书目情报服务,bibliography information service
1)bibliography information service书目情报服务
1.Investigation of bibliography information service present situation of Xinxiang University Library Under the network environment网络环境下新乡市高校图书馆书目情报服务现状调查
2.Compared with traditional bibliography information service,the mode of bibliography information service has changed a lot,and the emphases of research divert to internet resource.数字环境下,书目情报服务面临着新的机会和挑战。
3.The paper investigates and analyzes network bibliography information service of 25 regular college libraries in Guangdong province.对广东省25所本科院校图书馆的网络书目情报服务进行了调查与分析。

1.Development of Information Service Under Digital Surroundings;数字环境下书目情报服务的发展研究
2.New Features of Digital Bibliographic Information Service in University Library高校图书馆数字书目情报服务的新特点
3.Research on Online Bibliography Information Service of University Libraries in the Northwest西北地区高校图书馆网络书目情报服务研究
4.Research and Analysis on Bibliography Information Services of Higher Vocational Colleges in Jiangsu Province江苏省高职院校图书馆书目情报服务的调查与分析
5.Investigation of bibliography information service present situation of Xinxiang University Library Under the network environment网络环境下新乡市高校图书馆书目情报服务现状调查
6.On Competitive Intelligence of Enterprises and Information Services of College Libraries;论企业竞争情报与高校图书馆情报服务
7.Discussion on the Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Service of University Library;浅析高校图书馆的企业竞争情报服务
8.Take Human Beings as the Essential and Improve Library Information Service;以人为本,完善高校图书信息情报服务
9.The Impact and Influence of Modern Information Technology on Traditional Books Information Service;现代信息技术对图书情报服务的影响
10.An Elementary Introduction to the Serviceable Effects of Information in a Collegiate Library;浅谈高校图书馆情报信息的服务作用
11.A Study of the Formulation of a Knowledge Service System in the Field of Library and Information图书情报领域知识服务体系构建研究
12.Superficial View on Knowledge Economic and Information Service of College Library浅谈知识经济与高职院校图书馆情报信息服务
13.The Studies of Customized Information Service System on Web2.0 Based;基于Web2.0的图书情报个性化服务系统的研究
14.The Orientation of the Institution of Library and Information in the Industry of Mordern Information Service;图书情报机构在现代信息服务业中的定位
15.The Book and Information Institution is the Principal Force of Enterprise s Information Consultancy Service;图书情报机构是企业信息化咨询服务的主力军
16.On Function of Science and Technology Information Service in Collegiate Libraries;谈高校图书馆科技情报服务工作的作用
17.The Thinking of Librory Information Service Under the New situation;对新形势下图书馆情报信息服务的思考
18.Selective Dissemination of Information Service in Medical College and University Libraries under the Network Environment网络环境下医学高校图书馆的定题情报服务

