薛福成,Xue Fucheng
1)Xue Fucheng薛福成
1.On the Idea of Constructing Xue Fucheng Railroad;论薛福成对中国近代铁路建设的构想
2.Negotiation Between Xue Fucheng and Britain Foreign Government on the Case of Smuggling Munitions;薛福成与中英梅生私运军火一案的交涉

1.On the Idea of Constructing Xue Fucheng Railroad;论薛福成对中国近代铁路建设的构想
2.The Open Law View:About Xue Fu-cheng s Law Thought;开放的法律观——论薛福成的法律思想
3.Xue Fu-cheng s advice on modern diplomatic constitute and its influence;薛福成对近代外交制度的建言与影响
4.Evolution of Xue Fu-cheng s Modernization Thought in the Course of Social Transition Times;社会转型时期薛福成近代化思想的演变
5.Negotiation Between Xue Fucheng and Britain Foreign Government on the Case of Smuggling Munitions;薛福成与中英梅生私运军火一案的交涉
6.To Criticize Keju and Propose a New Educational System--A Discussion on Xue Fu-cheng s Modern Educational Thoughts;批判科举 倡导新学——论薛福成的近代教育思想
7.Evolution of Xue Fu-cheng s Reform Thought in The Course of Social Transition in Chinese Modern History;近代社会转型中薛福成改良思想的演变
8.On Xue Fucheng s Views of Science and Technology:--A Study on Diary as a Diplomatic Mission in Britain,France,Italy and Belgium;薛福成科技观初探——以《出使英法义比四国日记》为例
9.Xue Fucheng s Position in Determining the Northern Section of the Sino-Burmese Borderline;薛福成在中英《续议滇缅界·商务条款》中对北段界的划分
10.On XUE Fucheng s view of technology --A case study of the thoughts of modern China s modernization;薛福成的技术观摭论——近代中国现代化思潮个案研究
11.Divergent Views of WANG Shi-duo and XUE Fu-cheng on Population in 19th Century China;19世纪中国人口观的差异——汪士铎与薛福成之比较
12.On Xue Fucheng, One of the Prose Giants of Xiang Xiang School;六经之内所未讲 桐城文家所不为——评湘乡派散文家薛福成
13.The Brief Comment On The Representation And Causation Of Xue Tao’s Mannish Poetry Style;略论薛涛诗风“男性化”的成因及其表现
14.A study on the methodology differencess between foucauly′ smicro-power theory and the materialist conception of history;福柯的“微观权力论”与唯物史观方法论上的差异性比较——兼与薛伟江先生商榷
15.Boundedness of Commutators Associated with Schr(?)dinger Operator and Fourier Multiplier;薛定谔算子相关的交换子与Fourier乘子组成的交换子的有界性
16.LIU Xiang-lian and XUE Pan in A Dream of Red Mansion --Description Their Character Traits from the Relations Development of the two Persons;不打不成交的柳湘莲和薛蟠——从二人关系的发展变化看其性格特征
17."Having lost his father while still a child he was thoroughly spoiled by his mother as the only son and heir, with the result that he grew up good for nothing.""这薛公子幼年丧父,寡母又怜他是个独根孤种,未免溺爱纵容,遂至老大无成"
18.This dessertation intends to find a reasonable explanation for the formation of the personality from the psychoanalysis angle.本文意欲从精神分析的角度对薛素姐悍妒性格的形成加以合理的阐释。

Xue Fu-cheng薛福成
1.Tentative Analysis of Xue Fu-cheng s Geopolitic Ideas;论薛福成的地缘政治思想
2.Appraisal of Xue Fu-cheng’s Diplomatic Ideas and Practice;论薛福成的外交思想与实践
3.Xue Fu-cheng s Introduction and Awareness of Western Customs;薛福成对西方风俗的认识与介绍
3)Xue Fu cheng薛福成
4)Xue Fucheng's Former Residence薛福成故居
5)Studies on Xue Fu-cheng薛福成研究
6)XUE Fu-cheng s Outlook on Japan薛福成的日本观
