1.To Analyze the Information of Quoted Passage From the Thesis Published in Huangzhong;《黄钟》刊发论文之引文的信息分析——以2003-2006年期刊为例
2.Once Again Development in Musical Academic Periodical——Words on Huangzhong 20th Anniversary;音乐学术期刊重待辉煌——有感《黄钟》创刊20周年

1.Summarize the Conversazione of 20th Anniversary of the Start Publication of HUANGZHONG;纪念《黄钟》创刊20周年座谈会综述
2.Guantitative Analysis the Group of Authors Dispatched in HUANGZHONG During 2002~20082002-2008年《黄钟》作者群的定量分析
3.Once Again Development in Musical Academic Periodical--Words on Huangzhong 20th Anniversary;音乐学术期刊重待辉煌——有感《黄钟》创刊20周年
4.Authors and Topics of Huangzhong from the View of Statistics;从文献计量统计看《黄钟》发表论文之作者及论题
5.Brass wires for clocksGB/T3133-1982钟用黄铜线
6.Research on the Xian Qin Huangzhong Pipe:An Attempt to Calculate the Inside Diameter of Huangzhong Pipe with Modern Acoustic Formula;先秦黄钟律管考——利用现代声学公式推测先秦黄钟律管管径的尝试
7.Hung-Lien Wu, Yan-Jiun Huang, Chin-Chung Tseng, Jeng-Jong Huang (2006/4/9).吴红莲,曾进忠,黄建钟,黄延君(2005/6/18-2005/6/19)。
8.At nightfall the bells would toll 108 times.每到黄昏时分,钟鸣一百零八响。
9.Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996).黄英忠、钟昆原、温金丰(民87)。
10.Comments on the Poetry of the South Ming Dynasty;黄钟大吕,末世强音——浅论南明诗
11.Bake in preheated180 C/350 F oven for40 minutes or until golden brown.入180C/50F烤箱烘焙大约40分钟直到金黄色。
12.Bake in the preheated oven for about 12-15 minutes until lightly browned.入预热烤箱烘焙大约12-15分钟直到浅金黄色。
13.They take six60 - second slot at peak viewing time.在黄金时间他们做了六个60秒钟空挡的广告。
14.Put it under the grill for a minute to brown the top.放在烤架下烤一分钟把上部烤成金黄色.
15.The umpire shows an yellow card for temporarily suspend an offending player for a minimum of 5 minutes.裁判出示黄牌判犯规球员暂时离场至少5分钟。
16.Stir in sugar and egg yolk to form a dough, chill for 15 mintues.拌入糖和蛋黄揉成光滑的面团,放入冰箱15分钟。
17.Finding Magnificence and Broadness in Trivialness and Hearing Aftersound in Clock Knocking--Briefly on Huang Jiangguo’s short-short;琐细见宏阔 钟磬有余音——黄建国小小说简论
18.Deep love with the Yellow Earth--Simple analysis on the complex of Yellow Earth in Lu Yao s writings;钟情于那片热土——浅析路遥笔下的黄土地情结

1.Authors and Topics of Huangzhong from the View of Statistics;从文献计量统计看《黄钟》发表论文之作者及论题
1.On the basis of spectral and chemical evidence they were identified as α-lapachone (1),9-hydroxy-α-lapachone (2),lapachol (3),sesamin (4),paulownin (5),sitosteryl plamitate (6) and β-sitosterol(7).从空桐树(Paulownia kawakamii)首次提取分离出7个化合物,经波谱分析和化学反应,分别鉴定为α-lapachone(1)、9-hydroxy-α-lapachone(2)、黄钟花醌(3)、芝麻素(4)、泡桐素(5)、谷甾醇棕榈酸脂(6)和β-谷甾醇(7)。
4)C. straminea麦黄钟伞
5)clock brass钟表黄铜
6)"The Morning Bells Tolling at Dusk"《晨钟响彻黄昏》

黄钟黄钟 黄钟   十二律之一。在宫、商、角、征、羽五音之中,宫属于中央黄钟,五音十二律由此而分。张景岳:“自一至九,九九八十一而黄钟之数起焉。黄钟为万事之本。故针数亦应之,而用变无穷也。”《灵枢·九针论》:“九而九之,九九八十一,以起黄钟数焉。”