琼斯矩阵方法,Jones matrix method
1)Jones matrix method琼斯矩阵方法
1.Electro-optical effect of liquid crystal cells is investigated with Jones matrix method.应用琼斯矩阵方法,研究这种液晶盒的电光效应。
2)Jones matrix eigenanalysis(JME) method琼斯矩阵(JME)法
3)Jones matrix琼斯矩阵
1.Application of Jones matrix in the research of polarization effects of the distributed optic fiber sensor;琼斯矩阵在分布式光纤传感器偏振态分析中的应用
2.The Jones matrix analysis of optical beam in virtual coordinate measurement by laser tracking;虚拟坐标激光动态跟踪测量系统中光路的琼斯矩阵分析
3.Analyses of Jones matrix of polarized-light interference;偏振光干涉的琼斯矩阵分析

1.The Research on Statistical Characteristics of Polarization Mode Dispersion Based on Jones Transfer Matrix;基于琼斯矩阵法的偏振模色散统计特性的研究
2.An analysis using Jones matrix has bee n performed on readout of the magneto-optic disk dependence of phase shift.本文运用琼斯矩阵分析了相位延迟对磁光盘读出特性的影响。
3.Analysis of Poincare Presentation of Elliptically Polarized Light via a Rotatory Device by Means of Johns Matrix利用琼斯矩阵分析全偏振光通过旋光器件的邦加球表示
5.Jones will be missing from the team line-up.球队阵容中将没有琼斯.
6.Thomson-Haskell matrix methord汤姆森-哈斯克尔矩阵法
7.Volume of Lucas sequence matrix卢卡斯(Lucas)数列矩阵的体积
8.Laplacian Spectra of Circulant Graph and Its Complement循环图及其补图的拉普拉斯矩阵的谱
9.The Largest Eigenvalue of the Quasi-Laplacian Matrix of a Connected Graph连通图拟拉普拉斯矩阵的最大特征值
10.The square matrix is called a diagonal matrix.该方矩阵称为对角矩阵。
11.The matrix is defined as the reciprocal of A.该矩阵定义为A之逆矩阵。
12.Rob Jones made his LFC debut against which club?罗伯·琼斯为利物浦首度亮相的比赛是对阵哪个俱乐部?
13.Research on Development Strategy of Convention/Exhibition Logistics Based on TOWS Matrix;基于道斯矩阵的会展物流业发展战略研究
14.On Physical Meaning of Gauss Elimination in Analysis of Structural Matrix;结构矩阵分析中高斯消元法的物理意义
15.Analysis of Similarity Between DNA Sequence Sets Based on Laplace Matrix基于拉普拉斯矩阵的DNA序列集相似性分析
16.Research on Traffic Matrix Estimation Based on Gauss Mixed Model基于高斯混合模型的流量矩阵估算研究
17.Research on Combination of Nonparaxial Off-axis Gaussian Beams of a 2D Rectangular Symmetry Array二维矩形阵列非傍轴离轴高斯光束的合成研究
18.Good afternoon, Mrs. Jones.下午好,琼斯太太。

Jones matrix eigenanalysis(JME) method琼斯矩阵(JME)法
3)Jones matrix琼斯矩阵
1.Application of Jones matrix in the research of polarization effects of the distributed optic fiber sensor;琼斯矩阵在分布式光纤传感器偏振态分析中的应用
2.The Jones matrix analysis of optical beam in virtual coordinate measurement by laser tracking;虚拟坐标激光动态跟踪测量系统中光路的琼斯矩阵分析
3.Analyses of Jones matrix of polarized-light interference;偏振光干涉的琼斯矩阵分析
4)the Jones matrix eigenanalysis method琼斯矩阵本征分析法
1.In high-speed optical communication system, the SOPMD will cause time pulse broadening and deformation and it is measured with the Jones matrix eigenanalysis method.应用琼斯矩阵本征分析法,测量了光纤的二阶偏振模色散,并对二阶色散的平行分量、消偏振分量、PCD和退极化率进行了详细的分析,得到了二阶PMD随波长的分布情况和统计特性。
5)Jones transfer matrix琼斯传输矩阵
1.Study of the Statistical Characteristics of Second-order Polarization Mode Dispersion by Jones Transfer Matrix Method;用琼斯传输矩阵法研究二阶偏振模色散的统计特性
6)generalized Jones matrix广义琼斯矩阵
1.The eigen states of LD-pumped Nd∶YVO 4/KTP intracavity-doubled green laser were analyzed through spatially generalized Jones matrix formalism and the polarization states and eigen-frequency were obtained.利用空间广义琼斯矩阵方法分析激光二极管 (LD)抽运腔内倍频Nd∶YVO4/KTP绿光激光器基频光的本征态 ,获得了腔内光场的偏振态和本征频率 ,并用此理论合理地解释了腔内加入布氏片获得稳定绿光激光输出的实验现

琼斯,E.C.  英国宪章运动后期领袖之一,诗人。出生于汉诺威贵族家庭,曾为律师。1846年投身宪章运动,不久当选为全国宪章派协会执行委员会委员,任宪章派刊物《北极星报》编辑。琼斯参加过国际民主派兄弟协会和共产主义者同盟。1847年11月结识K.马克思、F.恩格斯,受到他们的影响。1848年 6月至1850年,因参加宪章派示威游行被监禁。19世纪50年代,力图复兴宪章运动,于1851年参与起草宪章派纲领,第 1次宣布运动的社会主义目的。他先后创办了《寄语人民》和《人民报》等刊物,宣传宪章派纲领。琼斯认为,只有通过根本的政治和社会改革,才能有效地改善无产阶级的状况。为吸收广大工人参加斗争,1854年琼斯倡议在曼彻斯特召开工人议会。50年代末期,琼斯一度动摇。受到马克思的严厉批评后,承认错误。1864年参加第一国际,1869年1月26日逝世。琼斯还撰写过反映英国工人阶级状况,鞭挞资本主义罪恶的诗篇。重要的有《牢房的铁栏杆》、《下层阶级之歌》、《印度斯坦的起义,或新世界》、《雇农之歌》等。