1.Numerical Research on the Influence of Different Step and Expanding Modes on Scramjet Combustor;台阶和扩张形式对超燃燃烧室影响的数值研究
2.Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Single Adatom Diffusion on Si(001) and Single-height Si(001) Steps;Si原子在Si(001)表面及其台阶附近扩散的分子动力学模拟
3.Growth hillock,step topography and step edge energy of ADP crystals:ex situ and in situ investigation by atomic force microscopyADP晶体的生长丘、台阶微观形貌及台阶棱边能
1.There are 150 steps to the top of the tower.到塔顶有150级台阶.
2.step-rate injectivity test台阶状流量注入试井
3.He went down the steps with her at his back.他同身后的她走下台阶。
4.The old man climbed down the stairs.那老人费劲地走下台阶。
5.Give them an out.给他们找个台阶下。
6.We walked slowly down the steps.我们慢慢地走下了台阶。
7.the horizontal part of a stair or step.楼梯或台阶水平部分。
8.step-rate analysis台阶状流量试井分析
9.slip on the slimy steps在有泥浆的台阶上滑倒.
10.He walked up the steps to the big buiding.他走上进大楼的台阶。
11.He bustled her upstairs.他催着她跨上台阶。
12.Go up the steps to the door.走上台阶到门口去。
13.These steps are made of marble.这些台阶是大理石的.
14.I bounded up the steps and rapped on the door.我跳上台阶,赶紧敲门。
15.He tripped over the step.他在台阶上绊倒了。
16.She mounted the steps firmly.她坚定地迈上台阶。
17.He steps the stairs to the second floor.他由台阶上二层楼。
18.estaBlish a new strategy, attain a new height确立新战略,跨上新台阶
1.Three-dimensional ledges were observed on the broad faces and at the tip of bainitic plates, which proves the real existence of ledges.为探讨铜合金的贝氏体相变机制,用透射电镜研究了三种Cu-Zn-Al合金贝氏体的精细结构,在贝氏体片条的宽面及生长前端均观察到三维形态的台阶,表明台价是客观存在的实验事实。
2.The results show that all the initial bainites formed in different alloys at different temperatures are with three-dimensional ledges on the broad faces and/ or at the growth edges of α1 plates but without internal stacking faults, which proves that ledges exist generally on bainites in Cu-Zn-Al alloys and that the growth of bainites is govern.结果发现,三种合金在不同温度形成的贝氏体初生态的宽面及端面均存在三维形态的台阶,但无层错亚结构,表明台阶在Cu-Zn-Al合金贝氏体中是普遍存在的,贝氏体的生长属扩散控制的台阶长大机制。
1.Based on geological model of deposits and by means of CAD method,the authors put forward the building method of layered opencast mining geological model, whose layers are composed of bench.建立以台阶为单元的分层式矿床开采地质模型的方法。
台阶 建筑外部和内部不同标高地面之间用踏步连接的构件,通常是指建筑物入口处、室内外不同标高地面之间设置的踏步。室外的台阶一般还包括与踏步接连的平台部分。建筑物内部如进厅、走廊、过道、休息厅等地面有高差也用台阶连接。 台阶踏步的高宽比一般为1:2至1:4。因此,通常台阶踏步常做成高100~150毫米,宽300~400毫米。 建筑入口处的台阶一般有单面式、三面式以及与坡道组合等形式。有的台阶常与花台、栏杆、边石、坐凳以及立柱、侧墙、雨篷等组织在一起,以加强入口处空间效果。台阶一般为砖石实体砌筑,为防止台阶与建筑物因沉陷差别而出现裂缝,台阶常在建筑主体基本建成后施工,也可采用从墙体勒脚处挑出钢筋混凝土平台和台阶,或采用钢筋混凝土桥式架空台阶。台阶的平台和踏步常用水泥砂浆抹面,也可作水磨石,或铺设缸砖、马赛克、天然石等。为防止雨水积聚或溢水室内,台阶的平台地面标高最好比室内地面低20~30毫米,向外找坡,以利排水。