes an analysis of similarities and differences between S&T commodity and ni- S&T commodity from characteristics,purchaser and price fixing of research project outcome.文章从研究项目成果的特点、研究项目成果的购买者以及研究项目成果的定价出发,分析了科技商品和拟科技商品的异同。
3)high-tech commodity高科技商品
4)price fixing of S&T commodity科技商品定价
5)price fixing of ni-S&T commodity拟科技商品定价
6)high-tech commodities高科技密集商品
1.A positivist study,based on relative trade advantage(RTA) indexes,of fifty categories of high-tech commodities of China and Japan provides evidence that the differences between the comparative advantages of high-tech commodities of the two countries,though still very large,are showing signs of being reduced.利用相对贸易优势指标(RTA)对中日50种高科技密集商品进行实证分析,可以看出,中日在高科技密集商品方面的比较优势差距尽管很大,但出现了缩小趋势,为了进一步提升中国高科技密集商品的国际竞争力,我们认为,必须抓住国际产业转移的时机,加大对国外先进技术的引进和吸收,增加技术投入,提高科学技术向生产转化程度。
