1.From the view of developi ng modern science and discipline,t his dissertation analyses the orig ins and historical background of d isciplinarity,explains the main fo rms of disciplinarity,reveals the e ssential cause of disciplinarity b ecoming legitimation and social id entity.文章从近代科学和学科发展的视角上 ,分析了学科规训制度的起源和历史背景 ,阐述了学科规训制度的最基本表现形式 ,揭示了近代科学学科规训制度获得合法性和社会认同的内在原因。
2.Through reviewing historically the dissemination and establishment of modern science in China,this dissertation analyses systematically the social cause of the emergence and development of disciplinarity in Modern China,reveals its significance to the development of science and technology in China.近代学科规训制度在中国的确立经历了一个漫长而艰难的发展历程 ,它在中国的诞生与发展的路径 ,既是近代学科在中国的确立与完善化的过程 ,使中国人第一次比较详细地了解了近代西方科学的全貌 ;同时也是学科规训努力争取获得制度化安排在思想和文化上的斗争过程 ,特别是传统文化与代表西方近代科技知识的西学之间的深层矛盾 ,时刻影响着学科规训制度在中国的发展。

1.Research on Construction of Geosciences Discipline Based on the Perspective of Disciplinarity;学科规训视野中的地学学科建设研究
2.On the Disciplinarity and China s Systematic Learning Transformation in Modern Times;学科规训本土化与中国近代学术转型
3.Sociology of Music: A Fresh Look at Its Norms and Operating Mechanism;音乐社会学学科规训及操作机制新论
4.The Research on the Development of Archives Discipline in China from the Point of View of Disciplinarity Theory;学科规训理论视野中的档案学科:建设与发展
5.Development of higher education management in view of discipline theory;学科规训视野中的高等教育管理学科发展
6.Criticism on Modern Standardization in Pedagogy为学日益 为道日损——学科规训教育学的批判
7.The Division, Integration and Its Path of Criminal Knowledge under Discipline;学科规训下刑事法学科知识的分立、整合及其路径
8.Power from Disciplinarity:as the Wing of Freedom --On the Essential Basement of Academic Freedom;作为自由之翼的学科规训权力——论学术自由的本体性基础
9.On the Development of the Psychology in Modern China from The Perspective of Disciplinarity学科规训视野中近代中国心理学学科的发展——以中央大学心理学系为例
10.Practice and Exploration of Clinical Teaching Methods in Standardized Training of General Practitioners;全科医师规范化培训教学法的实施与探讨
11.Changes in Mode of Sport Training,Standard of Science and Orientation of Scientific Research;论训练方式、科学规范和研究取向的转变
12.The Elementary Study on the Standardization Training Model for TAs of Basic Science of Medical Schools of Higher Education;高等医学院校医学基础学科助教规范化培训模式的初步研究
13.One has to do more with both natural -gifts and formal, extensive academic training.科学家必须更好地利用自己的天资和正规广泛的学术训练。
14.IT Training (Primary)资讯科技培训组(小学)
15.CSST (Computer System Science Training)计算机系统科学培训
16.Medical students are trained to be doctors.医科学生受训当医生。
17.Dental Therapists Training School牙科治疗师训练学校
18.Police Training School Dental Clinic警察训练学校牙科诊所

1.The study of education would not have gone so far without the revival of university or disciplinarity.从学科规训视角出发,教育学的重建必须注意教育学与大学的关系,必须重视大学教育实践对教育学的学科规训,必须重新检视教育学学科制度化的方方面面,必须从学科制度化与制度化学科的角度重新思考"教育学作为一门学科"这一古老而又年轻的命题。
2.There is the interaction relationship between the development of college disciplinary and the system of disciplinarity, we must make it clear that the system of disciplinarity have not only promoting but also restricting effect on the development of disciplinary.大学学科的发展与学科规训制度是一种互动的关系,即学科规训制度对于学科的发展既有促进作用,也有规限作用。
3.Disciplinarity, which is a western sociological concept developed from the subject, is the rules of classifying knowledge and a system of separating courses.“学科规训”是由学科发展而来的西方知识社会学的一个概念,是一种知识分类的规则和学科分立的制度,即以学科标准对知识的有效性、合法性进行评判,对知识的门类界限、地位等级进行规范协调的制度。
4)theory of discipline学科规训理论
1.According to theory of discipline, to know and understand a discipline, one should make comprehensive investigation both from aspects of knowledge and system institution.学科规训理论是对"学科体系说"和"学科机构说"的超越和完善。
5)Discipline system学科制度
1.This paper begins with the concepts of discipline,discipline system,and discipline system for teacher education.本文从学科、学科制度、教师教育学科制度等概念入手,通过从专业、学科和学位制度的历史演变来分析教师教育学科制度建设的历史基础,同时从师范院校的变革来讨论教师教育学科制度建设的现实基础,本文在此现实基础上对如何建设教师教育学科制度进行了构想,并得出结论,就是在教师教育大学化的背景下,教师教育学科制度建设是一种必然的选择。
6)disciplinary institution学科制度
1.A study on the relevance between disciplinary institution and the institution of university;试论学科制度与大学制度的相关性
2.From the perspective of genetics of institution,there are two ways about the formation of disciplinary institution:the first one is rational construction;the second is spontaneous formation.从制度发生学的角度来看,学科制度有两种生成途径:一是“理性建构论”;二是“自发生成论”。
3.The author argues that research from the perspective of disciplinary institution is necessary,that only when this area of study has completed its disciplinary institution can it advance in seven-league boots.从学科制度的角度来研究妇女学学科建设是必不可少的,只有经过学科建制和学科制度化的过程,妇女学才会有长足的发展。
