电子文献,electronic document
1)electronic document电子文献
1.The pricing model of electronic document products is a necessary part in the researches on electronic document products.电子文献产品的定价模式是电子文献产品研究领域必不可少的一环。
2.This article discusses the type dominant position of electronic document and the effect on library informa-tion service in network environment, discusses some ways of electronic information resources develooment.论述了网络环境下电子文献的类型、优势及对图书馆信息服务等方面的影响,阐述了电子文献资源建设的一些对策。
3.This paper has discussed the theme of library consortium purchase of electronic document,analyzed the organizational pattern,the purchase pattern and the pattern of resource sharing of consortium purchase,and the aggregative interest.通过对电子文献联盟采购主题研究的概述,简析了联盟采购中的组织模式、采购模式、资源共享模式、集团内的利益问题,以及在采购中与生产者的合作和需兼顾的长远方针。

1.Whether Electronic Document Resources will Replace Printed Literature Ones;电子文献资源是否会取代印刷型文献资源
2.A Contrast between Paper Document and Electron Document in Library;纸质文献和电子文献在图书馆应用的比较
3.The research on electronic document record of journal reference;关于学报参考文献中电子文献著录的探讨
4.The electronic documents database and selected collection storehouse have been built.建有电子文献资料库和精品典藏库。
5.The Development of Electronic Resources and Evaluation;馆藏电子文献的发展与评估方法探讨
6.Discussion on the Construction of Network Retrieval System of Library s Electronic Document;论图书馆电子文献网络检索系统建设
7.On the Development of Information Service of Electronic Litetature in Libraries;图书馆开展电子文献信息服务的思考
8.Retrieval Rules and Skills of the Electronic Literature Information Resources电子文献信息资源检索的规则与技巧
9.E-Literature--The Only Way to Modern Library Development电子文献——现代图书馆发展的必由之路
10.The Foundation of a Harmonious Library basing on Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic and Traditional Literature;从电子文献与传统文献的优劣谈和谐图书馆构建
11.On the Coexistence and Complementation of Electronic and Papery Document in the Library Reservation Resource Construction;论馆藏资源建设中电子文献与纸质文献的共存与互补
12.Electronic Literature and University Libraries;浅谈电子文献对高校图书馆的影响及利用策略
13.How to Embody the Characteristic of the ElectronicReading Room in Campus;浅论如何体现大学电子文献阅览室的特色
14.The Construction of Koguryo Electronic Document Database Platform Based on Web基于Web的高句丽电子文献数据库平台的构建
15.Discussion on construction of electronic documents in university libraries from changes of people’s reading way从阅读方式的变化谈高校图书馆电子文献建设
17.On the Common Problems of Electronic Documents Retrieval for University Students浅谈大学生电子文献检索中的常见问题
18.Using the Information Integration Technology to Improve the Utilization Ratio of Electronic Literature Resource利用信息集成技术提高电子文献资源利用率

electronic literature电子文献
1.Taking into consideration the development course of literature,the characteristics of printed literature and the reading habit of readers and the social demand,the author elaborates that the electronic literature can not replace the printed one and libraries should reinforce the construction of printed literature resource.从文献的发展历程、印刷型文献的特点以及人们阅读的习惯和社会的需要等方面论述了电子文献无法取代印刷型文献,图书馆要加强印刷型文献资源的建设。
2.This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of paper literature and electronic literature under the network environment, points out that the electronic literature couldn t replace the paper literature completely, and proves the value of the existence of the paper literature in the future library.分析了网络环境下电子文献和纸质文献的优缺点,指出了电子文献不可能完全替代纸质文献,从而证明了纸质文献在未来图书馆存在的价值。
3.It is to analyze the distinctive features of electronic literature,which now presents itself as an important part of university library resource.文章通过对电子文献特点的分析,指出了电子文献资源是当今高校图书馆馆藏的重要组成部分,从馆藏、馆员、馆舍等方面阐述了电子文献对高校图书馆的影响,提出了高校图书馆开发利用电子文献的主要策略。
3)electronic documents电子文献
1.Impact of the electronic documents on the libraries of hospitals;电子文献对医院图书馆发展的影响
2.The management and utilization of informally published electronic documents;非正式出版电子文献的管理与利用
3.Discussion on construction of electronic documents in university libraries from changes of people’s reading way从阅读方式的变化谈高校图书馆电子文献建设
4)electronic literature database电子文献数据库
1.This paper analyzes the problems of personalized information retrieval service existing in the electronic literature databases in China,compares three electronic literature databases--ScienceDirect,VIP,CNKI,and puts forward the proposals and implement methods for personalized information service of electronic literature database.分析了目前国内电子文献数据库个性化信息检索服务中存在的问题,通过比较国内外三大电子文献数据库——ScienceDirect、维普中文科技期刊数据库和CNKI知识网络平台,提出了电子文献数据库个性化信息检索服务的优化策略及实现方法。
5)evaluating digital sources评估电子型文献
6)electronic literature resources电子文献资源
1.Transfer of the date s expense in university libraries show that electronic literature resources is increasing year after year in the library s collecting structure, the readers of utilizing electronic literature resources is increasing, librarians quality are improved.高校图书馆资料经费开支转移的结果表明,图书馆馆藏结构中电子文献资源逐年增加,使用电子文献资源的读者增多,馆员的素质得到提高,同时指出电子文献和印刷型文献将长期并存。
2.This paper introduces some relevant researches on improving the utilization ratio of electronic literature resources, and connecting with the utilization features of electronic literature resources in cadre training institute, probes into some technical methods for integrating various heterogeneous electronic literature resources information to improve their utilization ratio.介绍了有关提高电子文献资源利用率的相关研究,结合干部培训机构电子文献资源的使用特点,探讨了一种将多种异构电子文献资源信息进行集成以提高文献资源利用率的技术手段。

电子-电子双共振  在垂直静磁场H的方向,施加两个微波电磁场:①较弱的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级2向能级3跃迁,不致于饱和;②强的微波电磁场,激发电子从能级1向能级4跃迁,使达到饱和,从而导致能级4的电子转移至能级3,以观察反映2→3跃迁的电子自旋共振信号强度的变化,故称为电子-电子双共振。它与电子-核双共振不同之处是不涉及核的跃迁,并且观察的与电子自旋共振有关的能级和未观察的跃迁能级之间无共享的公共能级。