能级矩阵元,energy matrix elements
energy matrices element能量矩阵元
3)crystal-field energy matrix element晶场能量矩阵元
4)matrix progression矩阵级数
1.With the help of matrix number and matrix music radius concepts, combined with the conclusion about the limit and numeral progession, judgmnet methods and character of matrix progression unanimous convergence are provided.借助矩阵范教和矩阵谱半径的概念,结合极限理论和数项级数的有关结论,给出了矩阵级数一致收敛的判定和性质。
2.with the help of matrix number and matrix music radius concepts,combined with the conclusion about the limit and numeral progression,the paper gives judgement methods of matrix progression unanimous convergence.借助矩阵范数和矩阵谱半径的概念,结合极限理论和数项级数的有关结论,给出了矩阵级数一致收敛的判定方法。
3.Under the concepts of matrix progression and matrix norm and with the combination of limit theory, numerical progression and their related conclusions, two methods are given on how to decide the absolute convergence of matrix progression.借助矩阵级数和矩阵范数的概念,结合极限理论和数项级数的有关结论,给出了矩阵级数绝对收敛的两种判定方法。
5)grade matrix等级矩阵
1.The main point is the setting-up course of the model and discussing several kinds of fetching value methods of grade matrix.本文论述了应用模糊综合评价的方法,建立评价教师教学质量的数学模型,并结合实例给出了模型建立的具体步骤及建立过程,还着重比较了评价等级矩阵的几种取值方法。
6)multiplying of matrix矩阵级联

能级分子式:CAS号:性质:处于束缚态的微观粒子具有一系列不连续的确定的能量值,每一个这样的能量值称为一个能级。例如电子能级(electron energy level)就是原子、分子或晶体中的电子所具有的分立的能量数值。把各能级按高低顺序用多条水平线排列就构成了能级图(energy level diagram)。能级图在直观地描述体系的能级结构、讨论辐射和吸收、研究微粒的活性和稳定性等方面都具有十分重要的作用。