绝对优势,absolute advantage
1)absolute advantage绝对优势
1.The first finding is that partners in one-off cooperation should get reasonable amount of profit in proportion to their own contribution to the alliance,which is called the absolute advantage principle.结果表明,研发联盟一次性合作的收益分配方案应遵循绝对优势原则,即合作各方应能够得到与自身贡献相匹配的合理收益;而重复合作收益分配应遵循相对优势原则,即根据相对成本和相对效率确定收益分配率,应给予相对劣势成员比短期合作中更高的收益分配比例,虽然该比例仍低于相对优势成员。
2.Both absolute advantage and comparative advantage theory have proved more benefits would originate from international division of labor and trade to both trade partners.斯密的绝对优势和李嘉图的比较优势令人信服地证明了国际分工和贸易给贸易双方带来的更大利益,但他们并没有对贸易产品的成本进行比较。
3.Taking as its stating point the comparative advantage contained in DFS model, this paper makes an analysis on the application of the comparative advantage theory, explores and discriminates further the relationship between comparative advantage and absolute advantage.本文从DFS模型所包含的比较优势思想入手,分析了比较优势理论在运用中面对的"两难困境",对比较优势与绝对优势之间的关系做了进一步的辨析和探讨。

1.Absolute advantage(in international trade)(国际贸易 中的)绝对优势
2.The practical significance of Comparative Advantage Theory, Absolute Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory;论比较优势、绝对优势、竞争优势理论的实践意义
3.The home team was creamed last night.昨晚主队以绝对优势获胜
4.have/hold the trump card手中有王牌,有必胜之策,占绝对优势
5.be monarch of all one surveys处于绝对优势的主宰地位
6.The boss holds all the aces on this deal.在这笔生意上,老板占有绝对优势
7.What is the difference between absolute advantage and comparative advantage in internationl trade?在国际贸易中,绝对优势和比较优势的区别是什么?
8.Our candidate is predicted to win by a landslide.我们的候选人被预言将以绝对优势取胜。
9.China solidified its dominance in the overall medal standings at the Asian Games.中国队巩固了其在亚运会中的奖牌绝对优势
10.You've given the English a serious advantage in this battle.你会让英军在这场战役中获得绝对优势
11.The Absolute Advantages and Motivities of Enterprises Development in the Northeast region;东北地区企业发展的绝对优势与原动力
12.The Universality of the Theory of Absolute Advantage in International Trade;绝对优势论在国际贸易中的普遍规律性
13.As reactionary social groups blinded by the lust for gain, they take the absolute superiority of the proletariat for absolute inferiority.他们是反动的社会集团,利令智昏,把无产阶级的绝对优势,看成了绝对劣势。
14.By the end of the war, the prince had established total supremacy over all his rivals.战争结束时,王子已确立了凌驾于所有对手之上的绝对优势
15.The army in northern China commanded by Yang Teh-chih, Lo Jui-ching and Keng Piao is employing 9 divisions to encircle 3 divisions of the enemy's 35th Corps;this is absolute superiority.我华北杨罗耿兵团以九个师包围三十五军三个师,是绝对优势
16.Secondly, its biggest advantage is safety; anyway to decorate the high building with the heavy granite is not a safe action.其二,安全性具绝对优势,高层大楼贴花岗岩总是一件不安全的举措。
17.Each division had about fourteen thousand men and Chang's was divided between two places, so that if we attacked one division at a time we would enjoy absolute superiority.两师各约一万四千人,张师又分置两处,我一次打一个师是绝对优势
18.The attackers had far superior forces but they gave no quarter and totally annihilated the defenders.进攻者具有绝对优势的兵力,但他们却毫不留情,全部消灭了抵抗者。

Theory of Absolute Advantage绝对优势论
1.The Universality of the Theory of Absolute Advantage in International Trade;绝对优势论在国际贸易中的普遍规律性
3)super absolute advantage超绝对优势
1.There is the super absolute advantage or super comparative advantage,besides the absolute advantage,the comparative advantage and the competitive advantage,in the competition of international trade.在国际贸易竞争中,除了斯密的绝对优势、李嘉图的比较优势、波特的竞争优势以外,还有超绝对优势或超比较优势。
4)dominantly prevai绝对占优势
5)reign supreme占绝对优势
6)absolutely dominated model绝对优势模型
1., absolutely dominated model which is non-linear binary integer program and NP-hard.提出了绝对优势模型,这个规划是非线性的0 1规划且是NP难的。
