1.Comprehensive Application of VIP,CNKI,Wanfang Databases Enhances Retrieval Efficiency of Topics综合运用VIP、CNKI、万方数据系统功能提高课题检索效率
2.To enhance Web impacts of portal websites of Chinese resources and promote the building of them,this paper use three index systems which are Web Impact Factor,Alexa ranking and Gozee score to evaluate three portal websites of Chinese resources such as Tsinghua Tongfang,wanfang,vip.为了提高中文资源门户网站的网络影响力,促进其门户网站的建设,本文选取了清华同方、万方、维普三大中文资源门户网站,采用网络影响因子、Alexa评分,Gozee评分三个指标,比较分析其网络影响力及其差异,然后提出相应的对策措施。

1.Having the stately bearing and imposing beauty of the goddess Juno.华贵美丽,仪态万方的如女神朱诺般举止端庄,仪态万方
2.Party c: U.S. $ 3000000 30%丙方:300万美元30%
3.Party b: us $ 3000000 30%乙方:300万美元 30%
4.Europe covers about 10 million square kilometres.欧洲方圆1000万平方公里。
5.These methods cannot be applied universally.这些方法并非万应灵方。
6.floor space of buildings completed by real estate enterprise was 17.074 million square meters.竣工面积1707.4万平方米。
7.cutwork traycloth with venice squares雕绣镶万缕丝拼方盘布
8.This project involved 400000 cubic metres of earthwork.这项工程要挖40万土方。
9.the varieties are infinite,鸟的飞行方式千差万别,
10."The asking price is 24,000."(卖方)索价为2.4万英镑。
11.Floor space of buildings completed during the year was 587.05 million square meters, down by 35.39 million square meters.房屋竣工面积58705万平方米,减少3539万平方米。
12.The total floor space under construction during the year was 1,310.85 million square meters, an increase of 24.04 million square meters.施工面积131085万平方米,比上年增加2404万平方米;
13."The facility covers an area of 100,000 square meters with a floor space of 50,000 square meters."全厂占地面积10万平方米,建筑面积5万平方米
14.This cubic inch of hydrogen would contain about 880 billion billion atoms.这一立方英寸的氢就将含有大约8.8万万万亿个原子。
15.In this way millions of people all over the world are kept ire touch with each other.世界上千千万万的人用这种方式互相保持联系。
16.Land area of9.6 million square kilometers land borders over20,000 km.陆地面积960万平方千米,陆上边界2万多千米。
17.Geological survey was carried to cover 90,000 square meters of areas, the geological features of which were illustrated on 1:50,000 scale maps.全年完成1:5万区域地质调查9万平方公里。
18.I would join true people all the world over in giving three cheers for myself.“万岁,万岁,万万岁

Wanfang data万方数据
1.According to the general catalogue of Chinese core periodicals of the 4th and 3rd edition,and the 2004 edition of Wanfang data,the changeable situation of the Forestry Core Periodicals was analyzed.以中文核心期刊要目总览第4版与第3版为据,结合参考万方数据2004版对其影响因子进行比较,对林业核心期刊变动情况进行分析。
3)Wanrong dialect万荣方言
1.The paper discusses bi-syllabic tone sandhi and neutral tone of Wanrong dialect in Shanxi province,and introduces the patterns of"stressed-unstressed"bi-syllabic tone sandhi of Shanxi dialects.本文讨论万荣方言两字组连读变调和轻声,兼谈山西方言重轻式两字组轻声调值的类型。
2.The thesis is intended to make a more systematic study of the grammar on Wanrong dialect, which is distributed in the southwest of Shanxi Province.本文是万荣方言的描写语法,主要从词法方面描写和分析万荣方言中较有特色的词形变化、构词法、某些实词、虚词和体貌范畴等语法特点。
4)Wanzhou dialect万州方言
1.Wanzhou dialect belongs to southwest mandarin of northern language family.万州方言属于汉语北方方言区西南官话成渝方言片的万州话点。
5)Wanning Dialect万宁方言
1.The Classifier "peng" in Wanning Dialect;万宁方言中的量词“朋”
1.The Phonological Features of the Wanzai Dialect in Jiangxi Province;江西万载方言的音韵特点

《本草纲目万方类编》《本草纲目万方类编》 《本草纲目万方类编》   方剂工具书。又名《万方类编》。三十二卷。清·曹绳彦辑。刊于1800年。辑者以《本草万方针线》对《本草纲目》中附方的分类及次序为基础,逐条将原文抄录汇编而成。共分107门,11713方。本书将《本草纲目》所附单方、验方,按照不同疾病加以分类,便于读者检索。此后又有名《古今名医万方类编》及《万方类纂》者,均为本书的改名或改编本。现存初刻本、石印本和铅印本。