产业生态圈,industrial ecosphere
1)industrial ecosphere产业生态圈
1.The industrial ecosphere\'s construction is organic unification of the market spontaneous behavior and the government conscious activity.产业生态圈的构建是市场自发行为和政府自觉行为的有机统一。
2)forestry ecological circle林业生态圈
1.In terms of the development scale and ecological situation of Liuzhou City,the planning way of thinking for constructing city forestry ecological circle is advanced,and the basic orientation and construction principle for city forestry ecological circle in Liuzhou is also expounded.根据柳州城市的发展规模和生态状况,提出建设城市林业生态圈的规划思路,阐述了柳州城市林业生态圈的基本定位和建设原则,并结合柳州市的生态区位、存在的主要生态问题以及经济社会发展对生态环境的依赖程度,提出城市林业生态圈建设的范围、空间布局、建设指标和主要建设模式。

1.On the Development Strategy for Construction of Changsha Urban Forestry Ecospbere论长沙市城市林业生态圈建设的发展战略
2.Analyzing of Changsha Ecological Environment and Study on Programming of City Forestry Ecosphere;长沙市生态环境分析及城市林业生态圈的规划框架
3.Research on Theory and Practice of Synergetic Industrial Ecosphere;生态型行业协同圈的理论与实践研究
4.Enterprise biological transition in Wuhan city s urban circle construction;武汉城市圈建设中企业生态位的转变
5.Forest Eco-economic Productivity and the Development of Forestry Produce;森林生态经济生产力与林业生产发展
6.Establish the new position of forestry, build the forest ecological city;确立林业新定位 建设森林生态市
7.Review of Harmonious Development of Forestry Ecology and Forestry Industry;林业生态与林业产业协调发展研究综述
8.Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点
9.Research on the Combination of Eco-tourism and Outward Bound--Taking Guilin Tourism Zone as an Example生态旅游融入户外拓展训练模式初探——以桂林旅游圈为例
10.On the eco Logical Industry System Developments Closingto to Wei-fiver in " XT-XIAN" City area;"西咸"都市圈临渭生态工业系统建设初探
11.On Speeding up the Development of the Eco-cultural Tourism Circle of Western Hubei加快鄂西圈生态文化旅游产业发展的新思考
12.Dynamic Analysis on the Emergy of Agroecosystem in Western Jilin Province;吉林西部农业生态系统能值动态分析
13.Forestry in Canada and Its Implication for the ecosystem construction in Bijie Prefecture;加拿大林业对毕节试验区林业生态建设的启示
14.The Efficient Means for Eco-forestry and Forestry Sustainable Development;论生态林业与林业可持续发展的有效途径
15.Community Forestry:the Ideal Combination of Forestry Development and Ecological Soundness;社区林业:林业发展与生态良好的完美结合
16.Advancing Forestry System Restructuring & Boosting the Building of Guangdong Ecological Province深化林业体制改革 推进广东林业生态省的建设
17.Business Plan on Ecotypic Demonstrating Farming Land;生态农牧林业科技示范区创业计划书
18.Discussions about Ecological Forestry Construction after the Ecological Immigration of Wan an Reservoir Area;关于万安库区生态移民后生态林业建设的探讨

