森林公安,Forest Police
1)Forest Police森林公安
1.Analysis on Teaching Methods of Forest Police and Forest Firefighting Training;森林公安和森林防火培训教学方法探析
2.This paper deals with some primary problems in criminal investigation of forest police administration from the views of basic work at the grassroot level and criminal law enforcement procedures.从森林公安机关刑侦基层基础工作和刑事执法过程两个方面阐述了存在的主要问题,对完善森林公安刑侦工作提出了一些对策。

1.On Forest Police and Construction of Harmonious Forest;关于森林公安与构建和谐林区的思考
2.Analysis on Teaching Methods of Forest Police and Forest Firefighting Training;森林公安和森林防火培训教学方法探析
3.The students environment moral education of the Forest Police College;论森林公安院校学生的环境道德教育
4.About Strengthening Fire Prevention Supervision of Police Stations under Forestry Police Security;如何强化森林公安派出所的消防监督
5.Late as the start was, the education of forest police has demonstrated a rapid development.森林公安教育工作虽然起步较晚,但发展迅速。
6.Research on Executive Features and Tactic Disposal of Forest Preserve Police;森林公安警务执法特征及战术处置研究
7.Some Problems and Countermeasure about Criminal Investigation of Forest Police Administration;森林公安机关刑侦工作存在的问题及对策
8.Study on the Current Fitness of Students in Nanjing Forest Police College;南京森林公安学校学生基础体能测试与分析
9.Discussion on Methods of Deepening the Training of On-job Forest Police;深化森林公安在职民警培训的措施探讨
10.Problems, Principles and Coumtosmeasures on the Management System in Forest Public Security;森林公安管理体制改革问题、原则及对策
11.On Subject System Construction of "Criminal Science and Technology"in Forest Public Security;论森林公安“刑事科学技术”学科体系建设
12.A review on long distance training and education for information technohogy in forest police对森林公安情报信息技术远程培训教育的探讨
13.Ponder over the skill training of forest police of our country对我国森林公安民警实战技能训练的思考
14.On Necessity of Information-handlingy Training in Forest Police森林公安情报信息处理技术培训必要性的研究
15.Evaluation of Scenery Resource Quality in Xing an National Forest Park;兴安国家森林公园风景资源质量评价
16.Economic Analysis on the Forest Ecosystem Services of Yong an Forestry Management Area of Fujian Yong an Forestry(Group) Joint-Stock Co Ltd;“永安林业”永安经营区森林生态系统公共服务功能经济分析
17.Analysis of Tourists Structure and Their Behavior Characteristics of Yan an National Forest Park;延安国家森林公园游客结构及行为特征分析
18.To Create the Tourism Brand with the Guoxin Forest Park;以鸡心岭国心森林公园打造安康旅游品牌

forest public security森林公安
1.Some problems that restrict police substation s successful conduction on forest public security are reflected mainly in these aspects: the relationships between police substations don t conform to the standard; police substations with larger setup but on smaller scale and less staff don t play full role.目前制约森林公安派出所顺利开展工作的一些问题主要表现在派出所隶属关系不规范,派出所机构摊子大、规模小、人员少,职能作用没有得到充分发挥。
2.The paper analyzes completely the existent problems in management function, organizational installment, establishment outlay, leadership structure, staff building in management system of forest public security.文章从管理职能、人员编制、机构设置、经费保障、队伍管理等五个方面,系统分析了森林公安现行管理体制存在的主要问题,论述了森林公安管理体制改革的根本目的、指导思想和改革过程中应坚持的原则,提出了森林公安管理体制改革的6条对策。
3.It s a critical move towards defending national ecological safety, implementing sustainable development strategy and constructing harmonious development between man and nature, by way of reforming present management structure of forest public security, forming a specialized law enforcement personnel to conserve wildlife resources and maintain the stability.森林公安作为我国维护生态安全的重要力量,迫切需要改革自身管理体制,从而建立起一支强大的维护森林及野生动植物资源、维护生态安全以及林区社会秩序的专业执法队伍,为实施可持续发展战略、构建人与自然和谐发展保驾护航。
3)forest public security administration森林公安机关
1.The investigation on digital literature resources\' application and sharing requirement had been conducted with questionnaires in forest public security administrations all over the country,and obtained data had been statistically analyzed and summarized.采用调查问卷方式,对全国森林公安数字文献资源应用现状及共享需求进行调查,对回收的数据做统计分析和归纳总结认为:在森林公安机关单位,虽然互联网数字资源的应用日趋明显,但传统纸质文献的运用还相当普遍;对数字资源的使用还有一定局限,获取渠道比较单一;在数字文献资源的建设和应用上还存在资金、人才、设施等诸多困难。
4)Huang an national forest park华安国家森林公园
5)Xing an National Forest Park兴安国家森林公园
1.Evaluation of Scenery Resource Quality in Xing an National Forest Park;兴安国家森林公园风景资源质量评价
6)criminal technology in forest public security森林公安"刑事技术"

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。