
1.The revolutionary forces are growing steadily.革命力量不断壮大
2.Our campaign is gaining momentum.我们的运动在发展壮大.
3.We are going from strength to strength.我们正在不断壮大
4.This enabled our Party to steadily grow in strenght.这使我们能够不断壮大
5.The movement has grown in strength.这一运动已发展壮大
6.Their organization is getting more and more powerful .他们的组织日益壮大
7.Both types are increasing,两种组织都在壮大
8.Strengthened Sino-India Goodwill Relations中印友好相处力量壮大
9.Our new company is going from strength to strength.我们的新公司日益壮大
10.We have grown from strength to strength我们的实力不断壮大
11.Our ranks have swelled.我们的队伍壮大了。
12.The newly emerging force is going from strength to strength新生力量越来越壮大
13.has grown from strength to strength(企业)一步步成长壮大
14.the blazonry of the big city大都市之美 [壮观]
15.An elephant, an elephant, the elephant is strong.大象,大象,大象很强壮。
16.The wine made him very brave酒大大壮了他的胆。
17.A large, heavyset man.体形大而粗壮的男人
18.a large and imposing house.一个又大又壮丽的房子。

Da Zhuang大壮
1.The two pieces of remarks respectively affiliated to the fifth line of Da Zhuang (the 34th hexagram in current version of Zhouyi) and the sixth line of Lü (the 56th hexagram) had been misinterpreted since the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.《周易·大壮》:“丧羊于易,无悔。
3)90.9% molinate EC90.9%禾大壮
5)grow up and strengthen成长壮大
6)the beauty of magnificence壮大之美

壮大1.长大成人。 2.变得强大;使强大。 3.庞大;宏伟。 4.粗大;粗壮结实。