花簇,flower cluster
1)flower cluster花簇

1.Axillary buds develop into flower cluster of 2 to 35 flowers each.腋牙发育成每簇含2--35朵花的花簇
2.candlewick fabric烛芯纱盘花簇绒织物
3.A compact cluster of flowers at the end of a stalk.花团花茎顶端的密集花簇
4.A central European primrose(Primula auricula)having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels.樱草欧洲中部的报春花(耳状报春花),有由黄色大花簇成的伞状花序
5.auricula:a central European primrose (Primula auricula) having large yellow flowers grouped in umbels.樱草:欧洲中部的报春花(耳状报春花),有由黄色大花簇成的伞状花序。
6.The flower clusters of this plant, eaten as a vegetable before the flower buds open.甘蓝花这种植物的花簇,花苞开放之前作为蔬菜食用
7.Masses of flowers were Blazing in all parts of the garden.花园四处簇簇鲜花盛开。
8.a cluster of berries, flowers, curls一簇浆果、 花、 鬈发
9.The flowers made white patches against the grass.绿色草地上点缀着簇簇白花。
10.A bundle or cluster of stems, flowers, or leaves.簇一束或一丛茎、花或叶
11.rosette of monocyte单核白细胞玫瑰花状簇
12.Floret 1. An individual small flower of a clustered inflorescence, e.g. daisy (Bellis).小花:1.簇集花序上独立的小花,如雏菊。
13.Plants were arranged on either side of the path, and clustered about the door.小径两旁都种植着花木,团团簇簇地环绕着门口。
14.tufted perennial of western Europe and Azores having bright pink to white flowers.簇生的多年生植物,花亮粉色至白色。
15.I think an aristocracy ought to be splendid.我总觉得,贵族应该是穿得花团锦簇的。
16.He may pitch on some tuft of lilacs over a river.他可以到小河边去采摘一簇丁香花。
17.She carried a spray of pink roses.她拿着一簇粉红色的玫瑰花.
18.Publishes poem @The Tuft of Flowers@ in the Derry Enterprise.在达里公司发表诗歌《花团锦簇》。

sparks jet火花簇射
1.The image of sparks jet has been obtained based on the coaxial visual sensing system.利用激光切割同轴视觉检测系统,获得了火花簇射的同轴视觉图像。
2.By coaxially detecting the images of the cutting front and the sparks jet, the relationship between the detected signals and cutting quality, including cutting defects (burning or dross) and surface roughness, has been obtained.本文通过同轴视觉传感系统同时获得切割前沿和切割火花簇射视觉图像,成功地提取了产生切割缺陷(过烧、挂渣)和切割面粗糙度变化时图像特征信号的变化规律,首次实现了以无切割缺陷并且在一定工艺条件下获得最高切割质量(最低切割面粗糙度)为目标的切割速度自寻优控制。
3)A Tuft of Flowers《一簇野花》
1.An Analysis of the Modernist Connotations in A Tuft of Flowers;《一簇野花》的现代主义内涵
4)Female flower cluster雌花簇
5)a cluster of fireworks一簇礼花
6)a cluster of flowers一簇花
