分离分析,segregation analysis
Separation and analysis分离分析
1.It has unique merits in the separation and analysis of chiral drugs and is widely used in the areas of agriculture, medicine and chemical engineering.该技术对手性药物分离分析具有独特的优点。
3)analysis separation分析分离
5)analysis and separation分析和分离
1.Applications of molten salts to the areas of preparating alloys and functional materials;batteries and capacitors;analysis and separation;use as reaction media and catalyzers;environmental protection have good prospect.熔盐在电化学制备合金和功能材料、能源、分析和分离、用作反应介质和催化剂、环境保护等方面应用前景良好。
6)water seperation and analysis水分离分析
