社会认识论,Social epistemology
1)Social epistemology社会认识论
1.Based on analysis of social epistemology and speech act theory of scientific knowledge, it shows that other’s words or testimony play indispensable role in knowledge enterprise.而对科学知识的社会认识论和言语行为论的分析表明,他人的话语,即陈词 (tes timony),在知识事业中扮演了一个不可或缺的作用。
2.That how to give it an epistemic appraisal, but not a description of new generation s sociology of science, is a realistic issue which contemporary philosophy of science and social epistemology confront with.如何对这种社会现象作出认识论评价,而不是新一代科学社会学的描述,这是当代科学哲学和社会认识论所面对的一个现实问题。
3.With the emphasis on Fuller s social epistemology,the paper discusses three solutions to social epistemology well recognized in western academic community,which is brought about by the legitimization of scientific knowledge.文章通过对科学知识合法化问题的引出,论述了在目前西方学术界得到认同的三种社会认识论解决方案,并重点论述了富勒尔的社会认识论思路。

1.The Research on Modern Social Epistemology and its Significance Continued;当代社会认识论研究及其意义(下)
2.The Research on Modern Social Epistemology and Its Significance;当代社会认识论研究及其意义(上)
3.Engineering Philosophy: From the Perspectives of "Meta-" Philosophy and Social Epistemology;工程哲学:“元”哲学与社会认识论的视野
4.Individualistic Methodology in Hybrid Epistemology: a Critique of Philip Kitcher s Minimal Social Epistemology;混合型认识论中的个人主义方法论——评基切尔的最小化社会认识论
5.The New Interpretation of Scientific Knowledge Legitimization--The View of Social Epistemology;科学知识合法化的新解释——社会认识论的视野
6.On the C.C.P. s Understanding and Grasping of Principal Contradiction in Socialist Society;论我党对社会主义社会主要矛盾的认识和把握
7.A Discussion on the Changes in the Party s Understanding of the Major Contradictions in the Socialist Society;试论党对社会主义社会主要矛盾认识的变化
8.On Schema of Cognition--from Individual to Society;再论认识构架——从个体的到社会的
9.On the Epistemological Source of the Mistakes in the Early Period of Socialist Construction;社会主义建设前期失误的认识论根源
10.Characteristics and Contradiction of Genetics Cognition and Its Social Control;遗传学认识的特征、争论及其社会控制
11.On the Research Object and Characteristics of the History of Socialist Cognition;论社会主义认识史的研究对象和特点
12.On the Thinking Mode of Understanding and Studying Socialism Scientifically;论科学考察认识社会主义的思维方式
13.Deepen the Cognition of the Theory of Socialist Labour Value;深化对社会主义劳动价值理论的认识
14.The General Theoretical Sense of socialist Economic Crisis;对社会主义经济危机的一般理论认识
15.The Understanding to the Theory of Junior period of Soeialism;对社会主义初级阶段理论的粗浅认识
16.The well-to-do Society theory is the further recognition to the situation of our country;小康社会理论是对我国国情的再认识
17.On Deepening of Understanding of the Rule of Social Development by Jiang Zemin;论江泽民对社会发展规律认识的深化
18.Reconsideration of Deng Xiaoping's Theory of the Primary Stage of Socialism邓小平社会主义初级阶段论的再认识

epistemology on society and history社会历史认识论
3)methodology of social cognition社会认识方法论
1.Studying of Deng Xiaoping s methodology of social cognition has great theoretic and practical significance to our socialism modernization construction today.邓小平社会认识方法论所蕴涵的具体性、系统性、客观性、辩证性和自觉性等社会认识论理论品格是我们今天进行社会认识、实现社会发展合理性的重要思想武器。
4)social cognition社会认识
1.This paper briefly summarises Georg Lukacsˊthought on social cognition in History and Class consciousness,including his criticisms for three improper social cognitive methods,his advocacy to the proper method and his understanding of the criteria through which the social cognition can be measured, and at the same time evaluates it.本文简要梳理了卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中所阐发的有关社会认识的思想,包括卢卡奇对三种错误的社会认识方法的批评和他自己在社会认识方法上的主张,以及对检验社会认识的标准的理解,并对他的这一思想进行了评析。
2.Social self-criticism includes criticism of social cognition and the "original" criticism of social existence.社会自我批判包含了对社会认识的批判和对社会存在这个"原本"的批判。
3.Aesthetic pursuit of modern social cognition on the basis of Marx s proposition that man pursues the beautiful in social practice has three forms of expression:daily social psychology,explanation of social theories,and decision of social planning.社会认识中的审美追求根源于马克思的在社会实践中“人也按照美的规律建造”的重要思想。
1.A psychological adult should be self-conscious,society-conscious correctly and can self-control properly.能够正确地“认识自我”、“认识社会”、“控制自我”和具有高度的“社会化”是每一个心理成熟的人都必须具备的。
6)theory of tacit knowing默会认识论
1.On the theme of embodiment Michael Polanyi s theory of tacit knowing and Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology of perception converge.在身体性这个维度上,波兰尼的默会认识论和梅洛-庞蒂的知觉现象学之间存在着某种思想的会聚。

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。