下降法,Bridgman method
1)Bridgman method下降法
1.Large-sized of φ100 mm CaF2 single crystals were grown by the Bridgman method.采用坩埚下降法成功生长了φ100mmCaF2晶体,研究了不同条件生长单晶的缺陷和光谱性能。
2.CaF_2 single crystals were grown by Bridgman method in different growing conditions.采用坩埚下降法生长了CaF2单晶体,研究了不同条件生长的单晶缺陷和光谱性能。
3.The high temperature phase barium metaborate α-BaB2O4 single crystal with 25mm in diameter, 100mm in height was grown by the Bridgman method.采用坩埚下降法生长出了新型双折射晶体高温相偏硼酸钡α-BaB2O4单晶,尺寸为φ25mm×100mm,在He-Ne激光照射下无散射颗粒和生长条纹,在可见光区用复式宝石折射仪粗略测得该晶体的双折射率△n=0。

1.The Modified Steepest Descent Method──Best Point in Steepest Descent method改进的最速下降法─最好点最速下降法
2.roping [helicopter]沿绳下降法〔直升机〕
3.An Application of Fermat's Method of Descent to a Real Quadratic Field费尔玛下降法在一实二次域中的应用
5.The decreasing gradient algorithm and chaos algorithm both have shortcomings for optimization problems.梯度下降法与混沌优化法均具有各自的缺点。
6.Bézier curve fitting based on genetic algorithm and steepest descent algorithm基于遗传算法和最速下降法的Bézier曲线拟合
7.Image restoration algorithm based on primal-dual hybrid gradient descent method基于原—对偶混合梯度下降法的图像恢复算法
8.A New Class of Multi-step Descent Methods with Curve Search Rule一类新的曲线搜索下的多步下降算法
9.To descend by means of a parachute.跳伞,伞降用降落伞下降
10.while in the senior period, the egg laying rate fell on an average at the rate of 6.3‰ per week, as against 5.6‰ per week of French standard.在衰老阶段,日产蛋率每周下降6.3‰,而法国标准每周下降5.6‰;
11.the approach to a landing field by an airplane.飞机下降接近陆地的方法。
12.A new gradient descent algorithm for unconstrained optimization problem is proposed.提出了一种新的无约束优化下降算法.
13.The birthrate in France has been declining for several years.近几年来,法国的出生率一直在下降。
14.The pilot manages to glide down to a safe landing驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全著陆
15.The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing.驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全着陆.
16.The concern is that respiratory problems could impede athletic performance and prevent records from being broken.呼吸不顺畅,使得成绩下降,无法破记录。
17.A Derivative-free Algorithm Based on Approximate Descent Direction;一个基于近似下降方向的免梯度算法
18.The Method of Reducing Bullwhip Effect Under the Information Sharing Condition;信息共享条件下的牛鞭效应降低方法

descent method下降法
1.After observing two types of nonsmooth optimization methods,subgradient method and Bundle method,and the descent method briefly,a new idea on solving nondifferentiable problems is brought for- ward and then the new method is presented.在分析了非光滑优化两类基本算法以及最速下降法要素的基础上,提出了一种求解非光滑优化问题的思路,形成了算法。
2.Finally, wo present a descent method for solving VIP and study a global error bound for unconstrained optimization reformulation in order to discuss the convergence of itinerative method.最后给出了一个求解的下降法,并考察了最优化问题的误差界问题,以分析叠代法的收敛性。
3)lowering method下降法
1.In the experiment with capillarity to mersure the liquid surface tension coefficient, the fact that the liquid column does not reach the expected height because the contact angle is not approximately equal to zero in raising method; and the reason that the pipe-wall must be moistened sufficiently is not to compensate the energy loss by internal friction in lowering method.“下降法”使管壁充分浸润,不是补偿由于液体层间摩擦损失的能
2.Another method, the lowering method is proposed for measuring the liquid level in the measurement of surface tension, for improving the accuracy.从流体动力学角度推出了液体在毛细管中上升的高度,从而指出在测量液体表面张力系数中传统方法的欠缺,提出了采用下降法测量液体在毛细管内的高度的方法,使得测量液体表面张力系数的系统误差大大降低。
4)descent algorithm下降算法
1.Global convergence of a conjugate descent algorithm;一种共轭下降算法的全局收敛性
2.A descent algorithm for global optimization;全局最优化问题的下降算法
3.A new descent algorithm for solving the nonlinear complementarity problems are presented.提出了非线性互补问题的一个下降算法 ,并在一定条件下证明了该算法的收敛性定理 ,同时给出了一些数值例子 ,得到很好的数值结
5)descent method下降算法
1.We consider the convergence properties of descent methods with errors proposed by Solodov and Svaiter.本文考虑了Solodov和Svaiter提出的带误差项的下降算法的收敛性。
2.This paper presents a class of descent method for unconstrained optimization problem, and proves its global convergence under Armijo s line search and wolfe s line search.提出一类无约束优化下降算法 ,证明了Armijo搜索和Wolfe搜索下的全局收敛性 。
6)Decent Methods下降方法

下降法下降法descent method of T降法[山欲即tlr犯山团Of;cuyeRa MeT姐] 一种解最小化问题 f(x’)二塑f(x)的方法,这里f为变量x=(x1,二,动的某个函数.下降法的迭代序列{砂}用公式 x趾十1=x‘+气夕介计算,这里扩是指了在xk处的某一下降方向的向量,气为一迭代参数,它的值表示沿扩方向的步长.如果f是可微函数,而犷不是它的极值点,那么向量犷必须满足不等式 (f‘(xk),gk)<0,(*)【补注】亦见坐标方式的下降法(co。攻垃坦记一wise七-centrne山川).这里f‘(x协为f在xk处的梯度. 如果f是一个充分光滑函数(例如,二次连续可微),并且序列{犷}满足不等式(*),则存在一个序列{气}使得 f(x0)>…>f(x勺>·… 在关于函数f和关于选择参数{气}与向量犷的方法的一定限制下(见[3l),序列{扩}收敛到初始问题的解x’ 梯度法(脚dient皿thod)是一种下降法,其中向量{矿}是按某种方式通过向量{f’夕)}来表示的.最常见的一种情形是其中 g‘=一B林‘)f‘(x人),这里B(x)是对任意两个向量x与y,以及某两个常数M)m>0,满足 m(x,x)簇(B切x,x)成M(x,x)的一个对称矩阵.在关于f的附加限制(见【3])下并通过笼气}的一种特殊选择,梯度法保证{尹}以具有比率g<1的一个几何级数速度对初始问题解x’的收敛.梯度法的一个特殊情形是最速下降法(s魄P留tde-scent,此山川of),其中矩阵B(x)为单位矩阵.