战略文化,strategic culture
1)strategic culture战略文化
1.China Nuclear Doctrine: An Analysis Based on Traditional Strategic Culture and Realistic Benefit;中国核战略:传统战略文化与现实利益之分析
2.From the strategic culture perspective, this paper focuses on the root of India s nuclear strategy.本文运用战略文化这一视角来分析印度核战略的国内根源。
3.Chinese traditional strategic culture,as a treasure of our national culture and value,has been affecting and directing the practice and direction of Chinese strategy.中国传统战略文化作为民族的文化瑰宝和价值观念,一直在指导和影响着中国战略的主要实践和基本走向;中国传统战略文化是以特有的地理环境和儒道思想为依托的中华民族的主流战略文化

1.The Impact of Strategic Culture on National Security Strategy;试析战略文化对国家安全战略的影响
2.India's Strategic Culture:Influences on Its National Security Strategy印度战略文化对国家安全战略的影响
3.Strategic Culture and State Behavior: Some Comments on Johnston’s Strategic Culture Theory;战略文化与国家行为——江忆恩战略文化理论述评
4.China Nuclear Doctrine: An Analysis Based on Traditional Strategic Culture and Realistic Benefit;中国核战略:传统战略文化与现实利益之分析
5.The Strategic Cultural Source of US Behavior:A Review on Colin Dueck's Reluctant Crusaders美国行为的战略文化根源:科林·德维克的美国战略文化理论述评
6.Strategic Culture Study in the West: from Culturalism to Constructivism;西方战略文化研究:从文化主义到建构主义
7.A Model on Business Strategic Management: Strategy-Culture-Structure;企业战略管理模型:战略-文化-结构
8.International Strategy and American Culture国际战略与美国文化
9.The Cultural Globalization and the Cultural Sovereignty of China across the Age;文化全球化的挑战与跨世纪的中国文化战略
10.A Probe into the Cultural Difference and Amalgamationin in Strategic Alliance;战略联盟的文化差异与文化融合探析
11.A study on the development of cultural strategies to deal with the challenges of financial crisis拓展文化战略研究 应对金融危机挑战
12.culture and Diplomacy: Post-war US Cultural Strategy;文化与外交:战后美国对外文化战略透视
13.Humanistic Olympics and Stepping-Out Stratege for Chinese Culture Industry;人文奥运和中国文化产业“走出去”战略
14.Cross-culture Management in Small and Medium Enterprise Internationalization Strategy;中小企业国际化战略中的跨文化管理
15.On Cultural Industrial Development Strategy in the View of Globalization;论全球化视野下的文化产业发展战略
16.A Comparative Study on the Strategy of Cultural Development of International Metropolis;国际化城市文化发展战略的比较研究
17.The Strategic Choice between Cultural Globalization and Modern Chinese Culture;文化全球化与当代中国文化的战略抉择
18.Comparison with Draw Lessons from: Cultural Strategy of the Construct on Enterprise Culture of Human- oriented;比较与借鉴:人本企业文化建设的文化战略

Cultural Strategies文化战略
1.Urban Cultural Strategies and its Spatial Influence:A Case Study of Nanjing;南京城市文化战略及其空间效应
3)culture strategy文化战略
1.China must increase culture construction and establish culture strategy in accordance with Chinese national condition so as to foster nationality soul,change people s life style,develop culture industry and enhance ability to resist external decayed culture on 21st.21世纪中国必须加大文化建设,制定符合中国国情的文化战略,培育国家的民族精神,改进人们的生活方式,提高文化产业的发展,增强抵御外来腐朽文化侵蚀的能力。
2.The state of development and environment of private scientific and technological enterprises needs them to implement thinking of development of company culture strategy, technological innovation strategy and the internationalization strategy.民营科技企业的发展状况和发展环境,需要民营科技企业实施企业文化战略、技术创新战略和国际化战略的发展思路。
4)Cultural Strategy文化战略
1.A Study of Cultural Strategy in China s Administrative Development;中国行政发展的文化战略研究
2.The cultural strategy is essential to promote urban image,improve urban competitiveness and sustainable development.实施积极的文化战略,已成为提升城市形象、增强城市竞争力、促进城市可持续发展的必然选择。
3.This paper deals with that the multinational company actively implements personnel global strategy,the human strategy and cultural strategy in the aspect of talent work.本文论述了目前跨国公司在人才工作方面积极推行的全球战略、人本战略和文化战略。
5)nuclear strategic culture核战略文化
1.Chinese nuclear strategic culture is immersed in the pursuit of being cautious in war from the very beginning.慎战思想是"兵学圣典"《孙子兵法》的精髓之一,而中国核战略文化从产生的那一刻起就深深浸润着重战、慎战的理想追求。
6)strategy of cultural industrialization文化产业化战略

“果敢”级战略核潜艇规格:全长425英尺(129.5米),全宽33英尺(10.1米),吃水30英尺(9.1米)装备:洛克希德北极星a3二级潜艇弹道导弹16枚,每枚导弹有三个200000吨单目标多弹头重返大气层载具弹头、齐瓦莱核弹头、533毫米鱼雷发射器6具、马可尼虎鱼mk 24 mod 2鱼雷。主机:一具罗斯莱斯压水冷却式核子反应炉、一组英国电气蒸气涡轮机,航速潜航状态25节。果敢级的设计乃是以勇敢级核动力攻击潜艇为基础,在控制室与核子反应炉之间加入了导弹舱。舰上导弹在80年代进行修整,并装置了具有改进穿透大气能力的新型英国制齐瓦莱弹头,目前每个导弹携带3枚200000吨的mrv。建造中的先锋级在1994年至1998年间服役,并将逐步取代果敢级,不过果敢级的服役年限已受到严重的考验,因为4艘中的3艘已在核子反应炉冷却帮浦上产生了袭缝,目前至少有2艘果敢级潜艇已因上述的技术性问题遭到除役的命运。