forestry ecological circle林业生态圈
1.In terms of the development scale and ecological situation of Liuzhou City,the planning way of thinking for constructing city forestry ecological circle is advanced,and the basic orientation and construction principle for city forestry ecological circle in Liuzhou is also expounded.根据柳州城市的发展规模和生态状况,提出建设城市林业生态圈的规划思路,阐述了柳州城市林业生态圈的基本定位和建设原则,并结合柳州市的生态区位、存在的主要生态问题以及经济社会发展对生态环境的依赖程度,提出城市林业生态圈建设的范围、空间布局、建设指标和主要建设模式。
3)industrial ecology产业生态
1.An Operation Model & Market Positioning Study on Indutrial Real Estate Project Based on Industrial Ecology in Baoan of Shenzhen;基于产业生态的SB工业房地产项目市场定位及运营模式研究
2.Research on the Cluster Modes Based on Industrial Ecology;基于产业生态视角的集群模式研究
4)Ecological industry生态产业
1.An appraoch to deveop an ecological industry in ecological economy area of Changbai Mountain;长白山生态经济区生态产业发展途径探析
2.Construction of ecological province and development of ecological industry;生态省建设与生态产业的发展
3.Ecological industry in mountain areas is characterized by the dependence on natural resources,contraint of vertical landscape belt,diversity and complication of structure,protracted nature of construction,gradation of economic benefit,backward in technology and arduous task.山区生态产业是依赖于山区丰富的自然资源按照生态学原理组织形成的生态与经济有机统一的产业发展形式。
1.Study on the Eco-industry of Setting up Circular Economy in Chengdu;构建成都循环经济的生态产业规划研究
2.Many literatures of valuation on ecosystem services(ES) in different types and scale ecosystems have shown that the economics value of ES is huge,if we make up all different ES becoming “commodity” which can be traded on markets by certain means,that a new eco-industry based on ES will be likely to occur in future.对不同类型、不同尺度生态系统的服务功能进行的经济价值估算的结果表明,生态系统服务的经济价值是巨大的,如果将各种服务功能通过一定的形式“包装”成为可以在市场上销售的“商品”,那么这种具有巨大经济价值的特殊的“商品”将带来一种新的生态产业的发展。
3.On the basis of analyzing eco-industrys `current situation of our country,this paper sets up the Three-dimensional Theory Model for eco-industry operating mechanism,puts forward operating mechanism,which makes the market economic system self-development and self-perfection.生态产业是我国经济可持续发展的本质要求,是发展循环经济的重要保障。
6)industry ecology产业生态
1.Technological progress has impacts on the chang of industry ecology in following aspects:industry ecology components,flourishing or declining industry,the density of industry and the relation of enterprises,as well as the coordinate evolution of subunites within enterprises.技术进步影响产业生态环境的变化。
2.Then, this thesis gives an in-depth analysis on the conception and core logic of industry ecology, and argues there is an inherent consistence between industry ecology and enterprise sustainable development.产业生态视角下的循环优化不仅仅局限在企业内部,它注重的是更高级别的优化。
3.Based on the study object clarification and its definition review of industry ecology, this paper argues that industry ecology can be defined as two levels, of which one is broad sense and the other is narrow sense.本文基于对产业生态研究视角的澄清以及有关产业生态定义的回顾 ,对产业生态的概念作了广义和狭义两个层面的界定。

林业生态工程林业生态工程ecological engingeering of forestry 1 inye shengtai gongeheng林业生态工程(eeologieal engingeering of footw)根据生态学、生态经济学、系统科学与生态工程原理,针对森林生态系统的特征和社会经济发展现状所建立的以木本植物为主体,与相应的植物、动物、微生物等生物种群相结合而形成的稳定而高效的人工复合生态系统。它是生态工程原理在林业建设中的具体运用。 主要内容包括:①环境调控工程。包括造林中的整地、人工沙障、吸水剂的应用、低湿地带的排水、土面增温、防兽网罩的应用及土壤改良等。②生物种群选择与匹配工程。种群匹配是在主要种群选定以后,根据主要种群特性选定次要种群的过程。林业生态工程的主要种群可以是乔木,也可以是灌木,甚至是草本植物。次要种群的匹配要根据与主要种群互利共生原则来选定,这些种群可以包括乔木、灌木(参见彩图插页第9页)、草本植物,甚至于农作物或低等生物(食用菌类)。③建造工程。选定种群定植的过程,甚至属于栽植技术与平面分布结构的建造等。④食物链工程。应用人工选定的食物链种群来代替天然食物链种群的一项工程置换措施。如用蚕代替食叶害虫,用蜜蜂代替野蜂,用驯养草食动物代替野生草食动物等。蒙「 菜睦密 上海人民广场(晓城摄)草本植物 (《青藏高原草场及其 主要植物图语》)主要类型: 。生态环境脆弱带工程 l主要水系水源涵养工程 }r林网工程 林业生态工程{农用林工“l奔纂羹霆圭囊 I护林工程 l海岸林工程 ‘城市绿化工程 (刘金勋赵士洞)