社会再生产理论,theory of social reproduction
1)theory of social reproduction社会再生产理论
1.This paper establishes a theoretical model of investment rate from Marx s theory of social reproduction,and by using relevant datum of China and America,it comparatively analyzes the main factors affecting the level of investment rate in China and America.通过运用马克思社会再生产理论,建立了投资率理论模型,系统地揭示了影响投资率大小的因素,以及这些因素对投资率的影响态势,并利用中国和美国的相关数据,比较分析了影响中美两国投资率高低的主要因素。

1.Enlightenment on Macro Control in China from Marx s Theory of Social Reproduction;马克思社会再生产理论对我国宏观调控的启示
2.Marx s Tableau Economique and Establishment of Theory of Social Reproduction;马克思的经济表与社会再生产理论的创立
3.Comparison between Marxist Social Reproduction Theory and Solow's Growth Model马克思社会再生产理论与索洛增长模型的比较
4.The Research of the Theory of Marx s Social Reproduction from the Viewpoint of Scientific Development;从科学发展观的角度探析马克思社会再生产理论
5.Inspired by Quesnay's Tableau Economique, Marx had attempted with Tableau Economique form to construct the theory of social reproduction model.马克思受魁奈的启发,试图用经济表的形式来构建自己的社会再生产理论模型。
6.A Kind of Neglected Production--Contemporary Meaning of Marx Theory of Reproduction of Social Relation;一种被忽视的生产——马克思社会关系再生产理论的当代意义
7.An analysis of China s internal and external macroeconomic imbalances--From "Das Kapital" social capital theory of reproduction perspective;从《资本论》社会资本再生产理论看我国宏观经济的内外部失衡
8.Study on the Difference in Education Research on "Theory of Reproduction" between the East and the West;论新教育社会学“再生产理论”中西教育研究的差异
9.A Discussion of the Two Theories of Reproduction in a Philosophical Perspective;社会两种再生产理论的哲学透视──兼论我国两种再生产存在的矛盾及解决途径
10.On the Reproduction of Education: A Study of Function of Education from the Perspective of Sociology论教育再生产——教育功能的社会学审视
11.On the Concept of Socialization of Production and Innovation of Socialism;生产社会化理论与社会主义观念创新
12.Power Reproduction in Chinese "Face" Culture--Based on the Theories of Social Interaction and Capital Transaction;面子文化下的权力再生产——基于社会互动与资本交易的理论视角
13.Several Thinking on the Society Total Capital Reproduction Theory of Marxist Economics;对马克思经济学中社会总资本再生产理论的几点思考
14.The educational mechanism of power reproduction--Pierre Bourdieu s educational sociology theory and its practical significance;权力再生产的教育机制——布尔迪厄教育社会学理论及其现实意义
15.Issue about Macro Intervene in Marx s Theory of Social Capital Reproduction and Circulation;马克思社会资本再生产和流通理论关于宏观干预的几个问题
16.socialist simple reproduction社会主义简单再生产
17.socialist reproduction on extended scale社会主义扩大再生产
18.The optimal investment allocation of two major categories for socialist production以社会主义生产目的为目标的两大部类最优投资分配——以马克思扩大再生产理论为基础

The theory of social reproduction社会再生生产理论
3)society total capital reproduction theory社会总资本再生产理论
4)theory of social productive force社会生产力理论
5)social reproduction社会再生产
1.Through establishing and studying the spreading model of social reproduction added the consumption of the old,the author finds that the aging has an effect on the social reproduction except in the system of PAYG.笔者通过建立并研究"加入老年人口消费"的社会再生产拓展模型,发现人口老龄化在非现收现付式的养老保障制度下,会影响该区域社会再生产的顺利实现,而区域间的经济合作有利于解决这一问题。
2.Inspired by Quesnay s Tableau Economique,Marx had attempted with Tableau Economique form to construct the theory of social reproduction model.马克思受魁奈的启发,试图用经济表的形式来构建自己的社会再生产理论模型。
3.This re-stated system includes an equilibrium condition of social reproduction and three deductions,the internal relation of which can be illustrated by geometry forms.这个重新表述的体系主要包括一个社会再生产的均衡条件和三个推论,它们的内在联系可通过几何图形表述出来。
6)the theory of socialist productive forces社会主义生产力理论
1.In the new period of socialist modernization,Deng Xiaoping put forward four new judgements about the theory of socialist productive forces,which have formed a scientific theory system , and developed the theory of productive forces of Maxism.在社会主义现代化建设的新时期,邓小平提出了社会主义生产力理论的四个新论断,形成了科学的理论体系,发展了马克思主义的生产力理论。

社会再生产  生产过程的不断反复和经常更新包括物质资料再生产和人口再生产两个方面。物质资料再生产是人口再生产的基础。只有周而复始地进行物质资料的生产、不断地为社会提供所需的物质资料,才能有人类的存在和延续;人口再生产又是物质资料再生产得以不断进行的条件。物质资料生产的不断进步,总是伴随着人口再生产的不断进步。社会再生产的发展过程既是物质资料再生产由低级向高级的发展过程,也是人口再生产由低级向高级的发展过程。