商品买卖,the goods are bought and sell
1)the goods are bought and sell商品买卖

1.Commodity broker商品买卖介绍人、经纪人
2.3) place for commodity exchange and transaction;(3)市场是商品交换和商品买卖的场所;
3.Certainly, it's changing the way things are bought and sold.首先,互联网正在改变商品买卖的方式。
4.He make a lot of money by traffic Illicit merchandise他做违禁商品买卖赚了许多钱
5.He made a lot of money by trafficking illicit merchandise.他做违禁商品买卖赚了许多钱。
6.An Analysis of Frame Semantic in the Domain of Transaction交易域商品买卖类框架语义分析研究
7.the business of selling merchandise at a discount.打折扣出售商品的买卖。
8.buying or selling securities or commodities.有价证券或商品的买卖。
9.a foreign purchaser who buys goods outright for resale.直接买商品为了再卖的外来的买主。
10.the purchase of securities or commodities by a short seller to close out a short sale.卖空者抛售卖空的货来购买证券或商品。
11.Commercial housing policy questions of how to pay estate sale?政策解答商品房买卖中如何缴纳契税?
12.The Brisk Business depends on the good quality of goods and the excellent service.买卖兴隆,靠商品优质,服务优良。
13.The Research on Some Legal Issues in the Commodity Estate Forward-Sale;商品房预售买卖中若干法律问题研究
14.On Establishment of Registration for Advance Notice of Commercial House Transaction;建立商品房买卖预告登记制度之研究
15.The Problem of Break Faith in the Sales of Commercial Housing and Its Regulation;论商品房买卖中的失信问题及其规范
16.Both the seller and the buyer have to engage a surveyor to get the Inspection do .买卖双方均需聘请商检员来进行商品检验。
17.The buyers and sellers in a foreign trade are called importers and exporters.外贸活动中的买方和卖方就是进品商和出口商。
18.the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services.交换商品和服务的商业(在国内或国际市场买卖)。

real estate transactions商品房买卖
3)Dispute in the Trades of Commercial Residential Building商品房买卖纠纷
4)commercial residential building deal contract商品房买卖合同
1.This paper,together with theory and case studies,analyze purchasing house disputes of commercial residential building deal contract,late delivery disputes,late Accreditation dispute and treating of discrepancy\'s contentious issues.近年来,随着房地产市场的快速发展,商品房买卖合同纠纷成为广州仲裁委员会受理的主要纠纷类型之一。
5)commodity verbs商品买卖类动词
1.Based on materials from CCL,this paper takes commodity verbs as the research object.文章运用题元角色理论和句式平行变化原则描写分析了商品买卖类动词"主—谓—宾"基本句式与"把"字句、"被"字句、重动句及宾语前置句之间的变化规律。
6)buying-and-selling interaction商品买卖话语活动

承租人要求出租人订立买卖合同购买租赁物的权利承租人要求出租人订立买卖合同购买租赁物的权利:出租人应当按照承租人对出卖人租赁物的选择购买租赁物,以实现融资租赁,购买租赁物,这本是融资租赁关系的前提,但从融资租赁合同的整体上看,按照承租人的选择和要求购买租赁物,是出租人的一项义务,出租人必须根据承租人对租赁物和出卖人的选择以自己的名义与出卖人签定购买租赁物的买卖合同,出租人不与出卖人订立购买租赁物的买卖合同的,应当向承租人负赔偿责任。对此《合同法》第241条规定:出租人根据承租人对出卖人租赁物的选择订立的买卖合同,未经承租人同意,出租人不得变更与承租人有关的合同内容。《民法》第一版第488页,魏振瀛 北京出版社