非易失记录,Nonvolatile recording
1)Nonvolatile recording非易失记录
2)transaction record交易记录

1.Each land register provides a record of transactions affecting a property, from the grant of the lease.每份土地登记册载列由批出契约起影响物业的交易记录
2.Frequently, clients have had similar transactions in the past or they have access to contracts for similar transactions.通常情况下,客户都保留着过去的交易记录或者是类似合同。
3.someone who records the transactions of a business.记录商业交易数额的人。
4.Establishment of clear audit trails for e-banking transactions.为电子银行交易建立清晰的核查记录。
5.A volume in which financial or business transactions are recorded.簿册记录金融或商业交易的册子
6.all the customers' transactions were recorded in account books,客户的所有交易都记录在账簿上,
7.A book in which daily transactions are recorded.流水帐记录每日交易的本子
8.To explain and record a money deal对货币交易进行解释和做记录
9.The debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recording alt accounting transactions.会计上所有交易的记录都采用借贷复式记账法。
10.A complete journal entry also includes an explanation of the transaction recorded.一套完整的日记账分录还包括对所记录交易的说明。
11.The term cash management refers to planning, controlling, and accounting for cash transactions.现金管理是关于现金交易的计划、控制和记录。
12.If financial statements are to be reliable, it is absolutely essential that cash transactions be recorded correctly.正确记录现金交易是财务报表真实可靠的基
13.Just for the record, this trade would have netted you anywhere from 50-200 pips!对照记录,这次交易可以带给你50-200点的纯盈利。
14.The debit and credit double entry bookkeeping technique is to be used for recordding all accounting transaction.会计上所有交易的纪录都采用借贷复式记帐法。
15.On the Accounting Confirmation,Calculation,Record and Report of Einancial Innovation Transaction;论金融创新交易的会计确认、计量、记录与报告
16.A journal is a chronological(arrange in order of time ) record of busine tra actio .日记帐是对经济交易的序时(即按时间的顺序)记录。
17.-- A basic journal to record transactions (receipts, disbursements, sales, purchases, etc.)——一个基本的日记簿记录各种交易(包括收入、支出、销售、购买等);
18.Manual accounting systems use special journals to record transactions by category.手工会计系统根据种类使用专门的日记账来记录交易。

transaction record交易记录
4)unmatched record失配记录
5)loss experience灭失记录
6)inaccurate entry失实记录

花纹失真花纹失真 erraic stitch pattern在绣花机花纹缝纫后,由于机器的控制器或机械的故障,使缝纫后的花纹与设定的花纹形状不相符合的现象。