bibliographic information service书目情报服务
1.Compared with the traditional library services,the bibliographic information services under network environment have cause many changes in forms and content.跟传统图书馆服务相比,网络环境下的书目情报服务内容、形式发生了许多变化,用户更加注重信息的情报价值,书目情报服务呈现出个性化、集成化、产业化的发展趋势。
2.This paper introduces the contents of bibliographic information service of university library, and advances some corresponding methods for solving the humanistic problems in bibliographic information service of university library.介绍了高校图书馆书目情报服务的主要内容,并对在图书馆书目情报服务中存在的若干人文问题提出了相应的解决方法。
3.The paper has analyzed the achievements and problems in bibliographic information service development in our university library,and put forward countermeasures to improve our university bibliographic information resources under network environment.系统地阐述了近年来我国高校图书馆书目情报服务发展的过程、现状及存在的问题,提出了在网络环境下提升书目情报服务的相应对策。
3)bibliographical information service system书目情报服务体系
1.On the basis of probing into the present research of bibliographical information,this academic thesis focuses on the relationship between bibliography and education and puts forward the design,pattern and the technical process of creating bibliographical information service system so as to enhance the educational function of bibliographical information.本文从书目情报研究现状出发 ,探讨了目录学与教育的关系 ,提出了构建书目情报服务体系的设想与模式以及流程 ,进而更好地发挥书目情报的教育职
4)bibliographic information书目情报
1.Review and commentary on the theoretical discussion of bibliographic information;对书目情报问题讨论的回顾与述评
2.The essence of bibliographic information is Meta-knowledge,which is the knowledge about knowledge.书目情报的实质是元知识,即关于知识的知识;书目情报工作实际上就是元知识管理,亦即元知识的生产、组织与服务。
5)Bibliography information书目情报
1.In the navigation of Internet information resources, bibliography information have some important functions, such as improving the intelligence of navigation tools, structuring logically orderly information space, strengthening the learning function of system, and promoting the knowledge sharing.论述书目情报在网络信息资源导航中具有增强知识性、协助构建逻辑有序的信息空间、增强系统指导学习功能和促进知识共享等作用。
2.From the viewpoint of modern information communicology, the article discussed the issues of the service of bibliography information of music periodical as well as the lower utilization rate of music periodical commonly.文章从现代信息传播学的角度,对音乐期刊利用率普遍较低和音乐期刊书目情报服务等问题进行探讨。
6)bibliographical information书目情报
1.Comparisons between the classifications of bibliographical information and docum ents;书目情报、书目文献类型划分比较
2.The theory of bibliographical information and the theory of documentary information are raised in the development of scientific exchanges system,to balance the contradiction,which is between the disordering of production and flowing and the ordering of usefulness.书目情报理论和文献信息理论产生于科学交流、情报交流体系发展中,解决文献信息的生产和流动的无序性与利用的有序性要求之间的矛盾,更好地满足社会信息需求,实现文献信息的潜在价值。
3.Under the support of network environment, to deepen bibliographical information service relies on the bibliographic information education of the clients, and on high quality bibliographic information product.网络环境下传统的书目情报服务方式正面临着新的挑战。

情报服务  情报部门利用其服务系统或设备满足用户需求的过程。主要指检索服务、咨询服务、阅览服务、借阅服务、代译服务、文献复制服务和馆(所)际互借服务等。    检索服务  从众多的文献或文献集合中查找出情报询问中指定特征或特定用户在特定时间所需情报的操作过程。检索服务通常分文献检索、数值检索和事实检索    咨询服务  根据情报用户提出的问题,情报部门向用户提供解决问题的线索、数据、文献或系统资料以及其他情报成果的服务工作。    阅览服务  情报部门向读者提供阅览场所,设置具备阅览条件的阅览室;向读者开放书库,使读者能自由地接近馆藏文献, 即实行开架式阅览; 组织文献展览,包括定期与不定期的、专题性的与综合性的、固定的与巡迴的、单一类型文献与多种类型文献的展览。    借阅服务  阅览服务是把读者利用资料的地方限制在文献?詹卮λ冢柙姆裨蛟市矶琳甙盐南鬃柿闲龉萃猓谝欢ㄊ奔淠诜旁谑直呤褂谩?菇柙姆瘢扇∪啡隙琳吒鋈松矸莸牡羌侵贫龋⒎⒏柙闹ぃ约蚧蘸蠼柙牡氖中?    代译服务  根据用户委托、为帮助用户克服语言障碍而提供的翻译服务。分笔译和口译两种形式。随着各国间文化交往、科技交流和贸易往来的增进,翻译工作量与日俱增。为了满足用户对翻译服务的需求,世界上许多国家纷纷建立起翻译服务机构。为了避免重复劳动,开展译文登记和协调工作。近年来,中国许多情报部门建立了专业性和综合性的翻译公司,做了大量有益的工作,受到用户的欢迎。    复制服务  是阅览与借阅服务的延伸和发展。情报部门为了传播情报,满足用户获得馆藏文献资料的需求,必须开展复制服务;在满足用户对不外借文献资料的需要时,复制服务所起的作用尤为显著。    馆际互借服务  由于各文献收藏单位的收藏范围、品种、多寡各不相同,因而在为用户服务过程中,常有不能满足用户需要的情况,另方面又有一些文献收藏单位的某些资料无人问津,为解决这一问题,采用馆际之间互相利用馆藏的办法,以满足用户需要和充分发挥馆藏的作用,做到文献资源共享,即馆际互借。馆际互借关系可以是双边的,也可以是多边的,可在本国和国际间开展。    此外,由于情报工作手段的现代化,出现了一些新的情报服务形式,如"新到文献目次页"复制服务、定题服务、"进行中科研项目"情报服务、声像服务等。