医学信息检索,Medical information retrieval
1)Medical information retrieval医学信息检索
1.Effects of medical information retrieval on editing medical journals;医学信息检索对医学文稿编辑加工的作用
2.This paper briefly introduces the meaning of Big6 model, and probes into the practice and experiences of how to introduce Big6 model into medical information retrieval teaching.简要介绍了Big6模式,探讨了将Big6模式引入到医学信息检索教学的实践和体会。
3.Based on wanfang data,the chapter frame and contents of the collected medical information retrieval text books were analyzed in this paper.以万方数据为例,对所收集到的医学信息检索教材章节框架、编写内容进行调查分析,探讨了信息技术、信息资源的发展对信息检索教材编写、资源分类的影响,并就教材中资源分类进行了讨论。

1.Discussion about the New Retrieval Way of Medical Information under Web2.0 EnvironmentWeb2.0环境下医学信息检索新途径初探
2.Construction of information retrieval excellent course: Exploration and practice医学信息检索精品课程建设的探索与实践
3.Research on Evaluation of Classroom Teaching Quality on Medical Information Retrieval Courses医学信息检索课课堂教学质量评价研究
4.Design and implementation of the Network-based Examination System on Medical Literature Retrieval;医学信息检索课网络考试系统的设计与实现
5.Application of Case Teaching Method in Medical Information Retrieval Teaching for Graduate Students;案例教学法在研究生医学信息检索教学中的应用
6.Innovation and Practice on Curricular System and Teaching Mode of Medical Information Retrieval and Utilization“医学信息检索与利用”课程内容体系及教学模式的创新与实践
7.Teaching Reform and Practice of Medical Information Retrieval Course for Postgraduates研究生中西医学信息检索课程的教学改革与实践
8.Medical information retrieval and use-curriculum reform based on "USA information literacy competency standards for higher education"基于“美国高等教育信息素养能力标准”的“医学信息检索与利用”课程改革
9.Carrying out Research-Oriented Teaching of Information Retrieval for Medical Undergraduates;对医学本科生开展研究性信息检索教学的探索
10.Medical Information Literacy and the Innovation of Medical Information Retrieval Course医药信息素养与医药信息检索课创新
11.Construction and implementation of information retrieval course for foreign medical students in China临床医学留学生信息检索课的构建与实施
12.Medical Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Projection Information and Texture Information;基于投影和纹理信息融合的医学图像检索
13.Information Retrieval Teaching Practice and Consider in Network Environment网络环境下医药信息检索教学实践与思考
14.Practice of Teaching Reform of Undergraduates Information Retrieval Course in Southern Medical University南方医科大学本科生信息检索课教改的实践
15.Search and Application of Prevention Medicine Information under the Circumstances of Network Environment网络环境下预防医学信息的检索与应用
16.Applications of the unified medical language system in medical science information retrieval;一体化医学语言系统在医学科技信息检索中的应用
17.Summery of The Serial Course of Information Retrieval--general statement of The Serial Course of Information Retrieval;钩玄提要信息检索学——《信息检索系列教程》总序
18.Medical Information Retrieval Based on Standard Terminology of RIM;基于RIM标准术语接口的医疗信息检索

Medical Information Retrieval Course医学信息检索课
1.This paper probes into the necessity and feasibility of applying the bilingual teaching in medical information retrieval course,constructs the sectional bilingual teaching model in medical information retrieval course,and based on the problems probably occur in the bilingual teaching of medical information retrieval course,puts forward some corresponding countermeasures.探讨了在医学信息检索课教学中运用双语教学的必要性与可行性,构建了医学信息检索课分段式双语教学模式,基于双语教学中可能遇到的问题,提出了相应的对策。
2.The teaching contents,time and methods of medical information retrieval course,as well as examination and textbook compilation for the foreign students in China were introduced,and some points of experience with its implementation were summarized.通过对留学生医学信息检索课在教学内容与课时安排、教学方法、教学手段、考核方式以及教材编写等方面的构建情况介绍,总结了课程实施过程中的几点体会。
3)Medical information retrieval system医学信息检索系统
4)medical information retrieval and use医学信息检索与利用
1.The contents in teaching reform of medical information retrieval and use-curriculum were established based on the "USA information literacy competency standards for higher education" and constructionism learning theory.现代信息社会对医学生的信息素养提出了更高的要求,基于《美国高等教育信息素养能力标准》和建构主义学习理论,确立了医学本科生"医学信息检索与利用"课程的教学改革内容,并针对每一条标准设计了相应的教学内容与模式。
5)medical information retrieval医药信息检索
1.User s multi-interest processing in medical information retrieval;医药信息检索中的用户多兴趣处理技术
6)information retrieval teaching信息检索教学
1.Preliminary discussion on information retrieval teaching in continuingnursing education;继续护理学教育开展信息检索教学的探索

联机医学文献分析和检索系统  美国国立医学图书馆建立的国际联机情报检索系统和图书馆自动化网络。见医学文献分析与检索系统。