主题标引,subject indexing
1)subject indexing主题标引
1.Use of subheadings in subject indexing of medical literature;医学文献主题标引中副主题词使用问题分析
2.CIP Subject Indexing Errors Analysis;CIP主题标引中少数标题粗标、漏标等现象举例
3.Subject indexing of medical books cataloguing in publication;医学图书在版编目主题标引质量分析

1.An Applied Research of Theme Quotation in Schedule of China s Categorical Thematic Words;《中国分类主题词表》主题标引应用研究
2.On correct indexing of keywords--Analysis of keyword indexing for 02′ database of China sports newspapers and journals;论主题词的正确标引——《中国体育报刊数据库》(2002年度)主题标引剖析
3.The Subject Indexing of Network Information Resources Based on SKOS基于SKOS的网络信息资源主题标引
4.To analyze the main questions in the work of the subject indexing of the documents and to have bought up several methods to increase the quality of the subject indexing of the ducuments.本文分析了文献主题标引工作中存在的主要问题,提出了几点提高文献主题标引质量的方法。
5.Indexing reference books are the essential tools for subject indexing.标引工具书是主题标引时必不可少的参考工具书。
6.The Developing History of the Subject Indexing Based on the NLC Chinese Books国家图书馆中文图书主题标引的发展史
7.Discussion on the Law of Subject Indexing of Medical Literature CD ROM Database医学文献光盘数据库主题标引规律的探讨
8.Research on Thesis Subject Indexing Management System of Reading Oriented;面向阅读的论文主题标引管理系统研究
9.The Chinese Subject Statement: Linguistic Features and Subject Indexing and Retrieval.汉语文献主题描述语句的主要语法现象与文献主题标引检索的关系
10.Research on Theme Analysis, Index and Retrieval of Website;网站主题分析、标引与检索技术的研究
11.Analysis and Design of Automatic Indexing file System档案主题自动标引系统的分析与设计
12.Problems and Countermeasures of Keywords Selecting in Archives;公文中主题词标引存在的问题及解决措施
13.On the Standardization and Control of Indexing in Using the Keyword Glossary of Chinese Book Catalogue;使用《中国图书分类主题词表》标引的规范与控制
14.The Analysis of Problems Existed in Using the Electronic Version of the Chinese Classified Thesaurus to Index the Document关于使用《中国分类主题词表》电子版标引文献若干问题分析
15.Classification and Retrieval on Subject Adapt to MARC of Academic Libraries适用于高校图书馆机读目录的主题分类标引与检索法
16.Indexing for Textbooks and Teaching Reference Materials According to the Chinese Classified Thesaurus (2nd Edition)《中国分类主题词表》(第2版)各科教材与教学参考书的标引
17.No problem: just send private messages to people in the forum you know will be definitely interested in the article. What do you think the好友列表 is for?天才!只是有一小问题:主帖的标题。如果文不对题的话,很少能够吸引别人进来看。
18.To proceed toward(a main topic)with preliminary remarks.用前言引入(一主要话题)

subject index主题标引
1.The paper discusses the questions to be concerned with the classifying indexes, subject indexes and CNMARC records for dictionary.探讨了对词典进行分类标引、主题标引和CNMARC著录时应注意的问题。
2.After expounding the relations between document retrieval and subject index,this paper discnsses the roles of subject index in document retrievals from index quality,index principles and index depth,and puts forward some countermeasures to improve indexquality.阐述了文献检索与主题标引的关系 ,从标引质量、标引原则和标引深度等方面探讨了主题标引在文献检索中的作用及提高标引质量的对
3.From the principle of the arrangement and the sort-out of national literature and the characteristics of national literature,the paper illustrates a series of ways and means about the collection, description, subject index, distribution, shelving and protection of national literature in order to provide a scientific basis for the management of national literature.根据文献整序的原理和民族文献的特点,阐述了民族文献收集、分类、著录,主题标引以及布局、排架和保护的一系列管理方式和方法,旨在为民族文献的科学管理提供依
3)subject heading主题标引
1.This article analyses the problems excited in the subject heading for the data of films and videos.本文分析了影像资料主题标引中存在的问题,认为标引中的随意性和标引结果的非一致性是影像主题标引的主要问题。
2.This article summarizes the primary views on bibliography coming from Yao Mingda,which include eight purposes of catalogue,four kinds of abstracts,and five principles of subject heading.本文论述了姚名达关于编目的思想,主要论述了编目的八点宗旨、四种提要(叙录体、注释体、传录体和辑录体提要),主题标引的五原则等。
4)keyword indexing主题词标引
1.On some thoughts about official document keyword indexing reform;对公文主题词标引改革的几点思考
5)Subject analysis detailed rule主题标引细则
6)retrospective subject indexing回溯主题标引

文献主题标引  见标引。